Tribune Staff Reporter
CONFUSION led to anger for some National Insurance Board pensioners who went to banks across the country yesterday expecting their pension money, only to be told it was not available.
There were reports of widespread frustration and hostile behaviour directed towards bank tellers over the confusion, as many pensioners who were expecting their money are living “hand to mouth” and were counting on receiving their funds yesterday.
When contacted, Minister of Labour and National Insurance Shane Gibson told The Tribune that NIB erred and “sent out the wrong date in December” and claimed that a correction was issued on January 3.
He also said that pensioners who receive direct deposits from NIB get their payments on the third Tuesday of every month and those who receive cheques from NIB get their cheques on the following Thursday.
However, several pensioners who spoke to The Tribune said they did not hear of any correction to the earlier pension payout schedule issued by NIB.
One pensioner who spoke to The Tribune on the condition of anonymity claimed he receives his pension on the 14th of every month, but “this time nothing was there.”
“I called (NIB) and they told me I have to wait for the 21st with an attitude and no explanation,” he added. “I assumed the government borrowed all the money from NIB and they broke, but that isn’t my fault. I need my money; this is ridiculous.”
Another pensioner, a resident of Long Island, took to Facebook to complain about the situation. He said a pamphlet was disseminated by NIB officials that indicated they were supposed to receive their pension payments on February 14.
“National Insurance must have known in advance that pensions were not going to be paid today,” he said. “That being the case an announcement to that effect ought to have been made. Pensioners from north and south Long Island, where there are no banking facilities, were seriously inconvenienced and suffered much distress having made the very long journey to the Royal Bank in Gray’s or Scotia Bank in Buckley’s only to find the money they were depending on, albeit a paltry sum, was not there.
“I asked the clerk whether the other dates given by National Insurance for when pension would be paid are reliable,” the pensioner added. “She could not say. I am seriously concerned, folks, when our National Insurance benefits, for no apparent reason and without any explanation, are being with held from us. “Where has our National Insurance money gone?”
Another man, who called The Tribune to complain and spoke on the condition of anonymity because of fear of victimisation, said NIB gave pensioners a yearly calendar featuring dates for when pension payments would be available, and the calendar indicated that the payment would be available on February 14.
“I think it’s ridiculous,” he said. “We would like to find out exactly why our monies were not there. If they give it the third Tuesday of every month like they told you (The Tribune), they should’ve put that on the calendar. I budgeted to get the money on the 14th. It’s Valentine’s Day. You have a wife and there are things you want to do. And there was no explanation and when you go to the bank they say nothing.”
Another pensioner, an Exuma resident who did not want to be named, said she was told by NIB employees in Exuma that the pension payments would be issued yesterday.
“They don’t know what they are doing out there,” the frustrated pensioner said. “They put a lot of people at a disadvantage, I know a lot of people who would catch a ferry to the mainland (Exuma) to go to the bank.
“It makes no sense. It’s just carelessness and a lack of concern for people.
“My brother, he had like $25 left and he spent $15 for gas and gave his grandson $10 for (his school’s) fun day knowing he would have money today. He went to the bank three times (on Tuesday) looking for the money. He said he has to stay home for a week because he doesn’t have money to buy gas.
“This is just another reason why I will be writing a paragraph when I go to vote,” the pensioner said.
TalRussell 8 years, 1 month ago
Comrades! Bank Tellers stretched our islands had to declare "Code White" when pensioners become angry after learning that their monthly benefits were not in their bank accounts as promised by this PLP cabinet.
How many more of your own PLP voting block can you make angry even before you rungs the 2017 General's bell - and still expect to be returned as the majority government?
Gotoutintime 8 years, 1 month ago
No worries Tal---As soon as the bell rings the same people who are complaining today will be making their X for the PLP---I'm not sure the Bahamas can take 5 more years of this!!
The_Oracle 8 years, 1 month ago
I wish they could have expanded the article to include whether pensioners who have direct deposit were affected. In one persons case pension direct deposit covers private Med insurance payments. If that check bounces, insurance cancelled! Does anyone else notice the government increasing difficulty in doing the simplest things?
birdiestrachan 8 years, 1 month ago
It must have been a mistake, I am sorry for persons who were inconvenienced. but let us not forget who put NIB in place. nor those who very much against it
Honestman 8 years, 1 month ago
And let us not forget which party has plundered from the NIB coffers wasting millions of dollars of taxpayers money on ridiculous investments such as Bank of Bahamas. The pension "black hole" has increased immeasurably under the PLP and sadly the elderly are going to suffer when the "chickens come home to roost". Yes, let us not forget!
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 1 month ago
Forget who put NIB in place??? Are you crazy?? People need to eat today. Pindling along with many of his compatriots are dead.
DDK 8 years, 1 month ago
You just don't get it, do you birdiestrachan?
themessenger 8 years, 1 month ago
Fifty million dollars and counting of tax payers money gone to bail out a failed bank, with two more tranches of ten million each still to come. All this so some crooked cronies on both sides of the political divide don't have to pay their loans. Despicable!!!
banker 8 years, 1 month ago
This is bad. NIB has a cash flow problem? The end is nigh.
Ladies and Gentlemen, there is only one course of action. Seat in a comfortable position. Loosen your clothing. Put you head firmly between your knees. Kiss your boongie goodbye.
SP 8 years, 1 month ago
.......... Think They're Confused and Hungry Now? Let Them Vote PLP Again! ..............
happyfly 8 years, 1 month ago
Wait till our junkie dollar gets devalued because of these muppets. A B$100 pension will not be enought to buy one bowl of chicken souse
OMG 8 years, 1 month ago
And still the party faithful believe all that is fed them and say" beat me,beat me ,oh please raise taxes again--I love high prices@.
DDK 8 years, 1 month ago
Oh well, it has started. The beginning of the final descent.
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