No rent for post boxes

EDITOR, The Tribune.

POST Boxes at General Post Office, East Hill Street - I totally agree with your letter writer - how can the Ministry - The People’s Government have the face to charge renters for Post Boxes when they have been unable to provide mail delivery for over two years?

Minister Campbell we receive mail three to four months late: months sir. Many people have Registered Mail totally lost - Parcel post packages also lost in the mess in sorting and your Ministry thinks it is fair to bill the renters?

No rent for 2018, Mr Minister, the least you can do and let’s hope very soon sorting out the backlog will be completed.

No excuses now the weather has changed. Your staff are wearing sweaters, it is cool Sir if you have not noticed. No rents for 2018 Mr Minister- no rents.



December 13, 2017.


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