Port Authority pushes customer service focus

The Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) is continuing to focus on customer service through the 'My Grand Bahama' campaign, an initiative of its Invest Grand Bahama Promotional Unit.

The campaign is designed to address ways to improve customer service. The initiative has received a positive response from employees and employers, including government entities.

Derek Newbold, senior manager of business development for the GBPA and Invest Grand Bahama, said: "We remain impressed by the level of support from our licensees and government entities who have embraced the 'My Grand Bahama' customer service training programme.

"Their responses have been positively overwhelming, and that speaks to the fact that we are taking a much-needed first step to identify and address training needs that directly support business success."

Bank of The Bahamas was one business that took advantage of the workshops. Michaella Perpall, its associate for corporate and commercial services, said: "The training provided insightful concerns and suggestions, whether it came from physical interaction or someone randomly relaying their concerns via social media.

"The workshop gave us an idea of how customer service on the island of Grand Bahama can - and should - be improved or enhanced in its entirety throughout all business sectors, as we work toward developing a brighter economic future."

Glendia Sweeting, the GBPA's business development officer and 'My Grand Bahama' co-ordinator, said: "The 'My Grand Bahama' customer service training workshops are a dynamic experience for participants. We equip them with communication skills, including how to talk and how to listen. This key element of the programme seems to be one of the biggest takeaways for our participants.

"To date, around 1,100 individuals from within approximately 60 businesses and organisations have participated in our training workshop. This has been great, and we want to see those numbers increase. We look forward to the business community's continued participation in this impactful initiative."

Ian Rolle, the GBPA's president, added: "As we improve customer service, we simultaneously create better interactions with one another and those individuals who seek to do business on the island.

"This initiative reflects our commitment to improving the quality of life for residents, visitors and investors. We know that when we deliver and receive good customer service, it translates into our island being a good destination for everyone to invest in, experience and explore."


proudloudandfnm 7 years, 2 months ago

Seeiously now. Can we please just gwt rid od the GBPA?!?!?

My Grand Bahama?!?!?

Are they insane? My Grabd Bahama is a broke, run down, depressed ghetto.

If the GBPA can't do anything but collect our money and live like kings then GET RID OF THEM.

Time for the Haywards and the St. Georges to carry their ass....

Bunch of crooks taking our money and giving us NOTHING IN RETURN...

proudloudandfnm 7 years, 2 months ago

Here's a lil business lesson for the GBPA.


Get off your rich, lazy asses and DO SOMETHING ABOUT FREEPORT'S CRISIS TODAY!!!

sheeprunner12 7 years, 2 months ago

How much is the white GBPA hierarchy paying Ian Rolle to oppress yall black people over there??????

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