Ortland Bodie fired from his radio show


Ortland Bodie


Tribune Staff Reporter


CONTROVERSIAL talk show host Ortland Bodie Jr was terminated on Friday as the host of Real Talk Live, The Tribune understands.

In a series of emails sent to The Tribune from Mr Bodie, the disbarred attorney alleged that he was “abruptly and unexpectedly terminated” without an explanation or “payment in lieu of the aforesaid unilateral termination.”

“For many months, I and other staff members, to my knowledge, have not been paid salaries or wages when due,” Mr Bodie alleged in one email.

“When I and other staff members have made queries about the same, we would have been talked down to and vilified. More 94.9 FM has potential but ‘management’ may be a problem. I do believe, however, that politics are playing a part herein and the abject objectives of those who ‘oppose’ the return to office of the ‘gold rush’ administration. I will do whatever I have to do, without malice; fear or favour.”

Mr Bodie also threatened to “call a press conference at the appropriate time just across the road from the station” if he does not get the appropriate recourse, including “pay for three months in lieu of notice and the replacement of corporate vehicle.”

He also said he will be in touch with all of his show’s sponsors to inform them directly of his termination and indicated his intent to file a writ of summons in the Supreme Court.

In response, More 94.9 FM Managing Director Galen Saunders told Mr Bodie in an email that the company has “decided to suspend your hosting of the show effective immediately until we have paid you every penny owed to up today.”

“The stress associated your being owed money needs to be addressed. We will secure a fill in host until you have even brought up to date,” the email said.

In a subsequent email, the radio station’s lawyer, Howard Thompson, demanded that Mr Bodie issue a public apology and a retraction “to avoid court proceedings.”

The law office also threatened to sue Mr Bodie and make a formal complaint with the Royal Bahamas Police Force. Mr Thompson also indicated that Mr Bodie breached the terms of confidentially of his written employment contract by releasing confidential information to persons not connected with the company.

Mr Bodie was disbarred in 1985. Attempts to reach Mr Bodie or executives at More 94.9 FM were unsuccessful up to press time.


bahamian242 8 years, 1 month ago

So it may be, but I am surprised Mr. Bodie lasted this long at More94!!!!

John 8 years, 1 month ago

Now is the time to test his marketability aye. Some talk show hosts who think they are bigger than life (no pun intended) lose their jobs only to find they are unemployable well at least not able to find a job to their liking. Are there too many talk shows in the Bahamas? And many lack substance. They just rehash the front pages of news[papers.

jackbnimble 8 years, 1 month ago

Lol! Rodney Moncur you next!!

Publius 8 years, 1 month ago

Bodie is not against the PLP; he is against Christie in favor of who pays him, Brave Davis.

TalRussell 8 years, 1 month ago

Comrade Talk Radio Station Owners, we need our daily fix "His Eminence" Ortland H. Jr.
Hire the man's cause there's none more entertaining on-air than "His Eminence".
Hire the man's to shake-up Guardian Talk Radio's, morning crew of under da water on-air talent. But make sure to read "His Eminence" the riot act of what he can say and not say on-air - and then pray all will be fine.


Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 1 month ago

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jackbnimble 8 years, 1 month ago

Heard he's been replaced by Graham Weatherford. WTH!! Are these radio stations only into ratings??!! Responsible journalism be damned.

banker 8 years, 1 month ago

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Alex_Charles 8 years, 1 month ago

Bodie is not a journalist and he damn sure isn't a responsible one

themessenger 8 years, 1 month ago

Sublime!! From political prostitute to the Village Idiot, what next, More 94.9FM really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

TalRussell 8 years, 1 month ago

Comrade TheMessenger, you seem be so at ease with the other "flawed" talk show hosts?

themessenger 8 years, 1 month ago

Tal & Publius, I couldn't give a rats ass for any of them as I usually have more productive things to do that listen to a lot of opinionated bullshit from the same old tired hosts and callers. Anyone who listens to that drivel on a daily basis has waay too much time on their hands.

TalRussell 8 years, 1 month ago

Comrade TheMessenger the objective to good talk show listening is not to take the host's pretense at journalism too seriously. But you can always switch the dial to catch the Guardian's always predictable Juan "Lite" McCartney hosting his own hour and an half of nervous giggles talk show. Man's can he giggles - at everything.

Publius 8 years, 1 month ago

I actually agreed with your original sentiment....

sheeprunner12 8 years, 1 month ago

Krissy Love .......... GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............... Jeff Lloyd .......... GONE!!!!!!!!!! ............ Orthland Bodie ................... GONE!!!!!!!!!!!! ................. Darold Miller you betta keep the PLP happy or Diana and the Bishop will fire you too!!!!!!!!

banker 8 years, 1 month ago

Someone explain to me why the radio station owed him money in the first place? Were they missing payroll? Damn, I wish these reporters would do their jobs, ask questions and give some back story.

John 8 years, 1 month ago

Graham Weatherford must only be filling in the gap. He does not appeal to the average Bahamian and some of his ideas and thinking is far outfield. Even as a chronic caller.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 1 month ago

I would love to see a white Bahamian talk show host on live TV or radio in our country ....... why do we stifle the minority voice in our country???????

Alex_Charles 8 years, 1 month ago

Bodie's show was horrible, so is Darold Miller's show. It adds nothing, it does a poor job at informing the public and the level of discourse and discussion is also very low. It only serves to perpetuate the same nonsense in our society. I hope Bodie finds gainful employment in those 32,000 jobs Mr. Christie stated he created.

We need to raise the bar everywhere in this country and radio is a great place to start. However, if Graham is the new standard? We are doing the same nonsense again. But I digress, I think and want too much for this country.

banker 8 years, 1 month ago

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Alex_Charles 8 years, 1 month ago

Bodie's show was horrible, so is Darold Miller's show. It adds nothing, it does a poor job at informing the public and the level of discourse and discussion is also very low. It only serves to perpetuate the same nonsense in our society. I hope Bodie finds gainful employment in those 32,000 jobs Mr. Christie stated he created.

We need to raise the bar everywhere in this country and radio is a great place to start. However, if Graham is the new standard? We are doing the same nonsense again. But I digress, I think and want too much for this country.

TalRussell 8 years, 1 month ago

Comrades! Don't you think if the Guardian Talk Radio station could have found time for pushing a creole language talk show upon their listeners' - then why not put a new PLP bounce mix into their programming step by introducing their listeners for the very first time to the most natural messenger of the PLP language - with the hiring the equally controversial "His Eminence" Ortland H. Bodie Jr.
But the Guardian's decision makers must act quickly - before the deputy prime minister does his thing over at ZNS - after all - tis getting that time for the PM to rungs da 2017 General's bell - maybe not such a bad idea considering the other ZNS talkie host -what's his name again - ain't exactly bringing up the taxpayers funded station's ratings.
For what its worth!


banker 8 years, 1 month ago

There is nothing eminent about Ortland. Somewhere out there, there is a baboon wanting its brain back from Ortland.

But then again, his ethics are perfectly suited to the PLP. The only difference is that Ortland was actually punished and the PLP are not.

TalRussell 8 years, 1 month ago

Comrade Banker, what say you - we could do the Comrades Banker and Tal Talk Show, broadcast live from Izmirlian's 'dock'. Personally, I like the name - "Take NO Hostages - Live From Da Dock".

jus2cents 8 years, 1 month ago

Most of the radio talk show hosts are bloody awful, illiterate, uninspiring, whining windbags.

We need some younger more intelligent forward thinking radio hosts, ones that have innovative ideas and solid solutions to the nations social ills and that call-out the injustices going on, hosts that will help the people and the country prosper.

TalRussell 8 years, 1 month ago

Comrade Jus2Cents, not collectively awful but the radio stations will find it increasingly difficult to maintain much less increase their listening audiences if they keep airing "INFO Commercials" under cover as Talk Shows. That is deception.
I've also noticed that they will run ads for seminars, concerts, etc, that are only being held to attract paid ticket holders or seminar fee attendees - and the hosts are not informing their listeners that the "so-called guest" appearing have in reality paid the station upfront advertising fees to appear live on the shows under the guise of "guests?

Emilio26 3 years, 10 months ago

How would you rate DJ Naughty?

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