DNA convention to ‘re-write’ politics in The Bahamas

DNA Leader Branville McCartney.

DNA Leader Branville McCartney.


Tribune Staff Reporter


DEMOCRATIC National Alliance (DNA) Leader Branville McCartney yesterday promised that his party’s two-day convention at the end of this month would “re-write” all political norms in The Bahamas, as the group looks to offer a glimpse into “democracy the DNA’s way”.

According to the former Bamboo Town MP, the DNA will roll out a convention and campaign model “unlike anything ever seen before,” insisting that Bahamians have grown tired of the “promise the world and deliver the bare minimum” style of governance offered by successive governments.

Mr McCartney said: “We have preached good governance and above-board democracy from our inception as a party. Our convention is where we will offer a glimpse into what it would look like if we were to be elected the next government of The Bahamas.”

While brushing off all concerns about possible challenges to his leadership, Mr McCartney contended that efforts are underway at all levels of the DNA to ensure that a “modern style” of politics could be executed if the party is successful in the 2017 elections.

“We are looking forward to a very good convention. While this is our first convention, it is our third election process. But unlike those other parties, our convention isn’t solely about an election. Yes, the parties’ elections are important, but the drafting of clear and implementable strategies and policies are just as much, if not more important,” he said.

“We want to prove to the Bahamian people that we have plans ready to implement from day one to turn this country around. We believe that this is where we can separate ourselves from the other parties out there. I can tell you firmly that there will be no dancing involved here. We aren’t here to party or have a good time,” he said.

“We are focused on improving our party’s constitution and our policy positions. The Bahamas is in dire need of a political organisation that is dedicated on improving this country, not socialising and playing politics. There needs to be a shift in what politics looks to do and we plan to offer just that.”

Mr McCartney said the party would strengthen its stance on term limits by changing the language in its constitution with regards to the topic to show firmer wording; changing from “may” to “shall”.

Additionally, the party will look to ratify its positions on crime, the economy, jobs, education and immigration.

According to party officials, the convention will feature morning and evening secessions.

The mornings will be reserved for internal party matters, while the evening sessions will be built around speeches and “critical discussions”.

The DNA was originally scheduled to host its convention last November, but opted to postpone the event in the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Joaquin.

DNA Chairman Andrew Wilson at that time said the “thousands of dollars” which would have been spent on the “usual pomp and pageantry” of such an event would be donated to Hurricane Joaquin relief organisations.

The event was moved to April and again to September 29 and 30.


Honestman 8 years, 6 months ago

Good luck Green Shirts because Bahamians are sick and tired of the Red and Yellow tribal politics that has caused our country to be on "life support". The Nation is sick and tired of corrupt politicians and the political elite.

TalRussell 8 years, 6 months ago

Comrade Honestman's, The Bahamaland is a distant cousin to being on life support. The nation is not sick.The citizens and our legal residents are not sick.It is our problem when the politicians who keep making it feel like we're on economic life support keep getting elected.
The Bahamaland is not unlike Mother Nature's lands and seas and beach gardens, where she only runs into troubles when we humans mess her beautiful gardens up with we garage, dredging and constructing in the name of prosperity, and thick oil sludge's.
That's how I see that standing all empty of tourists white cement elephant out at Cable Beach, with that long-ass fancy dock designed and built by Izmirlian.
All's we needs is a good House of Assembly cleaning of all them dead weights politicians - from across both sides the isles - and that Upper Red Chamber too.

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