Life in the system?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It would appear that someone has flogged some life into the dying postal service.

For the last few years, the mail has been arriving late, if it arrived at all. Bank statements, utility bills, and letters and so on arrived past the due date and created problems, especially for the poor and senior citizens who don’t have online accounts to track their invoices.

The situation is so serious that most vendors send their invoices by email and have to pay someone to pick up cheque payments if they want to remain in business.

Lo and behold, last week, a member of my family received a note in her post office box asking her to collect her mail from inside the East Hill Street post office.

To her surprise, she was handed over a large bundle of letters and magazines tied in twine. One of the letters was dated January 2017!

A friend just opened his box to find it stuffed with dated material.

Hopefully, people will now start to receive their mail in a timely fashion.



June 26, 2017.


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