POLICE in New Providence are searching for two men responsible for a shooting incident that has left a man dead on Friday night, the second murder in the capital in six hours.
According to reports, shortly after 10pm, a man was driving his vehicle in the area of Bola Alley and
Augusta Street, when two men with handguns approached and fired several shots at him before fleeing on foot.
The victim was pronounced dead at the scene near Kirkie Bar.
It was the second murder in the capital in six hours and takes the murder total for 2017 to 47.
Three suspects were taken into custody on Friday afternoon after a shooting incident on Market Street left one man dead and another seriously injured.
According to reports, shortly after 4pm, a group of men were standing in front of a car wash near Palm Tree Avenue, when the occupants of a dark coloured vehicle pulled up and fired several shots at them before speeding off.
Two of the men were shot and transported to hospital, where one of them succumbed to his injuries. The other is said to be in a serious condition.
Mobile Division officers spotted the getaway vehicle fleeing the area. After a search ending in Ridgeland Park, three suspects fled the area on foot before being captured. A Tech 9 automatic firearm and a .40 pistol, along with several rounds of ammunition, were recovered from the men.
On Thursday a minibus driver was shot in the downtown area of Nassau after being chased by his killers, police said. The man, identified by friends as Hans Neely, was a transportation supervisor at Stuart Cove’s and was driving a bus while being chased.
When he reached the downtown area around 7am, the suspects pulled in front of him and fired shots at him, police said. The shooting occurred at East Street north, near Prince George Wharf, an area that is usually populated by tourists, cruise ship passengers and downtown shoppers.
OMG 7 years, 9 months ago
Well done police officers corning and apprehending these thugs. Many members of the public do not realise what a dangerous job you have.
MassExodus 7 years, 9 months ago
People realize that the job of a police officer is dangerous. What people can't comprehend is why there are so many shootings. This is out of control and the government and their agencies need to do better. We may as well live in a ghetto rap video land, of killing and thugs.
ashley14 7 years, 9 months ago
With the lack of employment opportunities these young guys have grown up seeing nice cars, clothes, homes that appear to be out of their reach. Their mom's and dad's are working their butts off to provide for the family. While absent from the home the young boys get mixed up with the wrong crowd. They get a taste of easy money. They experiment with drugs, before they know it they are in over their heads. What they don't see is that this doesn't last long. They are either caught up and killed in drug activity, or get so strung out on drugs that over dose. They are too young to see the outcome of their choices. Look through the obituaries at the ages of people that have pasted away. It's very sad.
OMG 7 years, 9 months ago
In a nutshell that is probably the leading factor especially when a Cabinet Minister tries to take the lions share of work . I am waiting to see the PLP erect billboards on the roundabouts clearly showing how many murders have happened under their watch and why they failed as promised to solve this problem. After all they did it prior to the last election and blamed the FNM.
Greentea 7 years, 9 months ago
What is the number of men compared to women under the age of 40 in the Bahamas? I am convinced the ratio is about 2:3 and getting worse. Young ladies, if men are your thing and you don't want to be no ones sweetheart or side piece; have no intention of becoming a nun or don't wish to remain celibate for the rest of your life; if you want a chance at marrriage and children, don't want to make up beds and serve food and drinks for the rest of your days; if you want to use your talents and have a chance to thrive- leave this place. 90 percent of these dudes ain't on your run, or into anything productive or serious. Drugs, violence, sex- wherever it comes from- money and more violence is all they seem to know. If you are seeking some sort of affirmation in them- you are out of luck! Get yourself into school, book yourself a ticket and go.
banker 7 years, 9 months ago
The percentage of females to males in COB was 75% at one time. It may be higher now.
What concerns me, that in spite of the dismal education system, there are some smart females graduating. As you point out, where are they going to find an educated young man to share their lives?
The smart young men take your advice, get a ticket, get educated and leave. Brain drain. A number of years ago, Canada extended the work period to two years from one, after graduation, and if you graduated from a Canadian tertiary institution, you could apply for permanent residency during the second year of working. Smart. They get to keep all of the educated Bahamian men, who get a high standard of living and a great life for themselves.
I feel sorry for the Bahamian young woman, who by circumstances cannot leave, and does not want a romantic partner who is uneducated or living the thug life.
Chucky 7 years, 9 months ago
Hate to break it to you "banker", but when you say "They get to keep all of the educated Bahamian men" ; you are sadly mistaken!: For one, who is the so called "educated Bahamian" man that you are referring to? And for number tow, who the hell would want them. Aint no Bahamian male that comes out of a school has anywhere near the smarts of Canadian graduating the same program. And furthermore, aint no program sufficient in taking the Bahamian male attitude out of them, so they all shi# when they comes out of any program.
Stay home in your own shi# country!
banker 7 years, 9 months ago
You are probably right. I was hypothesizing. I myself was educated in Canada for my tertiary degree. My MBA is from the US. Most of my friends and peers have moved off island. Had a chum who worked at BISX - couldn't stand the Mickey Mouse outfit after what he learned abroad. Another acquaintance got a degree from MIT, came back to the Bahamas and works as a programmer and after a decade is making less than an MIT grad gets first year after graduating in the US.
I suppose one of the reasons that I have not married is that I don't want to be stuck here with wife and kids. I hear that wedding cake is the biggest cause of emasculation and erectile dysfunction.
Sickened 7 years, 9 months ago
I went to university in Miami and in the accounting program the Bahamians were to top of the class - all of them. I was VERY surprised at this but i witnessed it first hand. There are little glimmers of light for us.
stoner 7 years, 9 months ago
Where in hell are they are they going to Go?No country is going to take them Not the USA or Canada and especially NOT Britain.The T & C is even worst and crime is increasing like Nassau.You made your own bed so go and Sleep in it you dirty DOGS.
stoner 7 years, 9 months ago
Like I have said many times on this post, you are NOT going to reduce CRIME in this City of NASSAU unless you bring in the law that all criminals who are charged with murder are hung by the neck until dead at FOX HILL prison.Please do it soon or your Country will suffer big time if not already on tourists visiting or other relative business in your beautiful country. These are criminals who are related and know what they are doing.The tourists are not coming to this Island unless the situation improves. Drugs, crime and criminals got to go.HANG THEM and HANG THEM HIGH at FOX HILL PRISON. TIME IS RUNNING OUT! The Police and Politicians are all related to the criminals and want to do nothing.Most of the crime and murderers are well known just like in Turks and Caicos and especial in Providenciales where most of the hard core criminals go free with a slap on their hand. Good luck to your Country if this continues and you will eat nothing but crow if not already because the new resort and casino on Cable Beach is NOT going to do it.This new election coming up has to address this crime situation and do it with sincerely otherwise your Country is lost.BIG BACK THE HANG MAN NOW.
and they all come from the same inbred families
ashley14 7 years, 9 months ago
The new resort will bring hospitality jobs. The tourists will do excursions and that will add revenue, and of course you'll sell t shirts. True gamblers will come, but all they do is gamble. Families won't come until the crime is reduced. They don't go on holiday to worry about crime. They'll go to Fla. beaches and Disney World.
OMG 7 years, 9 months ago
Biggest complaint I hear from tourists is the staggeringly high cost of food. How can anyone justify $10 for a gallon of milk or $6+ for a cauliflower. The politicians don't realise this and continue to heap taxes on already high import costs. Bear in mind also the duty charged on imports automatically rose in line with increased imported product costs and therefore the governments income always went up. Ministers would be well inclined to take note of the exodus of winter residents dissatisfied with high costs, poor service and irregular basics like electricity and water. One example is Eleuthera where the number of properties for sale is staggering.
banker 7 years, 9 months ago
Try $6 for a bottle of water in Atlantis.
ashley14 7 years, 9 months ago
I was reading the Tribune sometime in the last year and I was shocked there was two men busted with a large amount of drugs. It stated they were released with a 9000.00 dollar fine each. They both paid it and they were free. This would not happen in the states. They would both be in jail. Money can buy better attorney's, but not your freedom.
ashley14 7 years, 9 months ago
Can a lot of Bahamian's come into Florida for employment. There are a lot of jobs anymore that people do from home. Like medical billing and coding. Yes it takes a little schooling, which I know you can come to the states and receive. That shouldn't be hard at all. There are lots of programs for payment and some of them don't even require repayment. I mentioning this career because this is what I'm going to do. Sometimes you have to go to the office, but Freeport isn't but 63 miles from the states. Most of your work is done on their computers that you take home with you, all you need is internet. And you could still be home if you wanted. There are other jobs too, do some research. Anything is possible. I want to do this so I can live in the Bahamas at least part of the time, but I'm not rich so I have to work like everyone else.
BMW 7 years, 9 months ago
Ouch!!! Glad my 3 are out of here.
John 7 years, 9 months ago
To stoner, banker, chunky et.al., while you'all come on here lambasting and degrading young, black Bahamian men what substantial, workable and effective solutions are you putting forward to fix the crime and murder situation except pop people necks and send more to Fox Hill? Do you know that ninety eighth percent of white murder victims are murdered by another white person? Do you know that in most institutions of learning around the world and including America, females out number the men two to one and in some places four to one? Many Bahamian men have to stop schooling after grade 12 because of economic reasons. These are the same men who were killed for learning to read now you call them dumb for not wanting to be brain washed. If y'all so smart why y'all can't say how the guns and ammunition are getting into the country and into the hands of young men who barely leave their. Trust me there are people who know and there are people who know who are instigating (no programming) young, black men to prey on and kill one another. But there is also a God who knows and judgment is coming. I hope you snicker and snare when y'all get yours. How long O Lord, how long?
banker 7 years, 9 months ago
I can't say much now but if the PLP are defeated, there are workable solutions to put as many people as they say will work in BahaMar in a non-tourist industry that is perfect for the Bahamas, and it is on the cusp of a knowledge industry.
True dat. The trend is disturbing. However there are countries where there is a balance. For example in Norway, the female percentage is slightly over half. Over 60% of MBAs and Masters degrees in OECD countries are women. However males still outnumber females by a large margin in doctorate degrees. You know what's happening -- the men are not being educated, and we will have huge stratification of the social classes like in the Victorian times, where the upper classes are all STEM educated and make a hell of a lot of money, and lower classes scrape by. Over 50% of the work age young people in France are unemployed today.
Politically connected and politicians who don't get their hands dirty but finance the trade. Remember all of the young men who signed up with "Pedro" for a quick fishing job, and mysteriously never came back? Well the Pedros are still out there. You would be surprised who they are. PS - check some of the private yacht moorings at Lifeless Cay and PI. When the yachts go to FLA for their yearly refit, they come back to their home tie-up without checking in. You would not believe the BIG NAME I saw trucking out stoves from PI from a private yacht.
concernedcitizen 7 years, 9 months ago
@john I get so tired of your stupid ass shit that white people are the cuase of a black dude on Meeting street killing another black guy .What was independence about ,and no John the CIA is not putting something in the black mans marijuana to make them savage killers ,how would they make sure only the black man gets that herb ,,Violent crime is trending down the US and an awful lot of white people smoke marijuana there ,Have you ever smoked a joint ,the normal ,non anti social person smokes and chills .John this is one of our biggest problems we don,t take any responsibility for our own behavior , sweethearting ,teefin ,lying killin its all whiteys fault or the devil from the fairy tale book about the sky god ..geez take so f,,king responsibility or it will never change
John 7 years, 9 months ago
There is no safe, hiding place for the wicked for their sins are great and the stench of their wickedness has reached the windows of heaven. God does not sleep. But he works in his own time.
OMG 7 years, 9 months ago
He better get a move on then.
John 7 years, 9 months ago
And trust me HE will. We don't fear those who can kill our flesh we fear him to whom our souls belong.
MassExodus 7 years, 9 months ago
Well we have bad news "God can't even stop" him now... lmao. Famous last words...
Sickened 7 years, 9 months ago
Many Bahamian Christian's truly believe that Perry is their saviour.
themessenger 7 years, 9 months ago
John 7 years, 9 months ago
@ concerned citizen: tell me once where I referenced a white person, except to say that while you try to portray young, black Bahamian men as savage black killers, NINETY EIGHT PERCENT OF ALL WHITE PERSONS MURDERED ARE KILLED BY ANOTHER WHITE PERSON. Around the world and not just here in the bahamas, Ok. Second: It was not me that said that The CIA with the blessings of former presidents of the USA and your secretary of state was giving young black men chemicals that altered their behavior and turned them into predatory killers. The reports are well documented. Attack the person who released the report. I did not write it. Or prove the reports wrong. Go ahead and prove them wrong else accept them as fact and stop trying to defend it. Third; young black, men are not the only group fighting drug problems.Over 22 war vets commit suicide in the US everyday (OVER 8,000 a year!) War Vets dying wholesale after serving their country. That alone is 15 times the murder rate in the Bahamas. Many parts of the US are battling an epidemic of persons overdosing on prescription drug, "“It’s really sad and shocking to see how this opioid epidemic is destroying lives across the country”, said Jennifer McDonald, an ArrestRecords.com analyst. “Communities large and small are being torn apart, and this map and data really shows how bad it is.” And these are mostly white communities (payback maybe). Here are the top 10 drug overdosing cities for your easy perusal :The Top 10 Worst Big Cities for Drug Overdoses:
Dayton Baltimore, MD. Philadelphia, PA New Bedford, MA Birmingham, AL Cincinnati Warren, MI Knoxville, TN Albuquerque, NM Toledo And finally you, concerned citizen are a most deceptive, hatred filled, racial idiot on this page. You always post things that you want to say and claiming that someone else said it.
Are you trying to say that only Black people do these things. You try to continuously look down on black people as inferior and since their crimes do not affect you, and since you are not offering tangible solutions to their problems, what exactly is your interest in the Black Bahamian, what are you guilty of? Why are you so racially conscious when you don't live in a Black community?
concernedcitizen 7 years, 9 months ago
John show me any report by a reputable organization that says the CIA is putting something in marijuana to make young black men ruthless killers. .You don,t know where I live , but I have been robbed at gunpoint twice in Nassau and a family island ,,Stop the nonsense we are an independent nation and every decision we have made ,rather to borrow billions ,loot BOB or gun our down our brothers we have made all by ourselves .Until we take responsibility for our success and our Failures it will only get worse ..No one take opiods here ,yes big pharma created the problem , and mostly it whites dying from it ..we smoke grass and coke is around .John call me all the names you want and blame all problems on the white man .Race makes no difference to me .I,m a Bahamian ,but when we ruin this beautiful country I have saved well ,worked hard and made preperations for some place else .I would say you would not call me those names to my face , but I bet you would spew spit ,venom and anger shouting them at me as I calmly walk away ,go home and check my foreign investments b/c you would convince me that us becoming like Haiti ,Jamaica is not far off
John 7 years, 9 months ago
First of all if you were a Bahamian you would never reference me as calling you ;"whitey' I don't know any white people personally so I have no reason to be racist towards them. And furthermore I don't think I have ever heard any black Bahamian use the term "whitey.". Secondly Politics and governance all around the world is set with challenges. Economies are sinking and peoples around the world are rising up against politicians who they perceive to be corrupt and dishonest, and more importantly, responsible for the turmoil their countries are in, financially and socially. And yes young people all around the world are falling prey to drug abuse and like here in the Bahamas, to drug warfare and violence. Whether this behavior is initiated or stimulated by what the US is doing with drug and food supplies does need further investigation. And there are many credible reports that expose the experiments that the CIA is doing and have done on young,black men starting all the way back in the 1950's. Yes we made foolish mistakes, as a country, and continued to borrow money when we were leveraged to our teeth. Bahamians love America and many oof us travel there, if no where else in the world. The US is referred to by Bahamians as our big brother to the North. And Bahamians, in their wildest dreams would not want to know that America is doing things to harm our young people or to lead to the demise or stagnation of our country. Oil has been discovered in Haiti as has been foud here. But because of the current situation of the oil market, it may be years or even decades before the powers allow us to pump oil here in the Bahamas or in Haiti.
concernedcitizen 7 years, 9 months ago
I read the first line and read no more ,now you are questioning if I,m a Bahamian ,,that's your best shot ,,that you are a vaulted Bahamian and perhaps I am not .Well first I,m a citizen of the world as we all truly our ,Secondly I,m born in the Bahamas of people that have been here since 1790 Bahamian ,thirdly my Grand ma had my mother in Miami so ,,bingo that's right John I hold dual citizenship ..which is not illegal; so rail own about what the white man has done to you while our brothers and sisters here sell our birthright and slaughter one another in the street ,,no white man is destroying Bahamians ,black or white ,,we got a pretty good handle on our slide to below third world status all on our own ,,TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR DEMISE ,,IT AIN,T THE DEVIL OR FOREIGN FORCES ,,IT IS WE BRO
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