Struggle continues between potential PLP Freetown candidates


Frank Smith (left) and Wayne Munroe.


Deputy Chief Reporter


AN INTERNAL struggle continues within the governing Progressive Liberal Party between PLP executives and Public Hospitals Authority Chairman Frank Smith over the Free Town candidacy, with insiders telling The Tribune that the PHA executive has put up a “tough fight” to justify why he should be on the party’s ticket over attorney Wayne Munroe.

According to sources, while the party is leaning toward selecting Mr Munroe, QC, as its Free Town candidate, Mr Smith is still “vehemently” objecting to this decision.

According to sources, Mr Smith has argued that unlike newcomer Mr Munroe, he is a long serving and loyal member of the PLP and has done extensive work on the ground to win over voters. The PLP announced back in 2015 that Mr Munroe had joined the organisation. Mr Munroe, in the 2012 general election, ran as a candidate for the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) but lost his bid for the Mt Moriah constituency.

“Frank has done some work on the ground in Free Town,” one insider said, “now it’s unclear whether this is meaningful work. The main complaint in the constituency is he hasn’t really been around for constituents when they need help.”

Another party source added: “Those constituents see him as a candidate who wants to persuade them to support him by having parties with an abundance of booze. You know the old school way to get votes. They don’t think he’s been around when they really need his support and assistance. This is why they want Wayne.”

Yesterday, PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts said “conflicts” prevented the party from officially ratifying a candidate this week. However he said the party intends to make its official decision next Thursday.

Asked whom the party was likely to choose, Mr Roberts said: “I can’t say but both fellas are good candidates and would do the constituency well.”

Last week, tensions ran high in the newly named Free Town constituency, as supporters of both Mr Munroe and Mr Smith clashed over who should be selected.

In a meeting filled with verbal altercations, pleas for community improvements and even arguments with reporters, members of the PLP’s Candidates Committee were bombarded by claims from each side about why their candidate of choice would best serve the party’s interest in the upcoming general election.

As scores of party supporters flocked to the Pilgrim Baptist Church Hall on St James Road shortly after 7pm last week Thursday, the level of agitation between the two sides became clear, with campaign organisers associated with Mr Smith telling persons dressed in Wayne Munroe paraphernalia that they were not welcome inside the “private meeting between the Smith camp and the party.”

This did not go over well, as those turned away became angered by what many of them called “a failing attempt to change the party’s decision.”

Some even accused Mr Smith of busing in people from other areas to give the appearance that he had more support than his rival.23

Earlier this week The Tribune reported that the PLP’s Montagu branch voted to nominate Senator Smith for Free Town constituency before the Candidates Committee of the PLP decided to give the nomination to Mr Munroe.

Mr Munroe was expected to be ratified by the PLP’s National General Council a week ago.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 6 months ago

This is all about Crooked Christie wanting to extort from Sir Snake, who is worthless Frank Smith's father-in-law, as much campaign financial contribution support as he possibly can. Yes, Crooked Christie is giving Sir Snake the middle finger because of his disappointment with the level of kick-backs Sir Snake is thus far willing to give the PLP. Once Sir Snake cuts a cheque for the right amount, poor Munroe is history. Sir Snake already knows the useless corrupt (and brain dead) Frank Smith can only win in a "guaranteed" PLP constituency like Freetown even though he is of very mixed and dubious heritage.

Honestman 7 years, 6 months ago

There is no way that Freetown is a guaranteed PLP seat.

banker 7 years, 6 months ago

This is an interesting fight between two factions in the PLP. Someone has promised Munroe a seat without checking with the other faction. I think that the line dividing the two factions are the Perry Christie supporters and the Young Turks who want him out. There is a third faction who doesn't care who it is as long as the PLP is in power and they are getting theirs. They will get it from either of the two other factions.

I do think that Crisco Butt is really naive, and doesn't realise that his deputy is in the other faction against him, which is the one backing Munroe.

This is a peek up the skirts at the dirty underwear of the PLP and it een a pretty sight. The pus and grime oozes from everywhere in the PLP, and it is mildly interesting to see who comes out on top. What this is really about, is who gets in the line to tief from treasury and who gets to screw the Bahamian people. These depraved putative candidates are both like a condom -- they spend more time in a wallet and are only useful for screwing you.

Honestman 7 years, 6 months ago

The imagery here is quite something. I would laugh out loud if it wasn't all true!

Voltaire 7 years, 6 months ago

Interesting that Freetown was supposed to be an advantage to the PLP...

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