BAHAMAS Power and Light Company Limited (BPL) is investigating the cause of an island-wide outage which began in New Providence just before 3pm Thursday.
According to a statement posted on BPL's Facebook page, the company has started restoring power. However many areas remain without electricity.
"Early indications show that a cable fault was responsible for the system failure; however, BPL will carry out a complete investigation once its system has stabilised," BPL said.
"BPL apologises to its customers and assures them that it is working to find immediate solutions to this problem and long term strategies to prevent a reoccurrence."
DillyTree 7 years, 7 months ago
Here we go again. .... it's going to be a long, hot summer.
Now Baha Mar is online, it's only going to get worse. When will they deal with this and stop telling us lie after lie about how they have it all under control?
sheeprunner12 7 years, 7 months ago
It is time for the Cabinet to terminate PowerSecure deal ........ remove the BPL foreign bosses ........ and revert to the old BEC model with a three year plan to remove ALL Bahamian residents from the BEC grid (and on solar power) with buy-back incentives ..........and reserve BEC for commercial properties and hotels only ........ That is the only sensible solution
BTW ........... Who is the present Minister responsible for BEC?????????
observer2 7 years, 7 months ago
Minnie gonna investigate dis just like he investigate da tree million dat vanish from BEC.
Ain nuttin ga happen. Y'all get swing. New government but same incompetence.
observer2 7 years, 7 months ago
Tomorrow sumtin else ga happin and yinna ga be so mad bout dat yinna ga forget bout da power outtage and da tree millions dat just get tief.
Baha10 7 years, 7 months ago
Who is the Minister responsible for BEC? Is there a Minister for Energy?
proudloudandfnm 7 years, 7 months ago
Lol. These people are so full of it.
We know what the problem is.
BahamaPundit 7 years, 7 months ago
If I was PM, first thing I would do is stretch a dropcord from Florida to New Providence. Easy. Florida power company would probably pay the infrastructure cost too. No brainer. Done. No more power outages ever!!!
sheeprunner12 7 years, 7 months ago
True dat .............. What would it cost to link the islands with BEC cable to Miami to get power from Florida Power & Light???? ........ After all, there are more customers in Miami than in ALL of The Bahamas ........ we are just a small Florida county in terms of population and electricity demand
DDK 7 years, 7 months ago
Just what we need, more 'ties' to the U.S.!
baldbeardedbahamian 7 years, 7 months ago
John 7 years, 7 months ago
The power shortages in New Providence is a man made problem. It's a situation where while consumers were overpaying for a service, the company was still being run into the ground. Monies were being frittered away while the equipment was allowed to grow old and become antiquated. The fix for BEC/BPL is expensive but not undoeable. We heat the talking but no one seems to be doing the walking. So we continue to pay high bills and still sweat our a$$es off. How cute!
DDK 7 years, 7 months ago
That's about the size of it, and not only on New Providence. All it would take to have reliable power in this country is for BEC to be run like a business. If Government is not up to the job (and they have not been for decades) this fact needs to be acknowledged and the corporation has to be privatized. Do they have ANY idea how this problem affects our tourist and second homeowner product - not to mention the damaged equipment for Bahamian homeowners and businesses across the Land?
totherisingsun 7 years, 7 months ago
There are 5 massive, highly maintained generators that show up at Potters Cay dock every day, seven days a week...why not buy cheap power from the cruise ships? Oh yeah, we can't figure out or afford to get a plug run to potters cay....just like the generators we paid for at BEC that sat waiting for a plug for 3 weeks. So many many unqualified leaders for so many years. Lets demand this time that the Minister of Energy be an Electrical Engineer with a PhD and not another barrister. Sorry, forgot that Bahamians that get educated in foreign lands are tantamount to second class citizens, like their foreign educators, (who ironically provided all the engineering skills that took us out of the stone age... until we kicked them all out and settled with the dark age)
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