“We March” organiser Ranard Henfield addresses the crowd at the Black Friday march in Rawson Square. Photo/Shawn Hanna
Tribune Staff Reporter
PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts yesterday suggested that We March Bahamas lead organiser Ranard Henfield “get his head examined” for insinuating that the PLP allegedly recruited “gang leaders” to “convince the streets” to march with the governing party on Majority Rule Day instead of the activist group.
In an interview with The Tribune, Mr Roberts also implied that the PLP will not accept lead organiser Ranard Henfield’s invitation for the two groups to march together for a “common loftier goal.”
We March Bahamas and the PLP have conflicting marches planned for next Tuesday, which is Majority Rule Day.
On Monday, in a Facebook post, Mr Henfield claimed that he was approached by two gang leaders the day before who allegedly told him they were asked to get persons to march with the PLP instead of We March Bahamas.
He also posted an open letter to Mr Roberts, suggesting that the two groups march side-by-side from Clifford Park to Bay Street. Mr Henfield wrote that his group is certain Mr Roberts would put “country over party politics” and accept the invitation to march together for a “common loftier goal”.
However, when contacted, Mr Roberts said he never received a letter from Mr Henfield and explained that there were “no changes” in the PLP’s original plan to march.
He also said Mr Henfield “needs to have his head examined” while denying the PLP is associated or affiliated with any gangs.
“Is he okay in his head? He needs to have his head examined,” Mr Roberts said.
“That is utter rubbish. We did not pay anyone, we did not recruit any gang members. If Mr Henfield was approached by gangsters then maybe they are his people and he knows them. Maybe he can identify them to police or whatever but they were not our people. As far as the march is concerned, nothing has changed. I did not get a letter from Mr Henfield asking us to join the march but the march is open to all Bahamians. We will not be wearing any political colours and therefore we cannot join a programme of wearing black and whose goals and objectives continue to drift,” Mr Roberts said.
Earlier this week, Mr Henfield wrote on Facebook: “I pray about everything. Most times, God says ‘stand firm but remain humble!’ One of my biggest concerns is keeping the We March supporters safe. The next is to give a voice to the voiceless, then raise awareness to their plights and help them bring about change.
“On Sunday, I was approached by two different gang leaders at two different places, both of whom advised me that they’ve been asked to convince the ‘streets’ to march with the PLP instead of with We March. Both of them have chosen to stand with the people and have issued their orders on the streets that the people must stand up to government,” Mr Henfield claimed.
“While I understand that some supporters of the status quo are trying everything possible to muzzle the people’s voice, let us stand firm for one more moment then begin our journey towards a better Bahamas for all!”
Last week Wednesday, Mr Henfield revealed that “after several weeks of back and forth” the Cabinet Office rejected the group’s application to protest in Rawson and Parliament Squares because the “event conflicts with another event” already booked for that date.
Yesterday in another Facebook post, Mr Henfield said it’s time to “break rank” and “walk away from those parties, organisations and official positions that dictate that you cannot stand up for the people.”
“So the people can’t have Windsor Park because the political party of the day is leaving from there. The people can’t have the Southern Recreation Grounds because the political party is headed there,” Mr Henfield said.
“The people can’t have Rawson Square because the political party is passing through there. The people can’t have Crown land because the political party that ‘Believe in Bahamians’ didn’t specify which Bahamians they believed in. We uproot the status quo and anyone that wants to oppress or victimise any of the Bahamian people.”
We March Bahamas plans to march from the Clifford Park/Western Esplanade areas along Bay Street to Pompey Square at 10am on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Mr Roberts has confirmed that the PLP will march at 7am from Windsor Park ending at the Southern Recreation Grounds on Market Street.
We March Bahamas staged a massive protest on November 25, 2016, where more than a thousand people marched from Arawak Cay to downtown Nassau. A large group of protestors also occupied Rawson Square for 12 hours as part of the demonstration against the government and the status quo.
goodbyebahamas 8 years, 2 months ago
This crooked eye $hit breath a$$hole is the mouth piece for the PLP, even Satan, Christie's father doesn't believe a F-ing word that comes out of this worthless old bag of bones stinky ass lying mouth. Just the fact that he doesn't want to join a peaceful march with the Bahamian people should throw red flags on to the playing field. These PLP scumbags are tying to force Majority Rule day down your throats even though you have your own plans for that day. Be careful on Jan. 10th. , these evil PLP devils are showing their true colors and wouldn't put anything pass them at this point.
EasternGate 8 years, 2 months ago
John 8 years, 2 months ago
Toogie and BoBo? Henfield is treading on dangerous ground both by offering to march with the PLP and by suggesting that he is associating with gang leaders. Remember how that backfired on Pindling and the PLP more than a decade and a half ago. If Henfield mixes and mingles his march with the PLP, they will draw him like a powerful magnet. Like a flay into a spiderweb. His goals and purpose will be lost, his mission unaccomplished and his reputation tarnished. Then Bradley Roberts will tell him "you is one of us now so you may as well stay", or they will toss him close to the nearest garbage like a used condom.
Zakary 8 years, 2 months ago
Don’t get too stirred, he at the least proved in some way publicly that the PLP doesn't care about collective issues, only staunch party politics.
The PLP was never going to agree to this anyway, let alone Bradley Roberts himself. Fred Mitchell was also rumored to say that no PLP should be caught dead in any of these marches, except the “PLP” march, and extended an olive branch in the form of a closed box propaganda website (quite the read).
Majority Rule will be used as a stick to beat the marchers with - the ole 'you is a anti Bahamian rhetoric’ will come next. You know the drill.
As for gangs, Toggie and Bobo is all the evidence that we will ever need. They had Government contracts too, we didn’t forget.
Greentea 8 years, 2 months ago
I hate to put too much on this but how these two marches evolve will be instructive. The PLP is essentially asking their supporters to march with them to make it seem as if We March is as they say - FNM. This is a cooptation of the majority rule narrative is a divide a conquer strategy that I hope beyond hope backfires. It is dirty, misguided and has sadly become typical of PLP/Bahamian politics. It is also clear sign- as if we needed another clear sign- that the political class that runs the PLP is completely out of touch with the wide range of Bahamian people and their needs. They continue to deal in our least common denominator- lowness. Bahamians please don't march for party on January 10- Shock their azz! March for country! Forward Bahamas!
licks2 8 years, 2 months ago
TalRussell 8 years, 2 months ago
Comrades! Clearly reports of possible gang involvement in the January 10, 2017 March Day, regardless who tried recruit or just talked with them, it is offensive and infuriating to the many thousands of our own people still living in poverty, and those thousands also who are living in fear the criminal thugs.
Here we are 50 years from 1967 and we're talking about law breaking criminal thugs and not the large segments of the poor literally unrepresented and left voiceless before and after 1967 - a breeding ground for thugs.
The_Oracle 8 years, 2 months ago
Henfield must be nuts to even open that possibility: Marching with those responsible for the deplorable state of the country? There are other strategies available. Pick a parallel route not crossing the Political route. The PLP can march but there are ways to show they march and trod on the blood and sweat of Bahamians.
Sickened 8 years, 2 months ago
I consider 'We March' as a large group of 'I March'ers. I marched to express my disgust with the PLP's thieving (I mean spending) habits. Many other marched to express their own feelings . As long as we march together and for making a better Bahamas, we may get a country that is better and that we can all be proud of. We March is in essence, live, offline, social media.
PastorTroy 8 years, 2 months ago
Dear Creator of the universe, please take this 'wanna be relevant' Dinosaur (Roberts) away from amongst us (Humans) he serves no POSITIVE useful purpose to our nation anymore. The knowledge you've blessed him with decades ago, are being used to keep your people in bondage, please make it public, like giving one of his Sweethearts AIDS or something. Thank you in advance.
Sincerely, Right thinking Bahamians Worldwide.
Honestman 8 years, 2 months ago
".....like giving one of his Sweethearts AIDS or something.!!!!!
A nice thought from the Pastor!
RUKiddingMe 8 years, 2 months ago
Believing that the PLP recruited gangs to march is no stretch of the imagination. Everybody knows that the biggest campaign contributors to the PLP have always been criminals - Ninety's legacy!!
TalRussell 8 years, 2 months ago
Comrades! "WE MARCH" should be abandoned to be replaced with "WE DEMAND appointment Royal Commission Inquiry LOOKS INTO NATIONAL INSURANCE MONEYS - The slush funds for years accessible both the gangs yellow and red shirts governments. The real gang members who should be boarding that bus heading Fox Hill Prison route.
By all financial accounting practices there should be $3 BILLION workers/peoples moneys sitting there somewhere...But you'd be lucky if even $300 million is stashed there.
Basically, if the National Insurance Moneys ain't accountable for, it means thousands Bahamalanders moneys are missing and they eligible pensions and benefits are shi% WORTHLESS?
goodbyebahamas 8 years, 2 months ago
Pastor Troy? I don't think so Sir. No man who represents God would wish death on anyone....that's for me to do, a sinner who loves God with all my heart.
licks2 8 years, 2 months ago
The use of gangs to intimidate or even to beat political rivals or destroy their property is typical history for PLP. . .and before you FNM/UBP around here start pointing yinna fingers and sayin "see". . yinna reds have yall history of "burning down" political HQ and even being mixed-up in. . .well lets just say. . .remember the poker humes and red burrows case. . .and please let we not forget the Toggie and Bobo saga still to come! That case ran deep into both PLP and FNM/UBP.
justthefactsplease 8 years, 2 months ago
FYI Bradley Roberts, if anyone needs his head examined that would be you. Also, Henfield is millions of times more credible than you Sir; so you can guess who we believe.
sheeprunner12 8 years, 2 months ago
Seconded ............. Brad and the PLP elite need to be put in JAIL!!!!!!!!!!
truetruebahamian 8 years, 2 months ago
Bradley Roberts and all of the entitled plp sunshine boys should be investigated and ready to serve prison time for all that they have done by underhanded and malicious threats, theft, financial damage to those not supporting, questioning and afterwards denying those who otherwise support different ideas. Pindling's terrorism on the Bahamian people has become a normal way of operating with the plp. It has become an endemic way of trying to crush those with opposing or different ideas. So it is definitely needed for our survival to crush them absolutely.
truetruebahamian 8 years, 2 months ago
Roberts et al are nothing but bullies and cowards.
goodbyebahamas 8 years, 2 months ago
Put up another Pindling statue at the Nassau airport to remind the Bahamian people where their oppression started from. Who gave the PLP the approval to put the first one up in the first place? After you wipe the PLP out of your lives forever this election , tear down that dead dictators statue and bury it in the sand!
sheeprunner12 8 years, 2 months ago
Interpretation: The PLP elite needs to sponsor all members of the PYL and start carving all of the PLP national heroes into the rock wall at Clifford Park where we can all go and bow before them and worship them ....... BOL
That is just how hilarious Brad sounds to sensible Bahamians right now
cmiller 8 years, 2 months ago
Will the PLP send the police force out to stop the march because they didn't give Henfield a permit to march? This has the potential to turn into a riot. The PLP should never had planned a march to counteract the people's march. How can you go against the very people you expect to vote for you in a few months???
goodbyebahamas 8 years, 2 months ago
The PLP is getting the RBPF ready with riot gear as we speak. They will be out of sight as their four PLP spies try to start fights with them hoping the crowd joins in. They are going to tear gas the people, beat them with batons, and shoot them with rubber bullets if need be. Information from inside of parliament has been circulating in the internet for a week now.
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