Tribune News Editor
FORMER Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham last night said no matter which party is elected to office on May 10, the government will be unable to give police officers overtime pay on May 29 as promised by Prime Minister Perry Christie because “the money ain’ there” in the Public Treasury.
He also told supporters that if the Free National Movement (FNM) wins the election, one of the first things it will have to do is “borrow tens of millions of dollars to pay bills that the PLP government is now unable to pay” and thus will not be able to fulfil some of its campaign promises right away.
Mr Ingraham also accused the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) of trying to censor the FNM, by not allowing the opposition party to hold rallies on Clifford Park or broadcast these events on ZNS.
He also again raised the allegation that more than $800,000 was recently stolen from the Ministry of Finance, suggesting that theft was widespread in the public sector.
“You know after years of fighting the Police (Staff) Association . . . and ignoring the court order, they finally agreed that they are going to pay overtime to the police,” Mr Ingraham told supporters at a rally in South Abaco.
“Unfortunately they ain’ ga be around when they say they going to pay. They said they going to pay on the 28th or the 29th of May, well they ga be gone long time by then.
“And so the police officers and the defence force officers and all others who are voting (today) be assured that the FNM will honour the judgment of the court.
“And speaking for myself, there is no way that either the FNM or the PLP going to be able to pay you on the 28th or 29th of May. The Treasury ain’t got that money. They money ain’t there. Don’t let nobody lie to you.”
Last week, Mr Christie announced the government would finally give police officers overtime pay due for 12-hour shifts worked in 2013 and 2014. He said the first payment would come on May 29 and the second in the next budget cycle.
Mr Ingraham also responded to the Ministry of Finance’s statement issued yesterday, calling on him to provide information to police on his allegation Monday that more than $800,000 had been stolen from the ministry.
“They got the information,” he said. “They want know what I know.”
He added: “Do you believe the police will be motivated to investigate this allegation eight days before the general election when in the meantime they have yet to deal with the multiple reports on the allegations of abuse in government department?”
He referred to several outstanding investigations or unresolved allegations from Auditor General Terrance Bastian over the past few years which have faded from headlines and questioned if anything ever came of these matters, including $700,000 in cash and cheques not deposited on the Department of Customs’ bank account in Abaco.
This matter was first reported in 2014.
And while he has shied away in the past from publicly endorsing his successor, Mr Ingraham defended FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis from attacks last night.
On Monday, Mr Christie called Dr Minnis “weak” and the most “unprepared” candidate to ever vie to be prime minister.
In response, Mr Ingraham said: “We all have a season. My season ended. Perry’s season will end next week. Dr Minnis has good business acumen, he is in his early 60s, he is physically fit - not like me and Perry. He is focused and he is determined. He has put together a good team to form the next government of the Bahamas.”
He also accused the PLP of being undemocratic this election cycle.
“They are not very democratic the PLP,” Mr Ingraham said. “We are supposed to be living in a democracy. How come therefore, that the FNM is unable to obtain bookings to have a rally at Clifford Park in Nassau?
“How is it that Clifford Park is off limit for the FNM but on limit for the PLP? How is it that the FNM has been unable up to yesterday (Monday) to book and pay for its rallies to be carried live on ZNS?”
He said when the FNM was in power, the PLP was able to broadcast its political events on the public station and host rallies at Clifford Park.
Meanwhile as he continued his party’s election campaign last night, Dr Minnis pledged to be a new type of leader, promising a Crop Forecasting Information System, a Coral Reef Protection Act and a land registry if elected to lead this country.
He also repeated promises to introduce fixed election dates and campaign finance legislation.
He also said: “To protect the local poultry market and farm products, first and foremost all government agencies and institutions, ie hospitals; prison; schools; and ministries will be required to purchase and utilise all local Bahamian grown products as a part of their menu.
“To ensure regular flow of farm products, my FNM government will introduce a Crop Forecasting Information System. We will also introduce and enforce a Coral Reef Protection Act.”
The FNM will hold a mass rally in Nassau tonight at the Q E Sports Centre.
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago
Comrades! The former PM knew the public treasury was broke back during his final regime's reign....And, obviously, despite Papa Hubert's possession for the past 5years of positive leadership qualities in his former colleague Minnis.....Isn't it 'awkward' the former PM, never once defined such a positive thing in favour of Minnis over the past 5-years?
Voters will go to the polls in but days - so this is not the time to leave it for historians to debate why Papa Hubert went so silent on Minnis for 6-years on Minnis?
Suck feet...what is Papa Hubert looking for, if Minnis pulls off a win - governor general or some kinds special overseas or cabinet appointment?
Papa wants you believe the reds are a united party - bullshi%!
MassExodus 7 years, 10 months ago
So Tal let me get this straight. You are suggesting the PLP is the better option?
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago
Comrade MassExodus, to the contrary - except there is no such thing as a better option electing either of the two main political parties. The best I can do this 2017 general election cycle is to advocate for a forced collation government vote count come May 10, 2017?
Sickened 7 years, 10 months ago
I'm liking you more and more the closer we get to election day.
MassExodus 7 years, 10 months ago
That is fair enough. Once you don't defend the PLP scum, I won't look down on you.
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago
Comrade MassExodus, Our best 2017 hope is that the voting official results will deny a 'winner take-all' for either of the two main political parties....They both need pay a heavy political penalty for their disappointing performances over the past 5-years.
OMG 7 years, 10 months ago
It is so noticeable that the "peoples station" gives the PLP first coverage and then also disguises their election rhetoric as the PM just bringing the public up to date on current matters. 0n Eleuthera the threats are being made against local FNM government workers that come the election result if the PLP win they are gone. What's that slogan again "Bahamas for Bahamians" I guess only the PLP Bahamians qualify,
sheeprunner12 7 years, 10 months ago
The Bahamian Treasury has been "broke" for a long while now (at least from 2001) ........ the MOF robs Peter to pay Paul every payday cycle ......... RBC is its lifeline for overdrafts ...... monies allocated to pay other debts are transferred to pay salaries ....... every Minstry struggles because at least 70% of its budget is for personal emoluments(salaries, allowances, pensions etc) ........... You cannot run a Treasury like that PLUS with 20% of Govt. revenue been stolen by the civil service ......... and 30% of Govt. revenue not been collected ....... HAI knows that
sealice 7 years, 10 months ago
the prisoners got it bad enough now they gonna have to eat Chicken from the Bahamas? Other then the skinny chickens in Abaco are there any other poultry farmers?
licks2 7 years, 10 months ago
So yall missed the endorsement aye? Papa said what we all knew all along. . .doc is a excellent business man. . .focused and determined. . .and picked a very good team!!
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago
Comrades! I been getting some news but remain curious, if someone much more politically red insider than me - can speak to what brings about the sudden silencing of the Red Shirts South Beach Constituency 2017 General Election Candidate Jeffery Lloyd?
Funny the red party can't brings the same kinds silence to bear on their controversial North Eleuthera candidate Howard “Ricky” Mackey?
John 7 years, 10 months ago
A country divided amongst itself cannot stand. And as long as foreigners are allowed to come in here get humongous plots of crown land, beaches included, pay little or no taxes, rape the country of its resources including Human Resources (we are not slaves), salt, sand aragonite, the treasury will continue to be broke and will continue to get broken into. Bahamians first ma boy! Now here come the "Xenocrats"
Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 10 months ago
Who but Hubiggity should know all about the dirty trick of leaving the cupboard bare for the next government? After all, this is precisely what he did to Christie in 2012! And for this most unbecoming oaf to suggest that the dimwitted Minnis has a "good business acumen" and has put together a "good team" is nothing but a crock of malarkey. For decades the Bahamian people have been plagued by successive corrupt governments led by Hubiggity and Vomit. Now Hubiggity has the temerity to endorse the greedy power hungry dimwitted Minnis who would undoubtedly prove to be the most corrupt and incompetent PM the Bahamas has ever had or would ever have again. Hubiggity's soul should burn you know where when his time comes!!!!
Honestman 7 years, 10 months ago
Only one more week of Perry Christie and the calamitous PLP!
John 7 years, 10 months ago
Sometimes you wonder what's worse The PLP's government or Tal Russel's English.
OMG 7 years, 10 months ago
Dear John, I wondered how long it would be before you and the likes of you bring out the worn out mantra " blame it on the white man" . Tourists and foreign homeowners contribute a huge amount not only to the Treasury but apart from spending in the local shops and restaurants also employ maids, gardeners, mechanics, builders fishing guides, and more. More than one Bahamian has told me that he works for "white" (foreign) people because they provide work and pay on time. You have had over 40 years of independence to get the country in shape, make your own laws and take control but instead support crooked politicians and corrupt practices . I suppose you want " Roots " on ZNS every night to convince the dim witted that foreigners are responsible for modern day slavery. But you are right when you see the divisions in the country especially at this election time tearing the country apart.
concernedcitizen 7 years, 10 months ago
@John got the CIA putting something in the black mans marijuana that makes them out of control murderers ,,Considering a lot more white people in the states smoke weed , just b/c there are more white people ,how does the CIA make sure they don,t get the smoke that makes black guys murderous thugs .I have smoked all over the world and all I ever want to do is chill ,eat ,get a gal lol .We have had majority rule for 40 odd years ,,our politicians could go in the HOA at anytime and raise the minimum wage ,,I have seen the enemy and it is us
John 7 years, 10 months ago
@OMG: First you make two assumptions that you cannot confirm: (1) that every foreigner who gets tax breaks and crown land and tax concessions from the Bahamian government are white? How could you make such a wrong assumption. One that can be so easily dis-proven. How can you be so biased, racist even? Second, You assume that I am black Bahamian, like only black Bahamians have issues with being discriminated against and in favor of the foreigner. I am not a fan of Roots nor do I watch ZNS, so your third assumption is wrong and also confirms your narrow mindedness, your prejudice and,, if not your ignorance of that which you try to speak.
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago
Comrade John, let me tell you a story. Your openness that my grasp on da Queen's English is ugly and inaccurate is better than if you thoughts my posts are foolish. I sure hopes you are not suggesting the Tribune's blog pages editor - should block-out the opinions of we with less than a prefect grasp of the Queen's English?
banker 7 years, 10 months ago
It een bad, it's just very archaic. It smacks of a classical education (before the Loftus thug threw out the good teachers) when most Bahamians who were educated, wrote in perfect cursive script and knew the basics of grammar in the Queen's English. There also has to be some Vanguard in your background.
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago
Comrade Banker, it's for entertainment - ain't likes I'm writing to impress.
Boydie 7 years, 10 months ago
What you sayin' bey this Tal person be Fweddy. playing dumber than usual
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago
Comrade Boydie, if you want reads big, long-ass, loaded words - go read South Beach candidate Jefferey Lloyd's writings. Brungs your dictionary along - okay.
John 7 years, 10 months ago
Actually to the contrary. Tal I try to read what you say with only the intention on understanding what you say. But it is really impossible. so I will continue to skip over them when I do not understand. I am a true believer i free speech. (P. S sometimes I think you write what cannot be understood.
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 10 months ago
According to Tribune twitter "Early voting PLAGUED WITH ISSUES". They need to fire Sherlyn Hall NOW.
sheeprunner12 7 years, 10 months ago
Sherlyn Hall is part of the PLP hatchet job for the election ....... smdh
John 7 years, 10 months ago
A Concerned citizen"
If a government has the where-with-all and the technology to send bombs or missles around the world and precisely hit specific targets, don't you think they have the ways and means to get chemicals and drugs into specific and especially into deprived communities. You want to know what i know, but I wont tell you what i know because I know why you want to know. but I will say this. That battle ain't mines to fight!
John 7 years, 10 months ago
But since you continue to beg..."Understanding the Assault on the Black Man New Edition | Wesley ... "… i Understanding the Assault on the Black Man ii iii Understanding the Assault of the Black ... The Clintons: Super Predators and their Black Prey 27-51 I. President ... Controlled Black Bulls Delgado's Experiments and the Black Matriarchy III. ... Jolly West: The CIA's Pivot from Psychosurgery 211-234 To Crack Cocaine I. Dr."
banker 7 years, 10 months ago
I'd like to try some black man weed, please. I gern bake up some brownies fer me and Tal to go wid our Crown and Scotch and we wanna get real wild. Also gern over ta Atlantis and get some of those cigars handrolled by the resident Cuban whole-leaf roller, and get him to put some murderous maryjane into them. Wese gern celebrate the election win of Hubert Minnis.
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 10 months ago
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago
Comrades! Except for Marsh Harbour's Edison's recycled one - a PLP T-shirt is just sometin white folks don't wish wear. I hear Ryan Pinder, stop wearing his?
banker 7 years, 10 months ago
Family already back in FLA.
John 7 years, 10 months ago
"The director of the Drug Enforcement Administration said today that the Government would use the herbicide paraquat and two others in a stepped-up campaign to eradicate domestically grown marijuana.The use of paraquat, banned from national forests in 1983 because of environmental concerns, was announced by the director, John C. Lawn, at a news conference." "Paraquat, which is used in agriculture to clear fields before planting and after harvest, is an acid that can produce severe lung damage in humans if ingested. " "Animal studies show that inhaling as little as half a milligram of paraquat in a year can cause serious, perhaps irreversible, lung damage. Investigators found that enough poisoned pot was crossing the border annually to expose scores of pot smokers to a highly toxic dose." " Paraquat kills marijuana within a few days. But if quickly harvested, contaminated plants pass for normal."
banker 7 years, 10 months ago
That was 40 years ago. But please be educated:
Also a United States Environmental Protection Agency manual states: "... toxic effects caused by this mechanism have been either very rare or nonexistent. Most paraquat that contaminates cannabis is pyrolyzed during smoking to dipyridyl, which is a product of combustion of the leaf material itself (including cannabis) and presents little toxic hazard."[35]
John 7 years, 10 months ago
Yes lets's be educated..does a fisherman ever call his fish stink..ever, ever???
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago
Comrades! Neither party has a policy in place to decriminalize the recreational use of marijuana. In the meantime until the government of the day grows the bullocks to pass the legislation for the decriminalization of marijuana - why not make simple possession a "ticketed offense" until they get around to treating it like alcohol and tobacco?
A youth can't get a life-time criminal record, or be jailed for possession of alcohol or tobacco?
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