Sparks fly at PLP meeting

Raised voices inside the Progressive Liberal Party meeting at Pilgrim Baptist church in Kemp Road.
Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune staff

Raised voices inside the Progressive Liberal Party meeting at Pilgrim Baptist church in Kemp Road. Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune staff


Former Senator Frank Smith.


Wayne Munroe


Tribune Staff Reporter


TENSIONS ran high last night in the newly renamed Freetown constituency, as supporters for the candidacy of Public Hospitals Authority Chairman Frank Smith clashed with supporters of attorney Wayne Munroe over who should be selected as the Progressive Liberal Party’s standard bearer for the area.

According to unconfirmed reports, Mr Munroe, QC, is expected to be named as the PLP’s candidate when the party ratifies more hopefuls tonight, however party officials last night said a decision had not been made.

In a meeting filled with verbal altercations, pleas for community improvements and even arguments with reporters, members of the PLP’s Candidates Committee, led by party Chairman Bradley Roberts, were bombarded by claims from each side about why their candidate of choice would best serve the party’s interest in the upcoming general election.

As scores of party supporters flocked to the Pilgrim Baptist Church Hall on St James Road shortly after 7pm Thursday, the level of agitation between the two sides became clear, with campaign organisers associated with Mr Smith telling persons dressed in Wayne Munroe paraphernalia that they were not welcome inside the “private meeting between the Smith camp and the party.”

This did not go over well, as those turned away became angered by what many of them called “a failing attempt to change the party’s decision.”

Some even accused Mr Smith of busing in people from other areas to give the appearance that he had more support than his rival.

The unrest and the late arrival of many people who supported Mr Smith delayed the official start of the meeting by nearly 45 minutes, which ultimately got under way with a strong decree for peace and order among “strong PLPs”.

This plea by Mr Roberts, at times interrupted by irate supporters of Mr Munroe seated at the back of the hall, ended with the party chairman asking members of the press to vacate the “private” gathering to avoid the ordeal “playing out in the press like those other guys,” referring to infighting in the Free National Movement.

The remainder of the ordeal played out primarily in the foyer and exterior porch of the church’s hall.


Ormanique Bowe, a senior member of Mr Munroe’s team, told reporters that she made it a point to attend last evening’s meeting despite being informed ahead of time that anyone opposed to the selection of Mr Smith should not attend.

When asked her issue with the meeting she said: “Team Frank (Smith) called this meeting to show that he has the majority of the votes is the constituency; actually he does not. The crowd that you see here is a bought crowd that he went into different constituencies and picked up tonight.

“Wayne Munroe is already the nominated candidate for constituency and will be ratified (Friday night) at Gambier House,” she claimed.

Pointing at the interior of the church hall she added: “What you see in there is a lot of disgruntled PLPs who don’t know what they are going to do.”

Ms Bowe spoke to The Tribune moments after she addressed the Candidates Committee.

When asked about her comments to that group, she said: “I told them that I was a part of Frank Smith’s team and last year when he had his branch elections what they did was (instruct voters on) who they wanted to be elected. When persons went up to the podium, they told them all on top and they told them to vote what was (written) in their hands.”

She added: “That turned me off because I am a woman of fairness and thought it should have been done in decency and order without the candidate there because the candidate has nothing to do with the branch.”

According to Ms Bowe, under the watch of Mr Smith, the Freetown constituency, particularly the Kemp Road and Anne’s Town areas, have remained stagnant and poverty-stricken.

She said while she understands that he didn’t officially represent the area as a member of Parliament over the course of the last five years, his inaction and absence in the area turned voters away.

The area is currently represented by FNM MP Richard Lightbourn.

“The people that make up the heart of this community are tired of Mr Smith. They know who he is and what he represents. They know he abandoned us as soon as he lost,” she added.

Mr Smith was MP of the St Thomas More constituency from 2002 -2012. That constituency was eliminated in 2012; that year Mr Smith lost the Montagu constituency to Mr Lightbourn.

“Kemp Road knows the PLP, we were always loyal to them. Yes we were folded into an area with a lot of FNM voters, but Kemp Road stood with Frank, and he left us when he didn’t get what he wanted,” Ms Bowe added.

Those that supported Mr Munroe were dressed in ‘Montagu for Monroe’ shirts, implying that candidate has been in and around that community for some time.

This group, consisting of a few dozen people, occupied an open parking area just opposite the church’s hall for much of the evening.

Many of them chatted openly about their reasons for not supporting Mr Smith. Most branded him as “tainted goods,” while all insisted that Mr Munroe stood the best chance to win the area.

On the other end of the spectrum, John Johnson, the loudest advocate for the Public Hospital Authority’s chairman during last night’s meeting, argued that those who opposed Mr Smith stood blind to the obvious - that there was “no way in the world Wayne Munroe could win.”

He also got into a verbal confrontation with members of the press.

When questioned by reporters in the church’s foyer, Mr Johnson said: “I don’t really want to give any information right now. Like the chairman (Mr Roberts) said, this is an internal matter.”

He added: “This is a PLP matter and I really can’t give any information at this time. Now you could come look for me again if the party just so happens to not ratify Frank Smith.”

Mr Johnson took offence to The Tribune’s line of questioning over the level of support on display for Mr Munroe.

He went on to suggest that The Tribune should “count the shirts,” implying that those present in support of Mr Smith outnumbered those who stood in favour of Mr Munroe.

When asked why supporters of Mr Munroe were turned away from the meeting, he shifted the focus back to the work and effort of Mr Smith in the area in the past.


At the conclusion of the nearly two-hour long meeting, PLP trustee Valentine Grimes called Thursday’s ordeal a good indication that the PLP was all about democracy.

He said while some reports had suggested that the selection process for the area was already concluded, the party was still working its way through “all the facts”.

“We haven’t made any decisions,” Mr Grimes said. “This is still open and up for discussions. We will meet tomorrow (Friday) as a committee and at that time, if we come to a decision, then the press would be informed. And if we don’t, you will have to wait until we do.”

Mr Roberts added: “The decision would be made by the hierarchy of the party. Everyone who wanted to speak, spoke. The next move will be determined by the hierarchy of the party.”

For his part, Mr Smith, who sat through the entire meeting, said it was nothing new in politics.

“In every constituency, you have persons opposed to anybody who offers as a candidate, no matter what side of the divide you are on and I am no exception. You would have (vitriol) in any community that you go in. Expectations are very high,” he stated.

“For the last four and half years I did not serve as the sitting member of Parliament. But people hold me in a certain light in this constituency. The resources that are allocated to a member of Parliament to do certain things, those are not in my control. But there is still that huge expectation.”

Mr Smith went on to deny busing in supporters for last night’s meeting and down played the suggestion by many in attendance that he was not capable of winning the Freetown constituency if selected as the PLP’s official candidate.


Alex_Charles 8 years ago

I thought the PLP motto this year was 1 party 1 leader? doesn't matter anyway, considering they have the best chance of winning. IT will be sad to watch this party utterly obliterate the Bahamas

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years ago

Frank Smith is hopelessly incompetent in all that he does. Just look at his deplorable track record as Chairman of the Public Hospital (Health) Authority (PHA) and as a past MP. This guy would be a two-bit nothing had he not cleverly maneuvered himself to take the hand of Sir Snake's daughter in marriage and from that time been continually propped up by the Snake. Voters everywhere have enough sense to know that Frank Smith is a light weight puppet of the Snake and will do nothing to represent the people's interests.

banker 8 years ago

Just wondering how they will de-contaminate the church.

TalRussell 8 years ago

The Comrade that showed a little "public" love to a sitting prime minister, and you will get a great deal back to run in 2017's Free Town. it's just politics - nothing "Sunshine connected" personal just depends on which da two will the PLP party's "high hierarchy" decides is the best for the "constituents" of Free Town.

ThisIsOurs 8 years ago

"When questioned by reporters in the church’s foyer, Mr Johnson said: “I don’t really want to give any information right now. Like the chairman (Mr Roberts) said, this is an internal matter.”

He added: “This is a PLP matter and I really can’t give any information at this time. Now you could come look for me again if the party just so happens to not ratify Frank Smith.”


sealice 8 years ago

What i don't understand is WTF these people think the PLP is gonna do for them besides tshirts and beer money around election?
If you live in the ghetto now you gonna live in the ghetto when they get re-elected and die in the same ghetto cus the PLP can't do shit for anyone but themselves.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years ago

@sealice: Here's what you don't understand. In the run up to the general election these bought and paid for PLP voters are going to continue enjoying their cut of the VAT dollars taken from your pocket and indirectly put into theirs. This is the reason why our country experiences explosive growth in its annual budget deficit in an election year - money taken by hook or crook from the Public Treasury to buy votes!

TalRussell 8 years ago

Comrades! With the reporting Sparks Fly At PLP Meeting, it proves that we do have a "Free Press" in The Bahamaland - even if it's politically, corporately and special interests skewed.

justthefactsplease 8 years ago

The PLP had nothing to do with making the press free...we got PAPA to thank for that. Left to the PLP we would still be stuck DEAD NS and the load of s#1t that they spew.

ohdrap4 8 years ago

According to Ms Bowe, under the watch of __, the _ constituency, particularly the _ and ______ areas, have remained stagnant and poverty-stricken.

Let us fill in the blanks, this applies to a number of PLP constituencies, not the least Centreville/Farm road.

sealice 8 years ago

People getting killed daily and starving on the streets and these people are bitching about who wore the most PLP tshirts? I guess a dumbass is what a dumbass is...

TalRussell 8 years ago

Comrade Sealice, yes, even when people are being killed around us - when we stop doing our normal things - isn't that when the criminal thugs win? Still, The Bahamaland is far from being classified as a failed state. Our society and government will move on.

sheeprunner12 8 years ago

Just so funny to hear that the PLP has factions............ BOL .......... They hide their dirt than get elected and release these demons on the people of the country ......... VOTE THEM OUT!!!!

banker 8 years ago

I'd vote for the dude on the far left in the picture with the striped shirt.

sheeprunner12 8 years ago

Both of these PLP candidates will lose to the FNM in Freetown/Montagu/Shirlea/St. Ann/St,Thomas More etc this time around ....... Munroe is a do-nothing pawn and Lil Frankie is a Snake gofer

TalRussell 8 years ago

Comrades! I'm not sure which one to vote for but perhaps I would want to take issue with a candidate that's in charge of the Hospital Authority - where I'd have to bring my own bed sheets to the Princess Margaret Hospital - because the hospital, just might not have enough clean sheets for the patients beds have a fresh change sheets? That is so disgusting hygiene wrong.

sheeprunner12 8 years ago

But ............ you are a PLP apologist???????? smdh

Seaman 8 years ago

Comrade Tal......... Now is not the time to support the PLP. They have lost the vision of the great leaders and nation builder's that the party once had. This set now are money hungry forked tongue devils. Tal....... Nassau needs to follow in Grand Bahama, and Abaco's path and vote FNM. Where Grand Bahama goes so does the country. Is it any surprise that Abaco has the best economy in the western part of the world and they vote FNM. The two go together. Tal it's never to late......... Come home to the FNM.

sheeprunner12 8 years ago

Long Island has always rejected the PLP Mafia ......... even though the PLP used the old "divide and conquer" tactic back in the 1970s and 1980s to hold LGI back ........... and this half-baked PLP candidate has NO chance

SP 8 years ago

....Maybe The Haitians Could Bless Us And Give Them All AK47's For The Next Meeting....

Just hoping out loud.

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