The spinning PLP

EDITOR, The Tribune

I LAUGHED heartily reading the column by Stanley Cartwright ‘How many firms does it take to spin a lie?’ (September 5).

Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, as campaign advisers to the PLP pre-2012 election and acknowledged on their website, have an enormous problem: you can con people once but never twice.

The PLP in 2016 comprises the 60+ era. Unfortunately, without an alternative, thousands will have to endure the PLP from 2017 to 2022.

If Doc Minnis, Attorney Bran McCartney, Attorney Greg Moss and all other aspiring political leaders don’t understand and stay split, the PLP will be re-elected.

H A lngraham said a mouthful recently, the PLP has a substantial guaranteed vote.

Awake fellow Bahamians ... young people go and register. Staying home or ignoring the electoral process will not improve the mess we have. Young people you can cause a positive change - register, today.



September 5, 2016.


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