'No disrespect to PM'

“We March” organiser Ranard Henfield addresses the crowd at the Black Friday march in Rawson Square. Photo/Shawn Hanna

“We March” organiser Ranard Henfield addresses the crowd at the Black Friday march in Rawson Square. Photo/Shawn Hanna


Tribune Staff Reporter


COMMUNITY activist Ranard Henfield, organiser of Friday’s “We March Bahamas” protest, said he meant no disrespect in refusing to meet with Prime Minister Perry Christie about protestors’ concerns, adding that his group will not relent in its push to get their demands met.

Speaking as a guest on the 96.9 FM show, The Revolution hosted by Juan McCartney, Mr Henfield said he never had intentions to sit and meet with Mr Christie.

He said he was of the view that the prime minister would address concerns put forth by his group in the public domain in a time frame prescribed by the group.

Last Tuesday, protest organisers issued a list of 23 non-partisan demands to the prime minister and several of his Cabinet ministers.

They also called for a public response to their letter on the steps of the House of Assembly.

Mr Christie in a five-page statement released last Thursday stressed that he was “painfully aware” that the country had suffered tremendous setbacks, ultimately issuing an invite to the group to meet.

“I meant no disrespect in refusing to meet with the prime minister, but I think the letters on November 9 and 22 are very clear,” said Mr Henfield.

“I did not ask to meet with the prime minister you know, the demands were clear; we want these things done to empower and enrich every Bahamian regardless of their political affiliation and we want these things done by November 25. Should you not do these things for us by November 25, should you not amend these acts of Parliament; put forth new legislation on these issues, instruct the attorney general to commence certain court actions, for the beach access for example.

“Should you not do these things, we will move to stage two, and stage two means we will move people to vote into the hundreds or in the thousands. We did that at the march on Friday, with the Parliamentary Registration (Department), that registered so many people in to the night hours that they ran out of voter’s cards,” he added.

“We said in stage two that it would be that we would create focus groups; and we had thousands of people signed up at that march to be a part of focus groups or a national think tank in which they were putting forth their suggestions on how we fix this country.”

The organisers’ refusal to meet with Mr Christie has been described as arrogant and disappointing by some Cabinet ministers.

Yesterday, Mr Henfield also dismissed Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller’s challenge for the community activist to run as a candidate in the next general election.

On Sunday, Mr Miller said he would pay the activist $1,000 for every vote beyond 200 he receives if he runs in the 2017 general election.

Brushing off the challenge, Mr Henfield told The Tribune he had no time to “squabble with a potcake.”

He said: “That is the problem with these career politicians. They want you to get down and fight in the mud with them when you offer up national advice. I would be idiotic to argue back and forth with Mr Miller. I am here, working from the community and I will not relent until we have the best possible government in place.

“They put their egos above people. I will not make that mistake and I am not running in any election. I am not interested in his ego trip.”


The activist also criticised the “gross levels” of power held by the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), which he thinks will lead to the Bahamas’ demise if left unchecked by the people.

Urging voters to “see reality”, Mr Henfield claimed that the OPM has, through successive governments, accrued a level of power that could border on a dictatorship if left in “the wrong hands.”

Speaking to The Tribune yesterday, Mr Henfield said he has to “ring the alarm,” insisting that a progressive Bahamas could not be experienced under the thumb of a “power-centric government.”

“This is a message that we have to stay on, Bahamians have to see what is really at play here. There has to be concern when you have a leader that can work without any checks and balances. I mean really, who does our prime minister answer to when it comes down to his decisions?

“My references don’t just speak to the man, know this is beyond the current Prime Minister Perry Christie. This is about the office that can grant Crown land when it feels. Additionally, there are no term limits; that is the core of the issue.

“There needs to be a process where we restrict some of that power and impose a level of rule and checks and balances to that office. Unless, we will face the consequences when that office falls to someone with a warped sense of governance.”

Mr Henfield urged the implementation of term limits for the post of prime minister and the immediate removal of the Crown land portfolio from the nation’s leader.

Moreover, Mr Henfield recommended that the Bahamas should consider moving away from a democratic parliamentary style of governance to a republic, enabling a more shared level of power between the judiciary, legislative and executive branches of government.

Mr Henfield said he believes it would take roughly 20 years to make the necessary constitutional and societal changes needed to be recognised as a republic, but insisted that this was a process the country of the Bahamas has to begin to move toward.

Mr Henfield launched the Our Carmichael community outreach initiative in October of 2015.

Since its start, the group has organised a home and auto insurance programme, a job training agency, a fun day, its own senior citizens programme, a residential alarm monitoring programme with free alarm systems and its own drone crime watch.


sealice 8 years, 3 months ago

Mr. Henfields correct in the “gross levels” of power held by the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), which he thinks will lead to the Bahamas’ demise if left unchecked by the people.

The PLP with the help of their chingro friends look like they are trying to push the country to Communism and not the good kind

DonAnthony 8 years, 3 months ago

These arrogant, thin skinned, fat cat politicians, especially Fred Mitchell, seem to forget they are supposed to be servants of the people. We pay the salary of the prime minister, not the other way around. And no disrespect but we are tired of being neglected and abused by his government and all previous ones as well. He thinks one letter and the promise of a meeting can placate our just grievances. We are tired, tired, tired of his platitudes and false promises, he will find out shortly at the ballot box.

Voltaire 8 years, 3 months ago

Henfield is right not to meet with Christie. Meet for what? You done been told what the people want Mr. PM. Now, either give them what they have asked for, or don't and face the electoral consequences. Nothing to talk about.

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrades, if your objective was truly never to be political, why is it when for months leading up Black Friday's Protest, the organizers repeatedly called for the nation's elected prime minister's PLP government to demonstrate a better way of being more open in how the government communicates with the people, yet the “black robed” displayed poor judgment in quickly rejecting the PM's offer to meet face to face with the “black robed” to discuss a promising better way of life for the people starting with changing how the PLP government communicates with the people. Hello?
Comrades, meeting with the PM, would not have interfered with whatever course the protest organizers were on and could have continued until the meeting with the PM had produced concrete action.
The organizers should have responded to the PM's offer with, yes Mr. PM, we will not only be there at your office to discuss a promising better way forward for the people but we will be there as often as you invite us to meet with you because there are a lot of important and people pressing issues that we need to discuss with you.
Comrades wearing them "black robes," now that you have publicly forced the PM to shut his office door to the "black robes,' what's going be your next 'political' move?
How long before you lock arms with the red Movements House of Assembly's Coup's MP's? When will you shed your black robes for the new political party's colour of "AHRANGE" locking arms with the Red Coups MP's to be climbing up those stairs leading to the Governor General?


HarryWyckoff 8 years, 3 months ago

This has all been explained, and makes 100% sense to anyone that is not a PLP Shill.

The organizers, like the majority of the population, have ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST IN ANYTHING THE PM HAS TO SAY.

He's been talking and talking and talking for 4+ years. No one gives a sh*t any more about is 'imminent' and 'nearly ready' and 'soon' bullcrap.

No one has time or patience for more hot air, more empty promises, more time wasting waffle while the government running around making sure they've properly hidden all the money they have STOLEN from the people of the Bahamas.

Actually DO SOMETHING of substance or shut the eff up!!!

And you, TalRussell, are no better than the thieving, lying, pontificating scum currently you work so hard to defend. You are a traitor of the highest order, willing to destroy this nation in order to protect the 'good' name of these thieves.

Sit small, and while while you're sitting, maybe learn how to string a sentence together in English.

DDK 8 years, 3 months ago

Mr. Henfield's comments about "becoming a republic" are interesting if not exactly clear.

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrade DDK, the "black robes" deputy leader said he believes it would take roughly 20 years to make the necessary constitutional and societal changes needed to be recognized as a republic. Number one, what ignorance as to the tools already at the disposal of whatever political party is in place to begin dropping many of the colonial trappings in place. Regardless of what you think good or bad about our grip onto the colonial system, it is not what makes today's politicians act in the ways they do, absolutely nothing to do it.
I must ask what 'societal changes" is this protestor talking about? Are you sure he is not Comrade Graham (Has So Many Instant Solutions To What Can be Complicated Problems) Rutherford, masquerading around on Bay Street in a "black robe?"

HarryWyckoff 8 years, 3 months ago

No one was in 'black robes', you stupid as$.

People wore black clothing to show solidarity.

Something you only share with the government theives you desperately try to defend with overblown, and largely incomprehensible, drivel you seem to think will make you sound like you actually know how to write in English.

You are the poster child for a failed school system - you learned a few words, but have no idea how they all work.

Alex_Charles 8 years, 3 months ago

I support moving towards a republic and away from the Fuhrer like powers of which the PM currently enjoys. Maybe if our system actually operation properly my opinion would be different.

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrade Alex_Charles, are you sure you're not confusing the governing traits of the two "former law partners"?

Alex_Charles 8 years, 3 months ago

both enjoyed the same immense power afforded to them under the constitution. One operated like Stalin , Minus the killings, and the other operates like Dubya Bush

realfreethinker 8 years, 3 months ago

Who the F@#K Perry think he is He has been disrespecting us all his life,now him and his boys want cvatch feeling? Screw you and fred,jerome and dorsett

BahamaPundit 8 years, 3 months ago

Mr. Christie needs to meet with himself. He knows in his heart the foolishness he has done, unless he is completely stupid. He knows what he did with Baha Mar is a sin against the Bahamian public and that the public has the right to know about any concessions granted. He knows his Attorney General was completely conflicted and should never have been permitted to negotiate with the Chinese on behalf of the Bahamas. He knows that a Freedom of Information Act MUST be enacted to make the Bahamas a transparent and modern democracy. He knows that the Chinese should be nowhere near our fishing grounds and that BOB was robbed blind and the robbers should be prosecuted. He knows that every cent of VAT should be accounted for and that BAMSI should have had insurance. If he knows what he must do but choses not to do it of his own accord, he is a law breaker of his own morality and conscience. Why then meet with such a man that has chosen to play the ASS with himself, rather than get real and man up. Surely, meeting with him will not change a frog into a prince.

BMW 8 years, 3 months ago

I have jeard it said that tje best way to deal with politicians is in the public domain, that way everything said is documented and cannot have any spin attached. Private meetings are that. No one really knows whats said or agreed to. Keep it in the public domain. The march has sjaken this administration to the very core. Be safe and watch your back Mr. Henfield!!!!

birdiestrachan 8 years, 3 months ago

Mr: Hendfield will have his time in the spot light, enjoy. But what really matters is how people will vote when the elections are called. I have no idea of how many persons are impressed by him. I am not.

realfreethinker 8 years, 3 months ago

We aint impress by your emperor/king perry

Voltaire 8 years, 3 months ago

Surprising that, Birdie. I wonder why?

SP 8 years, 3 months ago

................... Ranard Henfield Has more Sense Than Christie Can Imagine ......................

Well done Mr. Henfield, stay the course. Do not lower yourself to their level of asinine stupidity!

By not meeting with PM Christie, he and his replicator drone pirates suddenly find themselves in unchartered waters. We have been talking and begging with "OUR EMPLOYEES" long enough and all they do is talk caca, make promises which they never keep and string us along like donkeys trying to catch the proverbial carrot dangling on a string. ENOUGH TALK!

PLP and FNM effectively used "private talk meetings" to undermine unions for decades to the point they are now watered down, powerless, shell versions of what they ought to be.

No more talk. They can do as they are told by the electorate our WE WILL FIRE THEM same as with any other wayward employee!

BahamaPundit 8 years, 3 months ago

What Mr. Christie still fails to realize is the "We" in We March. He cannot ask to meet with Mr. Henfield, because the movement is not Mr. Henfield. He cannot meet with one or a few when the movement is all Bahamians. He must meet with US to discuss our crown land, our freedom of information, our fiscal responsibility. This paradigm shift has not yet clicked inside his calcified brain. I hope and pray that he someday realizes that his foe was never the FNM nor the DNA. His masters and his boss are the Bahamian people! It is the Bahamian people he has treated like garbage (stealing their hard earned VAT to make merry with) and it is with them that he should beg forgiveness.

Jetflt 8 years, 3 months ago

Tell CHRISTIE you'll meet him at the ballot box and he'll get to see where the X is going! His days are numbered my brothers and sisters!

Jetflt 8 years, 3 months ago

TalRussell - do you drink or do drugs before you begin to write and spew more horsesh-t than I've ever read or heard in all my life! You make absolutely no sense whatsoever when you write! Go back to the island man and crawl under a rock. Better yet, go back to school!

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrade Jetflt, I am a simple person and most proud to have graduated from the Alternative Academy Whisky (AAW).

Socrates 8 years, 3 months ago

hopefully one day we'll get past this sissy BS about disrespect, etc., everytime people don't bow to politicians. this kind of god syndrome mentality has to end!

OMG 8 years, 3 months ago

Meeting with the PM is not disrespectful simply a realistic understanding that it would simply be a waste of time and just the PM saying what he wanted the demonstrators to hear. On the other hand the list of demands is in my view far to extensive and should be shortened to the most important and critical issues such as transparency of government spending . They have ignored public sentiment for far to long and Fred Mitchells recent comment epitomizes what these men in power really think about the public. Oh and reducing the deficit is not the same as reducing the national debt ,all it really means is that we have increased our spending and the new found taxes have reduced the amount we have borrowed.

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrades! To those who think our constitution gives the prime minister too much power you need read on cause a few for and by the people good and honourable man's and woman's can change that power rapidly and unpredictably. For those who are calling for a Republic as if it comes with all the answers you need understand that so much can be changed under the existing constitution to reign-in the monstrous power of the PM's Office (PMO).
And, change will not require the dressing up of protestors in the hundreds in funeral looking black robes to be marching down Bay Street who are afraid to meet the PM face to face.
Comrades, I sure hope someone is writing down to preserve for future generations all that has transpired on Bay Street over the past days.

banker 8 years, 3 months ago

The truth will set you free. You should try it sometimes. Also this may help to get your posts understood: https://www.udemy.com/easy-english-gram…

SP 8 years, 3 months ago

............. How The Fook Can PLP & FNM Make Secret Deals With OUR Money? ...............

Something drastically wrong when the EMPLOYEE takes the EMPLOYERS money to make private secret deals!

This is a classic case of the tale wagging the dog.

We will not stand for anymore government under the table, back door Cabinet deals and asinine stupidity.


birdiestrachan 8 years, 3 months ago

Mr: Hendfield must be the "Rip Van Wrinkle" of the Bahamas, The policies he wants changed are the same policies that were under the FNM Government for 15 years. Hendfield " Black Friday " is all about America and their sale after Thanksgiving. Sir you lack originality. unless you would have came up with a better name.

Now they say that "Bahamian Lawyers are a dime a dozen" Could it be that you are having many slow days at the office.?

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