Tribune Chief Reporter
THE Progressive Liberal Party’s convention is still on track to be held next month as major hurricane Matthew makes its way through the country this week.
PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts confirmed Tuesday that the party is not likely to postpone its highly anticipated elections for a second time despite projections that this storm’s potential damage will far outpace that of last year’s Hurricane Joaquin.
The last PLP convention was held in 2009.
“The convention is still on,” Mr Roberts said. “We delayed it the last time now we have to proceed with it. You have the hurricanes and the storms of life, but life must go on.”
The PLP’s convention was planned for November 2015, but was rescheduled for April 2016 because of the devastation left by Hurricane Joaquin in the Family Islands and recovery efforts that were underway at the time.
The April date was then rescheduled to later this year to focus attention on the June referendum on gender equality, which was lost.
So far, only former Attorney General Alfred Sears has announced his intention to challenge Prime Minister Perry Christie for the PLP’s top post. It will be the first challenge to his leadership since Bain and Grants Town MP Dr Bernard Nottage and attorney Paul Moss faced him in 2009.
When asked about the prospect of another postponement, Mr Christie said on Monday: “I hope not. Even if it’s just people coming to vote, so I can put it behind me.”
Mr Christie has previously said that he is not concerned with Mr Sears’ bid, pointing to “his record” and his “value” as key elements to ensure his re-election at the party’s convention next month.
Last month, Agriculture and Marine Resources Minister V Alfred Gray insisted that the prime minister was “entrenched” in the party’s top post and Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said while it is good for people to see democracy at work during the convention where all posts will be open for challenge, she was “quite sure” and “firm” that Mr Christie will win hands down.
Required 8 years, 2 months ago
All this means is that Bradley and Perry have already paid all the bribes...
TalRussell 8 years, 2 months ago
Comrades! Considering The PLP has not held a convention since 2009, even though the party is mandated by its constitution to hold regular conventions, it's normal strategic planning to announce that your convention will be held during or immediately after a hurricane is expected to reach landfall.
After all, isn't his how "Big Bad" Brad's political management organization skills sets its objectives. In the best interest of the people and the nation - y'all PLP convention going have be canceled, again?
A baby born in 2009 is how do the damn math? Compare this to the inspiration of Long island's Loretta who even dipped $100,000 deep into her own bank account to fund her Red Party's sudden convention?
My, my, how Loretta must now be wishing she had not dipped $100,000 deep into her bank account.
sheeprunner12 8 years, 2 months ago
The PLP convention was postponed last year under the pretense of hurricane Joaquin that affected 10% of the country .................. now they will have the convention this year after the hurricane hit 100% of the country .................. this is how jokey the PLP politicians are ......... nothing like freebies to soothe desperate Bahamians ( a political windfall) .......... but nothing can save the PLP from the impending judgment in Election 2017 ......... the writing is on the wall according to Matthew
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