DNA leader calls for action over impropriety allegations


DNA Leader Branville McCartney.


Tribune Staff Reporter


DEMOCRATIC National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney has criticised the Minnis administration for failing to take action against former government officials over allegations of impropriety, calling on the Government to "sue" members of the former Christie administration if criminal charges cannot be filed against them.

Mr McCartney said "some legal position" has to be taken against members of the former Christie administration, as he charged that "there ought to be consequences" for persons whom he said "were negligent in the way they governed this country and dealt with the Bahamian people's money."

The former Bamboo Town MP said even if the Minnis administration is unsuccessful in bringing charges against former government officials, be they criminal or civil, it will still "bring to the Bahamian people's attention and those culpable for it, and ensure that they stay out of politics."

Mr McCartney also said he is "concerned" that the Minnis administration has "backtracked" on some of the "big promises" it made on the campaign trail, especially those relating to the controversial Baha Mar documents, as well as the introduction of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Mr McCartney also regretted that the Minnis administration's Budget presentation, charging that it "has failed to show how this economy will be stimulated" and grown. He asserted that such should not be the case, as the governing party had "five years in opposition to prepare, and you've been in government before."

Mr McCartney's comments, particularly those calling for the criminal prosecution of certain members of the former Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) regime, were in response to comments made by the Minnis administration on its position towards alleged impropriety on the part of the former administration.

In June, Attorney General Carl Bethel said his office had not received any files in relation to complaints of misconduct of former government officials. Mr Bethel's statements came days after Works Minister Desmond Bannister told Parliament that some members of the Christie administration are "guilty" of misfeasance, and that Mr Bethel will have to determine if they should be held liable for the "millions" in taxpayer dollars that were awarded in questionable contracts.

At the time, Mr Bethel said whatever information that is sent to the Office of the Attorney General in the future will be dealt with under due process. However, he said the many allegations against the former administration that have emerged from the House of Assembly warranting criminal prosecution have other avenues of redress.

On whether recent allegations against the former government may be criminal, Mr Bethel said: "I'm not sure that the prime minister would have gone that far as to indicate possible prosecutions and I wouldn't either. I would say that the law is sufficiently mature, common law, that certain acts could either be dealt with civility, in civil law, or in some other way.

"But I do not believe that anything that's been said by anyone in Parliament has gone to the extent of raising any criminal concerns."

Responding to the government's position on allegations of corruption and otherwise against the former administration, Mr McCartney said the Minnis administration should take legal action against the alleged "bad deals, the corrupt practices, the self enrichment" engaged in by members of the Christie administration.

"We have the government saying now there's no criminal activity, or there's no criminal element in what has happened," Mr McCartney said. "Well, look, you got to find some legal position to deal with those persons who did this to our country and to the Bahamian people.

"Sue them if you can't find a criminal charge. Sue them. They were negligent in the way they governed this country and dealt with the Bahamian people's money. And even if you're not successful, either through criminal matters or civil matters, it will bring to the attention what was going on, the facts of what was going on.

"The awarding of contracts, missing monies. It will bring to the Bahamian people's attention and those culpable for it and ensure that they stay out of politics. No more coming back to the House of Assembly."

He added: "There ought to be consequences for the corrupt practices, self enrichment, side deals and for the wastage of the people's money. In addition this new government ought to move quickly to introduce anti-corruption legislation and to put in place the (FOIA). There's no reason whatsoever why the (FOIA) should not be in place today."

Turning his attention to the Baha Mar documents, Mr McCartney said the government's current stance on the controversial documents warrants criticism, given that it had maintained an entirely different stance on the issue in the lead up to the May 10 election.

In June, Mr Bethel said the documents contain nothing "unusual" that would prompt the government to renegotiate its terms, despite the FNM's suggestions on the campaign trail that the now unsealed Baha Mar documents may have been troubling. Mr Bethel also said the agreement doesn't infringe on Atlantis' most favoured nation status.

Dr Minnis had previously said in Parliament that the heads of terms relating to Baha Mar's sale was approved for release by the Supreme Court, before he tabled the agreement, which he said fulfilled a campaign promise by the governing FNM.

However, Dr Minnis added that other "sensitive" documents relating to the sale remain under a court seal.

Still, Mr McCartney insisted that the government has "backtracked" on its campaign promise regarding the documents.

"I still want the deal unsealed," Mr McCartney said. "We don't know what the deal is. The attorney general, I'm told, said he looked at it and he said 'okay, it's okay, there's nothing wrong'. But yet during the campaign trail they said it was one of the worst deals for the Bahamian people. So now you're going to say there's nothing wrong?

"At least tell us what the deal is all about. But we shouldn't be surprised you know? (Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis) did the same thing when he was in Opposition regarding the (letter of intent). There was a big uproar as to what's going on with the letter of intent with (Agriculture Minister Renward Wells). And when Renward Wells went over to the FNM and (Dr Minnis) said he looked at the LOI and he said 'it's okay, I'm satisfied, but you don't need to know what it is', that has been done before.

"Now with Baha Mar, this government is saying 'it's okay, we're satisfied', but they're still not telling us. Where's the transparency in that? The people, the Bahamian people ought to know."

Mr McCartney also hit out at the government's initiatives, or lack thereof, to turn the country's economy around, charging that as "they have members in the Cabinet who were in the papers speaking about doing business in this country and it being too high," he would "imagine by now we would have put things in place so that we can do business in this country, we can keep our doors open, we can employ more people, we can build the private sector."

"There has been no indication of new investors coming in and there's been no comment, no discussion as to diversifying the economy through new industries," he said. "Now don't tell me it's only been two months. You've had five years in Opposition to prepare, and you've been in government before. The people need help now, the economy needs help now.

"I have no doubt that we will see better days in this country, but those days must start to come soon. Because the Bahamian people, we have suffered long enough. So I encourage this administration, get to work in getting this economy and turning this economy around, because if it doesn't happen in short order we're going to be in for a rude awakening in this country."


We_doomed_242 7 years, 6 months ago

Now the ghoul shows his face after a devastating loss at the may 10 general elections lmaooo

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 6 months ago

"#DEMOCRATIC National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney has criticised the Minnis administration for failing to take action against former government officials over allegations of impropriety, calling on the Government to "sue" members of the former Christie administration if criminal charges cannot be filed against them."

Will this get us anywhere. Why haven't you proceeded with your OA lawsuit? Hmmm? Pretty free with other people time and money though. Bahamian people stop letting these politicians swing you with a bunch of bluster, if he were PM he'd have on his "sensible" hat and be speaking in a much different tone

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 6 months ago

Brent Symonette and Carl Bethel are trying to persuade Minnis to forgo taking any legal action against corrupt senior officials in the last government and their equally corrupt family members and cronies because they know Minnis will be dealt a fatal political blow if he fails to make good on this one key promise alone that he made to us, the Bahamian people. Yes indeed, the long knives have already been unsheathed and are waiting at Minnis's back for the right moment of maximum public discontentment at which time they will be plunged into his back with great overwhelming force in order to take him down very quickly. Minnis's failure to make good on his most significant campaign promise will undoubtedly present the golden opportunity of betrayal that will bring his political career to a speedy end. And now we see McCartney joining in on the objective of Symonette and Bethel by fanning the growing flames of public discontent with Minnis's apparent about-face on the need to hold corrupt politicians and their equally corrupt family members and cronies accountable and responsible for their crimes that have brought our nation to the brink of bankruptcy. Minnis had better take a good hard look over his shoulder before it is too late!

Reality_Check 7 years, 6 months ago

The fact that Ingraham is back in the lime light should also be disconcerting for Minnis. Both Brent Symonette and Carl Bethel will always have much more respect for and loyalty to Ingraham as a political force and (still) potential leader than they ever will have for Minnis. And there is very little Minnis can do about this in the near term.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 6 months ago

Gee it's interesting how people can look at the same events and have completely different perspectives:) I mean that literally, I was just talking to a friend this morning about Ingrahams statements. I said he's been quiet for about three years and he's now speaking up after just one month of the new administration which is interesting...but "my" take on it was, he was becoming increasingly concerned by the number of missteps the admin was taking in such a short period that he felt he had to say something. I don't think he has any intention of running again in this lifetime.

Tarzan 7 years, 6 months ago

Everyone here, most certainly that should include Mr. McCartney of the loud noise, no action camp, needs to take a deep breath and give the government some time. Dr. Minnis is working in a professional way. There is a great deal of fact finding that must precede any decision on legal filings or civil suits. The degree of corruption and just plan chaos that Mr. Christie and his minions imposed on every sector of Bahamian society makes this process very difficult and will require much time to sort out. Meanwhile there is a government to run. Please stop all this nonsense about "nothing being done". It is being done and for the first time in this country's independent history, it is being done the right way.

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 6 months ago

@Tarzan, let's get one thing straight. Time is on the side of Crooked Christie, the Evil Wicked Witch Maynard-Gibson, Bag Man Baltron Bethel and others like them, and they are all banking on things being dragged out for a year or more as this works in their favour of never having to personally face the music for their grave misconduct and criminal abuse of their public office and blatant disregard for the public trust. Time is not on the people's side and the people know it!

Reality_Check 7 years, 6 months ago

Ya gat dat right! And time for sure ain't on Minnis's side when it comes ta da patience of dose who woted for da Doc!!

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 6 months ago

It's not nonsense if you do all this work behind the scenes with some misguided view that anyone will thank you for working quietly n the background. This is not a campaign or a stage production. This is governance, and in public governance the path has to be "public". Y'all stay right there about "be patient", you'll be out the day before the grand announcement on all the great and wonderful things you've been doing unbeknownst to anyone.

Also if KP's back and forth helter skelter statements are any indications of what's going on behind the scenes, maybe it is best for them not to say anything, at least they can claim "they didn't give us a chance"

SP 7 years, 6 months ago

@ Tarzan..I am very pleased to know there are sensible people out there with enough common sense to recognize the absolutely gargantuan task, and the amount of work it requires for the Minnis administration to unravel, investigate, bring charges and prosecute individuals dating back 10 years of massive corruption!

Politicians, civil servants, lawyers, accountants, contractors, bankers, vendors and any number of friends, family, and lovers on both sides of the political divide are tightly weaved into a sophisticated criminal organization involving every ministry, corporation, government, and private entity in the country.

PM Dr. Hubert Minnis has properly set the stage nationally and internationally for the dominos to fall in the right places at the right time. There are no short-cuts or quick fixes'!

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 6 months ago

Therein lies the problem. MOODYS JUST STATED THAT THEY HAVE US UNDER REVIEW. THIS IS AFTER STATING JUST TWO WEEKS AGO THAT THEY WERENT GOING TO DOWNGRADE US. TWO WEEKS. These people need to buck up and figure out what important. 80% of their effort should be on our finances! instead they running around trying to embarrass people and settle scores, do that after you balance the budget please.

KP making asinine statements like they'll hold the line on spending and leave UR and BAMSI budget the same. Seriously??? Read the PLP budget line for line without a single adjustment. Suggested a borrowing of 722 million right off the bat. Said he had to "find" a way to help manufacturers?? Seriously??? THIS is what's MOST important, "our finances". I wouldn't be surprised if Moody's downgrades us simply because the admin doesn't appear to be focusing on the priority, too much blood in their eyes.

SP 7 years, 6 months ago

Whatever Moodys' does is totally irrelevant to resolving the Bahamas systemic corruption situation!

Regardless which way the pendulum swings, we must first find out where the leakages are and plug them before pouring more good money after bad money into the coffers of these pirates that have robbed us blind and stifled growth for decades.

Taking one step backward is not easy and certainly not anyone's preference, but it still "is what it is" and cannot be avoided at this juncture.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 6 months ago

The steps to resolve corruption could have been worked on in opposition. That is my point. No one had to come in on May 11th to "figure anything out". The laws are on the books, they could have been reviewed and corrections proposed. I must live in an alternate universe, it was clear to me that they'd done no work and were playing "win the 24 hour news cycle". They're running a marketing campaign!!! Wake up. They can't market their way out of our position, uncovering another scandal won't do it either. The priority item is our finances.

If you look at KP's statement over the past two months and come away thinking he had any kind of plan or that he understands the economy sufficient to direct anything, I'm going to go down one notch in my respect for you.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 6 months ago

Everyone in the Bahamas knows the bidding process is the major problem. You and I could sit down fir two hours today and propose a plan to stop leakages in govt ministries. It's been two months and they don't have one suggestion? I'm not exaggerating I'm confounded by the lack of any evidence that they planned to be in leadership...

TalRussell 7 years, 6 months ago

Comrades! What is never talked about is how often we see the ordinary class defendants being carted off to jail on their sentencing day because they are incapable of paying court ordered monies on the spot.... but in other cases where others who outright conned ordinary people out their life savings are often giving a' repayment time period and broken down into an affordable and extended payments plan' - thus being allowed avoid having to board the bus for a speedy ride to Her Majesty's Fox Hill Prison. Some the defendants doing the conning have included lawyers, contractors, doctors, politicians, big shot government employees, law enforcement, bankers, preacherman's, big shot civic leaders and business man's and woman's. Do you want their names?
{ Comrades, I ain't making this up }.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 6 months ago

Bran is just stoking the flames of the FNM mob and poking the PLPs in the eye ....... He was always the Devil's (Brave) Advocate .......... He lives a really charmed life regardless of who is running the government ........... Bran has already gained his political brownie points

TalRussell 7 years, 6 months ago

Comrades! It's scary to even attempt to picture what would be missing from todays Bahamaland - had there not been a Prime Minister Lynden Oscar Pindlling? There's a good chance Bran being of the lighter vanilla skin colour- could still have made something of himself under the governance Sir Stafford Sands. It's the more blacker colours that with 100% certainty would not have enjoyed the economic, career and business opportunities, freedoms, educational and society's social fruits - had there not been a Pindling government. { Comrades, this is a proven UBP skin colours practice fact and not something I made up }.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 6 months ago

Pindling would have been a real Bahamian hero ....... if he had quit after TEN years ........... After 1977, his administration went downhill and he is forever linked to the Drug Trade and Nation for Sale ........ 10 years would have also left us with a good view of Ingraham ....... Perry should have never been PM

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 6 months ago

It's clear that this administration had no idea how hungry the people were to see actual work. They thought they would come in and people would be hosting victory parties for six months. They thought they would have time to organize themselves "after" they won. They could have had a plan to restructure BAMSI, UR, the bones of the Fiscal Responsibility Act completed, the Freedom of Information Act reviewed and corrected, these would have sent excellent signals to the country and the world that they'd prepared themselves to turn the country around.

Instead what they've relayed loud and clear is "we trying to figure it out as we go". In fact KP has actually made this very statement on several occasions on issues as evident as how to bring down manufacturing costs. He said they had to speak to manufacturers to "figure it out", well you should have done that while you were in opposition. You should have come on May 11 with the list of initiatives you'd be exploring. And you don't have to have some grand detailed plan, these aren't simple solutions, but at least show that you've thought about it, at least....

I still can't believe that they left the NTA in place, kick Agatha Marcel out and steal all her good work. I fully expected that program to be absorbed somewhere else as a cost cutting measure, but it seems like they left it as a reward for a losing candidate. Couldn't they have merged into BTVI, Bahama Host, People to People????

Just compare Duane Sands' presentation to KP's and you'll see the difference between someone who was working and planning for leadership while in opposition and someone who wasn't. This thing about be patient and we need time is a farce. There's plenty that could have been done without knowing how many bills we had and who thief what. Like for example preparing a strategy that said, "WHEN" we get in, we'll borrow just enough to get us through the first six months, we'll review and request more when we have a better picture

They need to realize that a sizeable portion of the persons who voted for them have no allegiance to the FNM or the PLP.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 6 months ago

Like reviewing the Disclosures Act and determining whether you should send out those letters or whether time would be better spend strengthening the Act. Make the stand about how the laws aren't sufficient and what you're going to do about it. All could have been done in opposition. These fundamental things really have me puzzled. Was FredMitchell the only one who actually took time to read it?

SP 7 years, 6 months ago

Branville McCartney like Hubert Ingraham is struggling to remain relevant!

These two "old schoolers" have yet to get it through their thick skulls they were rejected by an electorate tired of their stupidity, hard-headedness, proven lack of ability to compromise and overwhelming selfishness.

Branville proved beyond all doubt to have extremely poor judgment skills when he colluded with undeniable wacko, power mad, Loretta Butler. NOBODY with sense trust either of them or cares what he or Loretta has to say as proven May 10th.

Thank GOD Bahamians were intuitive enough to recognize Loretta and Branville for what they really are ...."power-crazed at any cost"!

Unquestionably, the Bahamas and our people would have suffered more than ever had Branville McCartney and Loretta Butler succeded in gaining control of the country!

sheeprunner12 7 years, 6 months ago

ThisisOurs ............. I think you believe that the FNM was a parallel government ......... Three FNM MPs were actually in the HOA last term ........... and there is only ONE government at a time .......... The FNM Cabinet had to get in their Offices and see what was really going on, being briefed by the senior public officials and struggle to get through the roadblocks placed there by the out-going PLP government ............ It is not a straightforward "one day one" job ...... Just look at what is going on in the USA (even though they have a two month transition system) ......... Just chill out and wait until the summer recess is over ....... Then judge the new Cabinet based on what they would have accomplished by December (mid-term of first fiscal year in Office)

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 6 months ago

By December will be much too late for Minnis, and the anti-Minnis faction within the Cabinet and at the AG's Office are banking on the people losing their patience well before then.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 6 months ago

Mudda .......... do you want them to rush and end up like Trump in the USA?? They have 5 years to execute their plan ........ this first one is quasi-PLP cleanup

proudloudandfnm 7 years, 6 months ago

Pretty obvious the FNM had no plan other than win the election.

Sad really. They should have sprung into action on May 11th. Instead all we get from them is "good things coming"...

This country is in deep shit. And we have no leadership. Again.

JohnDoe 7 years, 6 months ago

This is not a fully fair or accurate statement. I agree that they have come out of the blocks a little sluggish but the issue here may be more systemic and of messaging more than a complete lack of preparation. The fact of the matter is that our system dictates that within a few days after winning the election the new PM is sworn in. Up to that point the new PM and the incoming government has no, and I mean absolutely no, idea of the true state of affairs of the country's business. What we have seen in the twelve months leading up to an election is that successive governments have converged the country's fiscal economic policies with the financing of their election campaigns during the election year such that the actual state of affairs almost always has much larger than expected adverse or negative surprises as well as dealings that defy common sense. This is a systemic problem because there is really no way you can actually plan for the nonsense we have been hearing about. Performing an effective appraisal of the state of affairs is indeed a very prudent approach before just diving in and doing something just to be seen as doing something. What is missing is the right messaging to accompany this appraisal.

Where I do fault the FNM and agree with HAI, is that all of this name calling under the privilege of Parliament, sometimes without any evidence of wrong-doing, is not only wrong but it breaches a fundamental tenet of our jurisprudence system of innocent until proven guilty and creates a mob mentality. If there is wide-spread evidence or suspicion of wrong-doing then impanel an investigatory body to address these suspicions and conduct the necessary investigations with a view of making recommendations on charges and to ensure that this state of affairs never happens again.

licks2 7 years, 6 months ago

I believe the doc will get the work done. . .in a new and professional way. . .despite persons like papa nipping at his heels. . .I have much respect for doc's ability to steer this ship! I got my management, research and innovations training in the USA. . .I worked with some of the best in DC, VA and MD. . .I have sat in strategy meeting of some of the best fortune five hundred companies, University development task forces and studied social change methods with some of the great names such as Johnny Daniels and Nancy Fishmann both of Howard University! One professor at a university that I worked and studied at told me that he can see me returning to that university as a professor, but most sheared my ambition of heading towards the United Nations as an expert in urban redevelopment with a focus on city planning!! So I've seen a thing or two. . .and I say doc in on the right track for sustainable medium and long term national development planning. . .not some of these knee-jerk foolishness posted on some of these sites!!

I would suggest that some of you around here go and get a copy of the Bahamas National Development Plan and read and analyse it (it is an exhaustive and comprehensive plan) and then you will see the wisdom in what the NEW FNM team is doing. . . I can tell that few to none of you on this site read the BNDP or have any idea what goes into not government. . .but into social transformation and capacity building of a people who are used to crap and exploitation for 44 years. . . I ALREADY SEE A NEW TYPE OF BAHAMAS COMING BECAUSE OF THESE YOUNG TURKS THINKERS. . .LEAD BY THE DOC!!

I heard papa made a statement that caused me to place his back-side right in the rig with what PGC them were doing. . ."I am from the era were losing an election is enough. . .the shame should act as punishment enough. . .its not good governance to go after those who have exploited the public trust while in office"!

Well child, the whole topic this weekend in all them lil watering holes where I go was papa disappointing many persons. . .including me. . . ya mean to tell me that Britain, France, Canada, USA and all other developed nation that had "tiefs them" in office don't know what good governance is? PAPA SHOWS HOW HE IS "MIXED UP" IN THE CRAP THAT WAS GOING ON FOR SO LONG IN THIS NATION. . .HE NEEDS TO CARRY HIS TAIL AND GOOD FISHING WITH HIS FRIEND PGC!!

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