DNA defends candidate over pictures with gun


A photograph of Mario Lockhart circulating on social media.


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Democratic National Alliance (DNA) yesterday defended its Nassau Village candidate, after pictures of Mario Lockhart brandishing a handgun and posing with scantily-clad women went viral on social media over the weekend.

Mr Lockhart, the former chauffeur of Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Nassau Village incumbent Dion Smith, was ratified by the DNA in March.

At the time, he accused the government of not caring for the people and said his campaign to win the Nassau Village seat will be honest and will cater to the needs of area residents who have been neglected.

Pictures of Mr Lockhart, taken from his Facebook page, went viral over the weekend. In one of the photos, Mr Lockhart is seen sitting in a car with a gun in his left hand. In another photo, the DNA candidate is seen hugging two women wearing lingerie in what seems to be a gentleman’s club.

Mr Lockhart’s Facebook page has since been deactivated.

The photos prompted outrage on social media, with many questioning if the DNA and its leader Branville McCartney “properly vetted” its candidates before they were nominated.

However in a statement yesterday, the DNA said the pictures were a year old and taken while Mr Lockhart was in the United States on vacation, long before he “even considered becoming a candidate”.

“As expected during this season however, the release of these private photos was obviously done with malicious intent and are an attempt by political operatives to not only paint Mr Lockhart in a negative light but to also distract voters from the truly offensive behaviour perpetrated by members of the governing party in recent days,” the statement said.

“The Democratic National Alliance wishes to make clear that Mr Lockhart has not broken any laws. As the former proprietor of his own security firm and his work as a personal bodyguard, Mr Lockhart has a clean police record and has never been convicted of any crimes in any jurisdiction.

“The firearm which appears in the photo is a legal and licensed firearm belonging to a long-time friend of Mr Lockhart who currently resides in Florida. It is also important to note that even in the Bahamas it is possible for Bahamians to apply for, and in some cases, receive permits to carry handguns based on the nature of their professions.

“It is completely unfair to attempt to paint this Bahamian - who also previously served as the driver and aide to the Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly - simply because he is from the Nassau Village community.”

The statement said the pictures do not change how the DNA feels about Mr Lockhart.


banker 7 years, 5 months ago

LOL. Bent into a pretzel trying to 'splain this away. Hilarious. Obviously da man likes da tuglife or da gangsta lifestyle.

Greentea 7 years, 5 months ago

The DNA should be ashamed but in Bahamian politics sadly there is no such thing as shame.

TalRussell 7 years, 5 months ago

Comrades! Now you know how not to attempt to defend the indefensible of your least likely to be electable 2017 candidate ... The DNA's response to the photo - doesn't even name the spokesman for the party - I wonder why?
Bran surprises exactly no one after his baffling senate appointment by Long island's Reheasa. How many more spent political shells can Bran misfire - before he becomes known as the Joker of 2017?

sealice 7 years, 5 months ago

These are the benefits of being the head thug for the PLP britch Dion Smith for years, money drugs guns but when you want to move up and can't ya gatta jump ship to the DNA..... he probably has a couple apartments for his women in Dion's Palace Ala the Ol Pilot House....

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