Deputy Chief Reporter
THE former chauffeur of governing Progressive Liberal Party MP Dion Smith yesterday said the PLP does “not care” about Bahamians as he announced his candidacy with the Democratic National Alliance where he will go head-to-head with his former boss.
Mario “Ducky” Lockhart, who described himself as an “individual who sat in the front seat beside one of them”, said his campaign to win the Nassau Village seat will be honest and aims to cater to the needs of area residents who have been neglected.
Mr Lockhart was one of five new DNA candidates announced on Friday as the party looks to complete its slate of candidates for the 2017 general election.
Others included former College of the Bahamas President Dr Leon Higgs for the Mount Moriah constituency, Sky Bahamas CEO Captain Randy Butler for South Beach, Bishop Margo Burrows for St Anne’s, and Cindy Coakley-Knowles for Fort Charlotte.
“Up until Tuesday of this week I was the driver and have been for the last two years of the Member of Parliament for Nassau Village. I hope that ain’t a shocker to any of you all,” Mr Lockhart said as he addressed DNA supporters gathered at the party’s headquarters on Baillou Hill Road South.
“So when you hear persons say this and that about what this government is really doing to the country, I’m an individual who sat in the front seat on the side of one of them, so I know for a fact. It’s not what I’ve been told or heard, this is what I’ve seen with my own eyes and my own ears. I can guarantee you, Bahamas, and especially the constituents of Nassau Village, they do not care.
“There were times when I had to stand up in a few team meetings for the area. The team was made up of about 30 persons and two of them actually live in the area. (If) you are in a constituency and you can’t get 30 people in the constituency to support you and they are a party, (then) you should have an idea of what is really going on.
“I have stood up in meetings before and I have had to say, ‘Hey, are you aware that I am one of them?’ Mario Lockhart’s campaign is going to be honest (and) to the point. I’m not going to play the smearing game, but there are some things that are very distasteful the (and) the constituents must know.
“To the constituents that may see this, know that ‘Ducky’, ya boy from the soil, ya boy you played basket ball (and) dominoes with (and) gang bang with...I’m here. It’s up to us to take care of us.”
The DNA plans to complete its ratifications next week.
Mount Moriah candidate Dr Leon Higgs has had extensive administrative and teaching experiences at both the two- and four-year college and university levels. C
He is currently the Secretary General for the Bahamas National Commission for UNESCO, and the former Director of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning at the Ministry of Education. He has also served as the Director of Training for the Bahamas government and the Assistant General Manager of Human Resources at the Water and Sewerage Corporation.
Meanwhile, the DNA’s South Beach candidate, Captain Randy Butler, has amassed more than 25 years of industry experience in the aviation field.
Mr Butler, who ran on the DNA’s ticket in the 2012 general election for the North Andros and the Berry Islands constituency, worked in the Department of Aviation from 2000 to 2007, leading the country back to Category One status in the International Aviation Safety Assessment ratings by the FAA within one year of being downgraded.
And then in 2007, he moved to the Ministry of Tourism and Aviation as the first ever manager of Aviation Security.
In 2008, he was appointed as CEO and president of Sky Bahamas. Under his leadership, the airline has expanded operations from three to 13 approved domestic and international routes, the staff complement has doubled, and the airline’s fleet has grown to seven aircraft.
Bishop Margo Burrows, running for St Anne’s, is an insurance industry professional, but has had more of an extensive run as a Christian ambassador. She is the founder and senior pastor of Bethel the City of Refuge Bible Ministries International. She has also been consecrated to the bishopric office by the electoral wards in Barbados, and received double honours from the CICA International University and Seminary in Houston, Texas).
The DNA’s Fort Charlotte candidate, Cindy Coakley-Knowles, has extensive experience in the banking sector and hospitality industry. She holds several hospitality certifications, including more recently in Hotel Revenue Management and Hospitality Management from Cornell University.
She is also a member of the International Concierge and Life Time Management Network and Weddings Beautiful in Canada). She was certified as a hospitality educator by the American Hotel and Lodging Association.
ThisIsOurs 8 years ago
This is getting ridiculous. The role of an MP is not exclusively community organization. If these people want to make sure garbage is collected and potholes are filled, do that, but don't run for an MP position that requires you to read, contribute, critique and correct LAWS that affect the country. If you've never read the constitution, if you can't interpret the constitution, you shouldn't be running to be an MP
John 8 years ago
Seems like the opposition parties are falling into place and gearing up to do battle against the PLP. All the fringe parties are falling away or joining forces with other parties. Only Loretta Butler and her six rebels seem to have been left out in the cold. She is an excellent politician that always makes valuable contributions to house debates. Hopefully the F.N.M will find room in their tent (and forgiveness in their hearts) to welcome her back home again. If the FNM wins the government and, if she doesn't win her seat, maybe Minnis will consider making Butler-Turner, leader in the senate.
DDK 8 years ago
You are too kind.
DDK 8 years ago
Sometimes, kindness is needed!
Alex_Charles 7 years, 12 months ago
that would be farther unwise. LBT has shown herself to be a political halfwit and rather incapable of not making stupid political gambles and seeing them through.
TalRussell 8 years ago…
Seaman 8 years ago
LBT can come back.......... but she will have to start all over again. She was second in command, but chose to risk it all to be head dog.... bam, she get swing by rich folks.
sheeprunner12 8 years ago
Greedy for power but unprepared to lead when given power = LBT .............. Tested when trusting but diligent and persevering = DOC ........ Simple choice to follow
Unlike Perry ........... the naked "cotton candy" emperor ........ and Bran AWOL???
ThisIsOurs 8 years ago
Did nobody see this?
"To the constituents that may see this, know that ‘Ducky’, ya boy from the soil, ya boy you played basket ball (and) dominoes with (and) GANG BAN WITH...I’m here. It’s up to us to take care of us.”"
this is this man's nomination speech...this man expects to sit in parliament and debate bills...on what grounds??? That he used to play basketball and gang bang in Nassau village?
Sickened 7 years, 12 months ago
Makes me wonder if Ducky ever shot AT someone while Gang Banging (I would have to assume that he never actually shot anyone).
242gyal 8 years ago
While I support "new blood" and this guy seems passionate enough, I can't support with someone who glorifies or uses the term "gang bang" as part of his public speech. Surely there are some actual B+ at the minimum potential candidates? We're going no where fast - except further into hell with this country. No hope.
John 8 years ago
Hillary Clinton says "it's time (for her) to come out of the woods." For what? To throw more, young, black males in jail and continue her experiment? GET OUT!
TalRussell 8 years ago
Comrades! Pay more attention to Papa Hubert as the chief advocate to bring about a 2017 General Election merger between the Red and Green Shirts parties.
sheeprunner12 8 years ago
Ingraham to broker a deal between Minnis and Bran???????? ...... After both of them spurned Papa?????????Unthinkable!!!!!! ........... Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!
TalRussell 8 years ago
Comrade Sheeprunner12, no matter what they want say about Papa Hubert and his governing missteps - here's an individual who is still ahead of everyone else who has given up trying talk sense into Minnis and Bran.
How can we forget how it was Papa Hubert as a young poor man's - unhitched his dingy boat from the Cooper's Town public dock and set his compass for Nassau Town - sculling across da ocean his little dingy into boat safely into Nassau harbour, in pursuit of buying his very first bicycle - always wanting make his Mamma, so proud of how well he was taking small but steady steps of progressing in Nassau Town.
Him did good, Mamma!
sheeprunner12 8 years ago
This is not the time for your fake condescending crap ........ I wish Papa well with his intervention ......... He knows (more than most) what is at stake in 2017
TalRussell 7 years, 12 months ago
taking the reds down to defeat in 2012, and some still to this day see Papa Hubert as having stooped lower in his constant criticisms of Minnis, than one would expect from the former PM and leader of the Red Shirts party. Wasn't it Papa, who left Minnis with a broke and disorganized mess of a party, and he threw in Loretta and Dr. Duane - for bad measure.
Papa Hubert has been lecturing Minnis, from 2012 - never single word of praise for the man - not one word. Thanks Papa!
Alex_Charles 7 years, 12 months ago
gang bang? nope, we have enough gang bangers in office now. They are gang banging our economy and the Bahamian people
Greentea 7 years, 12 months ago
What does it say about a major political party that would put the chauffeur up for a seat? This is where we have descended people. Most of the people running in this election are not fit for political office and the leaders of said parties might be good with politicking and running elections but as America is witnessing right now- that does not translate to good governance. The two are very separate and the country has suffered from extremely poor leadership and governance for too many years.
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