Juveniles behind bars as six are accused after school stabbing

Juveniles accused of being involved in the Government High School stabbing outside court yesterday. The youngsters are aged 15-17. 
Photos Shawn Hanna

Juveniles accused of being involved in the Government High School stabbing outside court yesterday. The youngsters are aged 15-17. Photos Shawn Hanna


Tribune Staff Reporter


TWO juveniles were remanded to the Simpson Penn Centre for Boys yesterday after they were arraigned in Magistrate’s Court in connection with a recent stabbing incident at Government High School.

Four other juveniles were also charged with fighting related offences in relation to the same incident.

The first of two 17-year-olds, whose names have been withheld because they are under 18, appeared before Magistrate Constance Delancy facing a count each of causing harm and causing grievous harm stemming from the brawl on Thursday, January 19.

The causing harm charge was made under Section 266 of the Penal Code while the more serious charge was brought under Section 270.

The other 17-year-old accused was separately charged with a single count of causing harm.

Three teens were injured during an argument that occurred during the school’s first recess, according to initial police reports. They were taken to hospital for treatment of their injuries, police said.

The school was immediately put on lock down while police processed the crime scene and spoke to witnesses.

In a 30-second video, taken during the fight and posted on social media, several students appear to be hitting and punching each other.

One young man is seen on video with what appears to be a knife in his hand, running towards the fight.

In yesterday’s arraignment, the two accused, who were accompanied by their parents when called on to answer to the allegations against them, denied committing any crime.

They are schedule to stand trial before a juvenile panel on February 15.

Magistrate Delancy said they would have to be remanded into custody at the Simpson Penn Centre (SPC) until trial, as the Bail Act did not allow the court the discretion to consider or grant bail to them on the offences with which they were charged.

However, they and their guardians were advised of their right to apply for bail in the Supreme Court.

Four others, two 15, one 16 and one 17, were also arraigned before Magistrate Delancy, charged with the offence of fighting under Section 208 (6) of the Penal Code.

It was alleged that they, about 11.10am on the same date and place, “did disturb the peace by fighting.”

While the 17-year-old accused denied the offence, the other three minors pleaded guilty.

Magistrate Delancy exercised her discretion to grant $300 bail to each of them with a suretor and curfew until the conclusion of the matter before the juvenile panel.

Their parents were given the option of posting $300 cash bail if they were not in possession of job letters and a utility bill that would be needed for the bonds to be approved.

Magistrate Delancy warned them that if they were found wandering the streets unaccompanied by a responsible adult during their respective curfews, they would be taken into custody and remanded to the SPC.

For the lone 17 year old who pleaded not guilty to fighting, he will stand trial on February 15 before a juvenile panel.

The magistrate ordered that social inquiry reports be prepared for the remaining juveniles for the juvenile panel’s consideration. They are also expected to return to court on February 15 to learn their fates.

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