Bell denies convicted drug dealer Lamm is campaigning with him




Keith Bell


Tribune Chief Reporter


DESMOND Bannister, FREE National Movement candidate for Carmichael, yesterday accused State Minister of National Security Keith Bell of campaigning alongside convicted drug dealer and former Progressive Liberal Party campaign general Carlos Lamm.

Firing back, Senator Bell denied those claims as “absolutely untrue”, adding that it was unfortunate Mr Bannister had decided to target a reformed man because he felt politically threatened.

Senator Bell was recently ratified by the PLP to represent the Carmichael constituency.

In a press statement, Mr Bannister, a former Cabinet minister, alleged that he had been inundated for several weeks with complaints from Carmichael constituents, who claim that Lamm and “other disreputable persons” have been canvassing the area with Mr Bell.

He maintained that the alleged campaign association was a “grave disservice” to law-abiding members of the Carmichael community, and a betrayal of the sacred oath Mr Bell swore to the Bahamian people.

“Constituents complain that Lamm has been visiting their homes to introduce the minister,” Mr Bannister said.

“How can citizens trust the minister to protect them from the criminal element when he surrounds himself with persons who personify that element? In these days of ever-rising crime, how can the minister consort with persons of such ill repute?

“The minister’s actions confirm our worst fears about his government’s close relationship with the criminal element in our society.”

Mr Bannister added: “The minister of state is warned to be careful of the message that he sends to our vulnerable children when his canvassing team consists of convicted law breakers and undesirables.”

Lamm spearheaded the 2012 election campaign of Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald, and had a significant role in the PLP’s Abaco by-election campaign.

After the PLP won the May 2012 general election, Lamm’s company, JFK Construction, was awarded more than $100,000 in school repair contracts.

He was found guilty of having three-and-a-half pounds of marijuana with intent to supply, and sentenced to one year in prison and a $5,000 fine in February 2013.

The charge was related to a police seizure in December 2009.

Yesterday, Senator Bell said: “The statement is absolutely untrue, and I would call on Mr Bannister to reveal who has complained because it never happened. (Lamm) never campaigned with me.

“He is a schoolmate of mine, he is a good friend. I have no issues with him, he is a kind and nice person, and this is a government that believes in second chances.

“It is unfortunate that he feels threatened by Mr Lamm. There are more than enough persons in Carmichael. All of our stalwart councillors and very strong party supporters, any number of them have come out in strong support of me. It is unfortunate that he is going to take issue with an individual that has served his time, let him move on.”


BMW 8 years, 1 month ago

This guy is a perfect example of what this country does not need in the HOA. Scoolmate and good friend, give me a break. Bahamians are tired of second chances, they are tired of being treted like second rate citizens in their own country. Be gone all you crooks.

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