The organisers of the Fyre Festival, a luxury music event scheduled for Exuma this weekend, which was cancelled and branded a “disaster” (full story HERE), have released a statement apologising for what happened.
The group praised the Bahamian government and Ministry of Tourism for their "exemplary efforts" and said they intend to make a "considerable donation" to the Bahamas Red Cross Society.
The statement reads: “Yesterday was a very challenging day for all of us. But we would like to fully explain what happened.
“Billy McFarland and Ja Rule started a partnership over a mutual interest in technology, the ocean, and rap music. This unique combination of interests led them to the idea that, through their combined passions, they could create a new type of music festival and experience on a remote island.
“They simply weren’t ready for what happened next, or how big this thing would get. They started by making a website and launching a viral campaign. Ja helped book talent, and they had hundreds of local Bahamians join in the effort. Suddenly, they found themselves transforming a small island and trying to build a festival. Thousands of people wanted to come. They were excited, but then the roadblocks started popping up.
“As amazing as the islands are, the infrastructure for a festival of this magnitude needed to be built from the ground up. So, we decided to literally attempt to build a city. We set up water and waste management, brought an ambulance from New York, and chartered 737 planes to shuttle our guests via 12 flights a day from Miami. We thought we were ready, but then everyone arrived.
“The team was overwhelmed. The airport was jam packed. The buses couldn’t handle the load. And the wind from rough weather took down half of the tents on the morning our guests were scheduled to arrive. This is an unacceptable guest experience and the Fyre team takes full responsibility for the issues that occurred.
“Everyone was very concerned for our guests. They needed a place to sleep and everyone did their absolute best to rebuild. We took everyone to the beach and built as many tents and beds as fast as possible, but as more guests arrived, we were simply in over our heads. Ultimately, we didn’t think security could keep up, so we had to postpone the festival. The response to the postponement was immediate and intense. We had no other options, so we began the process of getting guests quickly and safely back to Miami, which continued through the weekend. Our top priority as a company is to ensure the comfort and safe return home of all of our guests.
“Then something amazing happened: venues, bands, and people started contacting us and said they’d do anything to make this festival a reality and how they wanted to help. The support from the musical community has been overwhelming and we couldn’t be more humbled or inspired by this experience. People were rooting for us after the worst day we’ve ever had as a company. After speaking with our potential partners, we have decided to add more seasoned event experts to the 2018 Fyre Festival, which will take place at a United States beach venue.
“All festival goers this year will be refunded in full. We will be working on refunds over the next few days and will be in touch directly with guests with more details. Also, all guests from this year will have free VIP passes to next year’s festival.
“We’re grateful for the Bahamian Government and The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism for their assistance during this challenging time—their efforts have been exemplary. We want to thank the people of the Bahamas for their support and for graciously allowing us the privilege of visiting their islands. We apologize for any inconvenience the past 24-hours has caused and we look forward to making a considerable donation to the Bahamas Red Cross Society as part of our initiatives. We need to make this right. And once we make this right, then we will put on the dream festival we sought to have since the inception of Fyre.
“Thank you for all your continued patience and understanding. We apologize for what all of our guests and staff went through over the last 24 hours and will work tirelessly to make this right. Please check our official social media channels (@fyrefestival) for further important updates."
alfalfa 7 years, 8 months ago
I don't know who the advisers to these people were, but irrespective of that, the people paid $12,000.00 to sleep in a tent. And the ministry of tourism was aware of this. Where did the tents come from? What about showers and sanitation? Wifi and tv? Who was contracted to serve hundreds of people this "gourmet" food. One thing is for certain, the Bahamas received excellent coverage for this screw up, and the lead statement to some of these reports on international news stations is "They say it's better in the Bahamas, but is it"? People who expect to make millions of dollars off of events staged in the Bahamas should be made to pay a hefty contingency deposit to the government to cover situations like this, that seem to occur more often than not. JA RULE.
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 8 months ago
And what's printed here is nothing like what McFarland released in his video. He intimidated that the Bahamas dropped the ball, he couldn't believe the island was so backward and they had to do all kinds of work they didn't expect.
killemwitdakno 7 years, 8 months ago
He's not saying anything that's not true somewhere in the 242. Right time to put the attention on it too. Not like MOT gave all of '16's crazy carnival's proceeds to those few thousand affected after Joaquin.
(not sure where the $1 comes in if 2018 is free, but it's the thought that counts)
Hey, if it's in one of the Bahamian towns in Miami, what a fusion! Exuma Regatta at Fyre '18 everyone LOL.
killemwitdakno 7 years, 8 months ago
Ok. Get organized now ppl. There's not always a second chance. You've been asking where was tax money designated for relief. This time we'll have electricity to observe.
Cue the Promoters. Get the relief logistics ready, get a trustworthy company with experience. Check the list of infrastructure repairs that were needed, like the fish farm in long island and docs. If the money comes , we'll already know exactly where it's going. Ensure that give outs are not political. You have 1 year to do transparency right.
Or , if we're not going to build, put it in a trust fund for mass migration should the tides continue to rise from global warming.
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 8 months ago
2018 in the US, we too backward. The tone in the video is a lot different from this statement in the article. TheMOT dropped the ball before the event and the PR battle after, they trusted McFarland to handle everything both times
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 8 months ago
"Intimated" not "intimidated" lol
killemwitdakno 7 years, 8 months ago
Not tent, it's called "glamping". Get into it and we could make $12,000 a stay. haha.
Porcupine 7 years, 8 months ago
Did MOT- Ministry Of Tourism forget that Regatta was scheduled the same weekend? MOTS - More Of The Same
Clamshell 7 years, 8 months ago
McFarland's statement is complete and utter bullshlt. He makes it sound as if he and JaRule were innocent victims of circumstance. No. They are arrogant, clueless, incompetent jerks. Their complete stupidity caused this fiasco. Any other attempt at an explanation is a lie.
killemwitdakno 7 years, 8 months ago
I worked an event stateside where Bill Clinton was a guest. These 23 yr old kids put it on for hip brand owners and entrepreneurs rich enough that wanted to be around them. We were still putting up the set and food when guest arrived at the hotel. Today those kids have real estate in the Aspens. O, they did a Bahamas event flawlessly too.
MassExodus 7 years, 8 months ago
Government should take the Lions share of the blame... Due diligence was not done on the event organizers. This could have been easily prevented. Too bad no one cares or has foresight enough to see these basic things.
killemwitdakno 7 years, 8 months ago
Well , a event production directory is only basic shit, along with rental partners, that thing no one gets called logistics, ect. I mean, gov doesn't even post to their job site, so what was expected again? I had already begun working on it all btw, too late to cop.
TalRussell 7 years, 8 months ago
Comrades at da Tribune, follow the story by chasing down....What's missing from the public description of the story....What is the government officials connection to the missing parts? Who got, or was promised - what? Who owns the island and if rented out - for how much money?…
Jonahbay 7 years, 8 months ago
For once @TalRussell you are asking the pertinent questions! This whole thing was an embarrassment to us and while it was free publicity it wasn't quite free or positive. Who signed off on this? How much money went under the table that caused the organisers to be unable to pay the talent? Who thought to schedule something on the same weekend as regatta? There are too many questions and not enough answers...
TalRussell 7 years, 8 months ago
killemwitdakno 7 years, 8 months ago
Donate to the who? .............. the ones who robbed Haiti?
killemwitdakno 7 years, 8 months ago
Ay, when Fyre gets big Ja, you owe us a festival for the fame. But in the meantime , thanks for being there during our hard time after Matthew ; )
killemwitdakno 7 years, 8 months ago
Hey Nottage, the police book events. No way foreign security could be as prepared. What happened to a life line? O yeh.. they weren't going to be fooled with overtime again.…
TalRussell 7 years, 8 months ago
Comrades! Finally, something so badly disorganized that you can't even blame on the Chinese.....And, the Chinese were never accused by their guests of paying for tourism luxury but showing up to what is now being described around the world by the festival goers as , “refugee-like tent conditions” on an island of the Bahamaland - that setback the pockets festival goers from $1,500, $12,000 to $200,000.
Let's just say what the guests arrived to see was not even remotely close to what was promoted in the festival promoters slick and beautiful promotional video that sold the ultimate on a Bahamland island festival experience to those willing to shell out thousands of dollars.
TalRussell 7 years, 8 months ago
Comrades! Some higher-ups locally, had to have signed-off on this mess now being aired and printed around the globe.....and the public needs them be named - so they can have their fair chance go public to explain what in the hell happened to broughts abou this global embarrassment on da island of Norman's Cay?
Festival ‘FRAUD’! Fyre Fest Goers "Claim"?
The_Oracle 7 years, 8 months ago
Mc Farland and Ja Rule were in the Exumas months before hustling existing boutique resorts for accommodations etc. Most people told them they were crazy. My question: Did those USAID Disaster relief tents come from NEMA storage? Follow the $$, you'll find who "waived" red tape or "facilitated" this fiasco. Grand Bahama couldn't handle 12,000 tourists right now!
Godson 7 years, 8 months ago
then, to avoid full responsibility and culpability... they offer a verbal apology. Depending on who your family, friends or lovers is, if it was a Bahamian, they go before the courts.
BahamaPundit 7 years, 8 months ago
If someone holds a brothel in your rental, you, as landlord, are responsible. These idiots at MOT need to quit ducking responsibility and heads should roll. The biggest loser in this mess will be the Bahamas, hands down.
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