Sorry don't ease no pain

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Say ya sorry and mean it!

Hubert Minnis having been placed under enormous pressure, coming from his own supporters and the wider country, especially the less fortunate, has forced him to confess his sins publicly. He did, now he should do penance.

After the the rank and file of the FNM, many of whom are planning to take him down, one way or the other, has publicly expressed their disgust, he ran to church. God answers all prayers!

It is said that more than 5,000 people have been fired since May. 

The inhumane destruction done to the lives of Bahamians at BAIC, Urban Renewal, Gaming Board and other government agencies are a clear indication that the FNM hates Bahamians, especially the maids, janitresses, janitors, secretaries, handymen, clerical workers.

Minnis made sure the foreign expatriate, consultants who live high-rise condominiums, paid for by the government, whose children get free education, and who get living allowances have been kept on the job.

Since May, list of beggars have increased. 

These despicable exercises are not accidents, He had the full support of every FNM member of Parliament who are everywhere justifying his efforts.  In fact some are literally gloating about the many Bahamians who are losing their jobs. They even think more poor people should go home.

Oh Lord, who would be next or what would be next in this destruction of The Bahamas as we once knew it.  

But I am forced to iterate, it was Hubert Ingraham who said at the rally to “Fire them from the hill to the valley!”.  Lord help us.

Minnis displayed more compassion for Dominica than the regular Bahamian from over the hill from the same neighbourhood, he said he grew up in.  He sent his friends and their families home, and all the PLP.

Saying you are sorry in one second, and going to Freeport with a police bus to humiliate the people who are already at a great disadvantage, proves that you are not genuine in your confession.

The janitress with several small children and no job, do not believe you are sorry, they believe you are only saying it because you know that your Waterloo is nigh. Saying sorry simply do not ease anyone’s  pain.

“Look what you get when you tired of what you got!”



December 5, 2017.


Dawes 6 years, 9 months ago

Why do people insist on the Government having people employed when they are not needed. Why do they feel it is OK to pile tax on top of tax for the private sector as long as Government keeps employing more then they need. Yes it's bad for people to be made unemployed but the Government can not continue to employ masses of people to make the unemployment levels look semi good. This writer obviously does not understand economics and would rather we continue as we have for the last 40 years until we are finally broke, instead of trying to fix the economy now

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