Collie warns Butler-Turner must win over constituents

Sidney Collie, the new FNM chairman.

Sidney Collie, the new FNM chairman.


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement Chairman Sidney Collie said yesterday that despite the party throwing its full support behind Loretta Butler-Turner, the Long Island MP has “a lot of work to do” to win over her constituents before the next election.

Mr Collie told The Tribune that while in Long Island over the weekend with FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis and other party executives, he heard “rumblings” of dissatisfaction. He said party executives were approached by persons who said they no longer supported Mrs Butler-Turner.

“We went to Long Island for two reasons, the first was to throw our full support behind Mrs Butler-Turner and the second was to show persons that we did not just talk about unity, but we are showing that we are actually unified,” Mr Collie said.

“At the town meeting, Loretta supporters were there, the programme went smoothly and we had no interruptions or embarrassment. There were rumblings on the ground and pockets of opposition. There were some people on the site who also voiced their opposition to us, but we think she still has good support. The leader and the party leadership believe that she is a true member of the team and we want to make it clear that the party supports Loretta Butler-Turner for the Long Island seat.

“That is not to diminish the perception that I, along with others, got the impression that there is a lot of work for (her) to do. I am not going to get into specifics, but she has to mend fences because there is a long road ahead of her.”

Mr Collie confirmed that Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins was in Long Island at the time of the meeting, but said that Dr Rollins has not told him or the party that he intends to run independently in that constituency.

“Dr Rollins was there, he walked about and talked to people,” Mr Collie said.

“We are aware of the rumour on the ground that he is running as an independent candidate. He is a sitting member of Parliament for Fort Charlotte. We went there to support Mrs Butler-Turner. He has not said anything to me personally or the executives of the party as far as I know.”

On Tuesday, Mrs Butler-Turner accused Dr Rollins of attempting to “take over” the FNM’s town meeting by bringing his supporters to the event organised by the party to officially endorse her.

She told The Tribune that Dr Rollins came to the meeting with a “handful” of people who began campaigning for him to be the next representative for Long Island.

However, Mrs Butler-Turner said Dr Rollins and his group were outnumbered by her supporters and his attempt to “hijack” the event “fizzled”.

Mrs Butler-Turner said the meeting went so well that she is “even more convinced” that she will be re-elected, despite reports that she was heckled and booed at the rally by a faction of FNM supporters who claim the party is imposing her on the constituency against their wishes.

Last week Dr Rollins, a member of the FNM, said he would challenge Mrs Butler-Turner as an independent candidate if the voters on the island urge him to do so. He also said residents there were not satisfied with her representation.

His threat came hours before the FNM ratified Mrs Butler-Turner as well as Mark Humes for Ft Charlotte.

The party is working to repair its image after a contentious three-day convention in July, which saw Mrs Butler-Turner drop out of the leadership race against Dr Minnis hours before delegates were going to vote.


Publius 8 years, 3 months ago

The FNM is truly nauseating. It is no small wonder that Bahamians in vastly record numbers are not registering to vote.

theplpsucks 8 years, 3 months ago

really now? Have you been watching the PLP lately? talk about nauseating, you must live in a different country.

Publius 8 years, 3 months ago

So the truth about one party cancels out the truth about any other party? Typical thinking. The article is about the FNM, not the PLP, or were you unable to read that through your red colored glasses? As for which country I live in, its the one where record numbers of Bahamians will not vote because the FNM and other opposition parties have failed to inspire Bahamians to do so. Which country do you live in?

BoopaDoop 8 years, 3 months ago

Problems with FNM HAI appointed Dr. Minnis as leader. Minnis was no doubt a good MP but lousy leader. He invited Renward Wells to the party even after he demanded to expose the LOI affair. He invited Dr. Rollins to the party who later lead a campaign to remove him as leader. Chairman Michael Pintard is recorded having a secret meeting and resigns. Toogie and Bobo who are exposed in a 'murder for hire' plot then Dr. Minnis admits to accepting fish from these two at his home twice. And finally, FNM Convention 2016....Rock wit Doc defeats Butler and Sands who decide they will now support Dr. Minnis. You couldn't make this stuff up.

Publius 8 years, 3 months ago

Hubert Minnis was elected leader of the FNM three consecutive times, but that is the fault of their former leader? Nevermind the hundreds of votes cast by hundreds of FNM officers and delegates year after year? They are not responsible for their own vote and own decisions to allow their party to get to the point it is at? I tell you, the mentality of Bahamians!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

This is Sidney Collie speaking ......... he who HAI fired in Parliament ........... with that aside, she will have a hard sell to convince Long Islanders to continue to support her in 2017 ...... it all depends on who her competition will be in 2017 ............. or, is it that they are setting her up to fail??????

licks2 8 years, 3 months ago

Oh. . .you forgot to mention how he LEFT YALL LOSERS IN THE DUST. . .HOW YINNA GOT THE SKIN BEAT OFF YINNA TAILS. . .HOW YINNA DON'T HAVE A CLUE HOW TO BEAT HIM IN YA PARTY AND THE NATION. . .HOW HE HAS BECOME THE LEADING CHOICE IN THE BAHAMAS FOR PM. . .HOW HE IS NOW PICKING A GROUP OF HIGH-POWERED CREW FOR HIS TEAM. . .must I go on for yinna ta chill and lets talk about how he did not put out his agenda for us to review as yet. . .how it looks like they "pushed" LBT out to them sharks in LI to let them "kill her" rather than the party seen as "throwing her a "conch shell" as a life jacket while she "bubbling" in LI. I think yinna just don't have a clue how to do much. . .just mashing up yall party all the time. . .then when time to do something constructive. . .doc this and doc that! Help LBT. . .who you thought was the best person to lead the party. . .and not focus on doc so much. . .he just will beat the stuffing out of yinna again. . .Lol!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

For an FNM ......... you sure seem to be gloating over its obvious recent failings!!!!!!!! ............... Minnis needs to be a UNITER of all factions and splinters IF this country is going to survive this present PLP deluge

licks2 8 years, 3 months ago

Not gloating. . .and I don't see it as a recent failings. . .taking a page out of LBT's book. . .its learning, not losing! I am not an FNM. . .I like to think that I am fair and balanced. . .a swing voter. . .mostly a PLP voter until recently. . .but hate to see al the childish foolishness like doc can't do this and "heen dat". . .that is old and stale man! He do not need to be a unifier . . . just be a good choice. . .or a good party. . .WE THE PEOPLE ARE SORELY LOOKING FOR ONE PARTY TO GIVE THIS ELECTION TO SO BAD WHEN WE "YUCK" IT OUTTA THEM PLP HANDS. . .WE ONLY WORRIED THAT WHEN WE GIVE IT TO YINNA YALL DON'T SPEND THE NEXT FIVE YEARS FIGHTING OVER THE PM POSITION! WE DON'T WANT TO GIVE IT TO THE DNA ANYMORE. . .WE EXPECTED THEM TO PUT OUR NATION AHEAD OF SELF AND JOIN UP WITH DOC THEM. . .BUT THEY WANT THEY "OWN THINGS" SO WE CHANGING OUR MINDS ABOUT THEM DNA FOLKS!


theplpsucks 8 years, 3 months ago

the problem with the FNM is the supporters as well as the party. FNMs can never seem to be satisfied. They dont like this one and that one and if the mp doesnt perform 100% to what they promised they complain again. It seems FNMs would rather another 5 years under the PLP then they will bitch and complain that the PLP is the worst government ever even though if they dont vote they helped to put them there. You cant have your cake and eat it too.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

Agreed .............. FNMs are schizophrenic because of their past ....... Whitfield & Ingraham were PLPs who jumped ship and so the FNM is built on feet of clay .................. Its like a jilted lover who cannot fully trust again .......... but there is hope even for broken hearts

Publius 8 years, 3 months ago

Whitfield and Ingraham jumped ship? Gracious, where are some of you people from? Which Bahamian history are some of you being taught?

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

Sorry, you are so picky ......... they were kicked off the ship

licks2 8 years, 3 months ago

PING. . .right on the money! I can't understand that about them either. . .they get "mad" and go up into a Conner for slightest thing. . .usually they lil feelings! Straight to the national press for one of them not taking out the garbage from their HQ! LOl! They then complain like heck about how lousy them PLP are at government. . .but they help put them in government because they got their lil feelings hurt and gone home mad and did not vote or voted DNM. . .then come back out rowing how lousy them PLP is!

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