AG dismisses DNA claim of interference on granting of bail

DNA Leader Branville McCartney.

DNA Leader Branville McCartney.


Former Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson.


Tribune Staff Reporter


DEMOCRATIC National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney alleged yesterday that some government officials interfere with the course of justice by “making calls” to have bail granted to people who are accused of serious crimes.

His allegation was quickly rebuked by Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson, who called the assertion “false” and “unfounded”.

Mr McCartney’s allegation came during a press conference where he mainly expressed approval of the work of the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) but cited political interference as the reason for the country’s murder rate.

He offered no proof to substantiate this allegation. Instead he dared members of the government to contradict him.

“I do believe that (the) commissioner of police and the police force are doing a good job in dealing with crime,” Mr McCartney said in response to a question about police. “Their job is for the protection of citizens. I think in light of where we are as a country they are doing a good job. The concern they have is that, especially persons being held for murder, many of those persons are detained and as has been said by the police, weeks later they’re out on the streets. How do you figure that? Why? That’s because calls are being made by the political directorate. I challenge them to tell me otherwise, that they don’t make calls and say directly, ‘get that person out, that’s my man, that’s my general’ - calls to make sure that they get out. How do they get out? Political interference by the PLP. I said it, by the PLP. They know it. I challenge them to say otherwise.”

In response to questions from The Tribune, Mrs Maynard-Gibson released a statement yesterday criticising Mr McCartney’s comments.

“These false and unfounded allegations by Bran McCartney are an unwarranted and despicable attack on our hard working prosecutors and judges,” she said.

“Judges alone make the decision on whether bail may or may not be granted. It’s a pity that he is taking the position that a false story is better than the truth. The truth is that the number of persons released on bail for serious crimes has decreased every year. Bran McCartney was a part of the administration that cancelled Swift Justice and Urban Renewal. I invite him to join the fight against crime rather than make false accusations and unwarranted attacks on hard working judges and prosecutors.”

Bail granted to people who allegedly commit serious crimes has been a much-discussed part of the debate about crime.

Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade has continually cited the issue as the main reason for the country’s murder rate, although his criticisms appeared to have been aimed more at the judiciary than the government.

Court of Appeal President Justice Dame Anita Allen, however, has defended the judiciary’s actions concerning bail, challenging critics to provide data showing the correlation between a court’s decision to grant bail and violent crimes.

“Those who criticise the judiciary for granting bail have singularly failed to show any empirical data that we have not logically and consistently followed the Constitution of this land and other provision of our law,” Dame Anita said during the 2016 opening of the Court of Appeal’s legal year.

Even as criticism of bail grants has persisted, Mrs Maynard-Gibson has said in the past that courts are granting bail to people accused of murder at a decreasing rate.

Mr McCartney also hit out at the common refrain from police and members of the government that many of the country’s murder victims have a criminal background.

“The number of murders between January and today is unprecedented and the only thing this government can say is that these persons were known to them as if it’s an excuse, but that’s no excuse if these persons are known to them,” the former Bamboo Town MP said. “The government should be saying these are people we want to see or are known to them in another way, as productive citizens in this country, as having opportunities in this country, as opposed to saying they have been known to them because they are a part of some type of criminal element. We want as the DNA for these persons out there to be known to us in a different way. We want you to be known as productive citizens that have a good, successful life in this country, not a life of crime. We want to facilitate opportunities for you as opposed to your only means for feeling wanted or needed being through a gang or anything of that nature. It seems as if there’s no other way but there will be another way when the DNA becomes the government.”

There have been 27 homicides this year, according to The Tribune’s records. Thirteen people have also been killed in a span of 13 days so far this month. Police also reported that a man was stabbed on Nassau Street while another male victim was shot in the area of Ross Corner on Monday afternoon. Both of these victims were said to be in serious condition in hospital, police said.


ThisIsOurs 8 years ago

Alfred Grey and the call to the magistrate?

viewersmatters 8 years ago

Didn't the judge put Alfred Grey on blast for doing the same thing, they really think the people forgot all about the PLP past events aye. And praising BAMSI when that project itself was if political interest, and cause the tax payer double the cost to reconstruct a next BAMSI...The people are patiently waiting, save the lies for the gulliable old generations because this young new generation want facts and proven evidence.

hallmark 8 years ago

"Bran McCartney was a part of the administration that cancelled Swift Justice and Urban Renewal." And what is the purpose of this statement? Because since these were re-instated by the PLP, crime and murder has gone through the roof, out of control.

Alex_Charles 8 years ago

oh for fuck sake.

V. Alfred Gray, you think people forgot about that?

Also Madam AG why did you nolle the case against the men that robbed the DPM? Would have been nice for a full scale investigation into that nonsense.

Millennial242 8 years ago

Senator McCartney...just because others do it; doesn't mean its OK for you to as well...rise above them. If you want these type of statements to stick, please also include facts and examples that the people can corroborate; that's the only way to make sure your voice is above all the other noise 'we the voters' are hearing.

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