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Which political party do you think has had the strongest message so far in the general election campaign?
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924 total votes.
Tribune Freeport Reporter
BRANVILLE McCartney told Grand Bahamians that a Democratic National Alliance (DNA) government will restore the magic that was once Freeport, introduce new industry and seek to revive the island’s stalled tourism industry.
The DNA Leader told Grand Bahamians that in just 13 days they will be called on to make what is arguable the most important decision not only in the country’s modern history, but one that will impact the future direction of the island’s economy.
“For many of you living in Grand Bahama, your decision will literally impact the quality of life for yourselves and your children,” Mr McCartney said at the party’s rally in Freeport on Thursday night.
Chris Mortimer, the party’s deputy leader, and all DNA candidates in Grand Bahama - Elkanah Pinder (East Grand Bahama), Leslie Lightbourne (Pineridge), Nevar Smith (Marco City), and Jedrick Robinson (Central Grand Bahama) also brought remarks.
Mr McCartney, who delivered a powerful address at his first rally in Grand Bahama, expressed concerns about the record unemployment, the “crippling” high cost of energy and the need for more small and medium-sized businesses to help fix the island’s economy.
“Grand Bahama is not good. It has not been good for a long time. You are in a mess,” he said, blaming both successive Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and Free National Movement (FNM) governments for the island’s current of state affairs.
“In 13 days, you and I will decide whether or not we will do what we have always done, or if we do something different,” he said.
Mr McCartney insists that a DNA government will provide a better life for Bahamians. In Grand Bahama, he said that his government will work tirelessly to break the deadlock on hotel investments by securing suitable and sustainable buyers for the properties in Lucaya and inject new life into the island’s tourism product, as well as attract touristic developments in the east and west of the island.
He indicated that Grand Bahama has the potential to be the “gem of the Western hemisphere”; however, greed and shortsightedness of those in power has stifled its growth.
“For far too long the government has ignored the vast economic potential which exists in and around GB island,” he said. “Over past five years this inept PLP administration has failed to cultivate a culture of co-operation with the Grand Bahama Port Authority.”
Mr McCartney noted that the DNA has a plan to make Grand Bahama the bustling mecca it once was and create a better life for all residents. Under the DNA, they will move Grand Bahama towards becoming a techonology hub of the Western hemisphere by encouraging creation of a technology park.
“The DNA hopes to attract and develop the best and brightest minds in the field to facilitate further advancement in technology … which in turn will create additional opportunities in the creative and orange economy as well.
“In our quest to provide a better life for Bahamians, the DNA will develop a collaborative and less combative relationship with the Grand Bahama Port Authority to ensure they are able to fulfill their mandate as laid out in the Hawksbill Creek Agreement and improve the ease and efficiency of doing business here,” he said.
He emphasised that empowering Bahamians to become business owners to reverse the trend of high unemployment is a priority for the DNA.
Mr McCartney believes that government must move away from the idea of creating jobs and work and encourage Bahamians to become business owners and for good government to create the kind of environment that will allow such enterprises to grow and flourish. He said the DNA will also ensure a level economic playing field by extending concessions to land and business owners in East and West Grand Bahama.
On the topic of energy, Mr Cartney said the DNA is committed to the establishment of an industry for renewable energy. “Sadly, here in GB more than anywhere else in the country, exorbitant cost of electricity threatens the viability of small and medium-sized businesses.”
In its national energy reform plan, dubbed the clean energy project, Mr McCartney said the DNA seeks to reduce the cost of kilowatt hours in the Bahamas to the lowest in the region, as well as endorse self generation of electricity for consumers who will be able to resell electricity to the grid, providing the immediate benefit of lower energy cost for residents in the Bahamas.
The party leader said that renewable energy also provides significant cost benefits. “It’s time to go green, using solar, waste and wind technology. Our plan provides for expansion of the country’s energy generation capacity which will in the short and long term provide generation to cover up to 30 per cent of the family overall consumption needs,” he explained.
Mr McCartney stressed that a better life with the DNA is one in which Bahamian students are able to receive world class education, full employment at all levels of society, creation of new industry and a safe society from the fear of crime and free from victimisation.
He said Grand Bahama has been neglected and mismanaged for far too long and deserves a new start, new leadership and a new government that is committed to restoring the magic that once made the island a gem of the Bahamas.
He stressed that the PLP and FNM have had an opportunity to govern and both have failed to deal with the crime problem, create jobs and stimulate the economy.
“They told you they are only good for a D average; they have told you that they cannot fix the dump in New Providence; they have told you that we are a third world country; they have told you that you can only vote for one of them. People, If you vote for the PLP or FNM, you get what you have, and that is a bad country. That’s what you get with bad governance.”
Mr McCartney urged Bahamians to vote for the DNA. “It is a vote for a better life, a chance to retire both sides of the political coin that has been tossed around for the past 40 years.
“On May 10, I encourage you to think long and hard what direction you want to see this country take. I encourage you not to be misled by the noise in the market. Grand Bahama, your future is most important. Your vote on May 10 is going to be a vote for you, and your children, and the future,” he said.
ohdrap4 7 years, 8 months ago
you know, i gave this man the benefit of the doubt. unitl a saw the dna election poster that says they will 'make new bahamians millionaires''.
i wonder who these are going to be, his peeps, no doubt. i felt disgusted.
we are on the brink of devalutaion and this idiot talking about becoming millionaires.
DDK 7 years, 8 months ago
TalRussell 7 years, 8 months ago
Comrades! Grand Bahamians now know for damn sure that this green shirt man is full of wind. He ain't been the same since he committed the gross political error to become briefly all senatorial privileged via being all Lorettarized!
Honestman 7 years, 8 months ago
The DNA are merely creating a wish list for dreamers.
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 8 months ago
I wish they would stop making these silly promises and say what they can do. These five years should have been five years of planning for governance. These lofty promises say otherwise. Perhaps if they stop playing politics so done might vote for them
banker 7 years, 8 months ago
I have a better idea. Grand Bahama should declare independence, nationalise the port authority and Hutchison Whampoa holdings, declare Hawksbill void, and take their own future in their hand. Kick out the kleptocratic, corrupt Nassau, and run the island like a business.
sheeprunner12 7 years, 8 months ago
BOL ........ now that is a radical idea (for a radical people) ..... Can Freeporters do that???????? ............. Maybe they need to hire some of the white foreigners there to advise them ........... and then rent some mercenaries
BMW 7 years, 8 months ago
Now you talking.
TalRussell 7 years, 8 months ago
Comrades! I call on Bran to please tell all he knows about a time when Freeport was experiencing this magical, bustling mecca he sees up in his fantasy head?
Is Bran even aware that it was Mrs. Wallace Groves and not Mr. Wallace Groves, who during this so-called times of a magic Freeport - owned the shares in Freeport's self-governing corporate identities?
No, Bran, Freeport never during any period in its history -ever experienced a magical economy - never!
sheeprunner12 7 years, 8 months ago
The DNA got 13,000 hoodwinked Bahamians to vote for them in 2012 ....... The DNA will get 10-20% of that total in this election ........ McCartney's glitz has been exposed as a fake PLP
birdiestrachan 7 years, 8 months ago
Is Bran going to buy the GBPA or does he have a buyer?? other than that he is talking to hear himself and he knows this..
jusscool 7 years, 8 months ago
Not even Bran with the help of David Copperfield can restore any magic to this city. All smoke screens!
TalRussell 7 years, 8 months ago
Comrades! Flashback to the 2012 General Election Manifesto that Bran's DNA party issued to Grand Bahamalanders - now compare his old vision to the one he's making in 2017?
Bran's 2012 Vision Grand Bahamalanders:
: The Party, through town meetings and other public forums, has formed a vision for Grand Bahama, which includes the First 180 Days initiative:
To initiate dialogue with the Hutchinson group to reduce landing fees that will allow more commercial airlines to and from the island.
To amend the Port Authority Act, make it current and work with the GBPA so Grand Bahamians are the beneficiaries of the relationship.
To agitate for a state-owned dock and cruise port in the Hepburn Town area of Eight Mile Rock to allow businesses easy access to trade and commerce.
To begin constructing hurricane shelters throughout the island.
To lower energy commercial costs for Grand Bahamian businesses.
avidreader 7 years, 8 months ago
I swear that every time I see or hear of this man I immediately visualize him standing in front of a mirror at least once a day and saying "Mirror, mirror on the wall..." He is so full of himself it is something to marvel at. How is it that almost every lawyer thinks that they know everything while in reality they know very little beyond their field of study. In fact, their lack of knowledge in broader fields is what tends to damage a country in the long term but you will have a difficult time convincing them of this position.
TalRussell 7 years, 8 months ago
Comrades! Bran and his team green shirts - fly's into Freeport to says one thing about the PLP - but remember the senate appointment - when Bran also said one thing about Long Island's MP Loretta, and he went another way on her?
Am I the only one who thinks there is this attempt at presenting this Illusion of the PLP and DNA - as opposing parties - when nothing more is intended than to trick voters into believing that it gives the voter a real alternative choice to vote for the party of their choice?
If Bran thought his political deal making with Loretta was rocky - just let him wait to hear the deal, the PLP has in mind for him - if they win a minority government on May 10, 2017?
banker 7 years, 8 months ago
Last election cycle I got a new phone and was testing the camera.
Sorry disregard -- it got away from me and can't add pic. will try again.
banker 7 years, 8 months ago
OKAY, here we go again. Last election cycle I got a new phone and was testing the camera. I was stopped for traffic on Shirley Street and snapped this pic of a man selling newspapers at the traffic light. Mudda sic, nothing changes. Look at the headlines from 5 years ago.
"Education Boss Denies $3M bond 'conflict'
TalRussell 7 years, 8 months ago
Comrade Banker, back in the 2012 General Election - the DNA's 'name brand" North Andros candidate only polled 85 votes out of a total of 2445 votes cast.
banker 7 years, 8 months ago
Dat's Ivan for you!
proudloudandfnm 7 years, 8 months ago
I don't know who's more delusional.
DNAs or Trumpies.....
cmiller 7 years, 8 months ago
Trumpies won the election though ........just sayin'
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