Loretta hits out at 'untruthful' Ingraham

Loretta Butler-Turner and Hubert Ingraham.

Loretta Butler-Turner and Hubert Ingraham.


Tribune Staff Reporter


LORETTA Butler-Turner, who served in the cabinet of former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, turned on him on Friday, calling him "duplicitous" and "untruthful" for statements he made this week about the decision of her and six other members of the Free National Movement's (FNM) Parliamentary caucus to remove Dr Hubert Minnis as Leader of the Official Opposition.

It was among the most stinging rebukes a recent, high-profile FNM member has made of Mr Ingraham, as she also accused him of abandoning the party after the 2012 general election defeat and having repeatedly backed bad candidates. She pointed to Greg Gomez, the party's candidate in the North Abaco by-election, as an example.  

Her comments came on Guardian Radio on Friday.

"I find it reprehensible that the former Prime Minister would come out at this stage of the game to try and make himself relevant," she said. "Additionally, this is the very same man who said to me that I was the one who kept the FNM alive over these past five years.

"So what has given him a change of heart at this late stage? Does he fear the fact that the FNM is losing ground in Long Island? I just find it very questionable. Tell Mr Ingraham that his own leader that he is following now said his era is over. What does he say about that and why are they pulling him out into this election at this time?

"Mr Ingraham is being duplicitous and untruthful in suggesting that what the majority of elected members did is wrong. We had every right within the parameters of the law and if it as against the law then someone should have thrown the books at the seven MPs that determined than Minnis needed to be deposed.

"There is no basis for what Mr Ingraham is saying and the Bahamian people need to understand that Mr Ingraham is the one that abandoned the FNM on the night of the last election, left us to fend for ourselves. He not only did that, he brought in an obscure candidate and we lost yet another seat because of his bad choices.

"Mr Ingraham right now is hitting 0 per cent. He has chosen bad persons and they have all been losers. When his voice should have been heard, they all lost because he left the race. I'm telling you that my fight has always been against the incompetent PLP. That has not changed. What has changed in the past few weeks is the FNM right now really, really doesn't have a strong message."

During an interview on Our TV's "On the Record" on Thursday night, Mr Ingraham spoke publicly of the decision of the "dissident seven" to depose Dr Minnis as FNM leader, saying their action was "inappropriate".

"A political party determines its leader, not the members of the House," he said.

"The members of the House can constitutionally select a leader, but if you are a member of a party, you ought to be bound by what the party decided, and the party decided that Minnis was its leader."

"The extent to which they had a difficulty in supporting Minnis they ought to settle it in the party, and if they couldn't settle it in the party, they could take their georgie bundle and leave."

"The FNM is the official opposition of the Bahamas and the FNM chose Minnis as its leader whether they like it or not. That was a wrong decision they made."

Mr Ingraham said he was surprised to learn of the vote of no confidence as he had met previously with the seven MPs and cautioned them against taking such action.


TalRussell 7 years, 2 months ago

Comrades, you got's to know when the member for Long Island Reheasa, turns her back on the word of her beloved Papa Hubert, it going power even more resentment to turf the member from her perch in the Long Island House seat.
For Reheasa to have become comfortable at knocking her one and only political career benefactor Papa Hubert - it does means - her soul has turned wicket on her.
Some friendly save the humiliation advice to the member for Long Island......Publicly WITHDRAW from da race- before the polls open on May 10, 2017

birdiestrachan 7 years, 2 months ago

She now knows what others have always known about the FNM Papa. He has done nothing to advance the Bahamas and its people. It was always about him. The only time he is the great leader his fans including the comic joker Roberts says he is, is when he is asleep and dreaming, but once he is awake he is just another overweight man ,who does not know when to put his spoon down.

MassExodus 7 years, 1 month ago

Ha! And so what do you think about Perry?????

banker 7 years, 1 month ago

I love your comedy. You are almost as good as 'Naughty'. Keep it coming. This was the biggest laugh that I got from reading the Tribune Online ever. As an observation, because of the hearty laugh, this is also the first time that I feel that I don't need a shower after reading your posts. You have at last found your genre - comedy. Politics doon work for you.

realfreethinker 7 years, 1 month ago

birdie birdie it ain't long now

avidreader 7 years, 2 months ago

Some of what all of you are saying could well be true but he is a good speaker and I delight in hearing him expound on any number of topics. No leader is perfect but he has a way of holding your attention and getting the point across. No wonder the PLP are terrified of him at this time in the campaign. I would be terrified if he were on my case!

John 7 years, 2 months ago

At this late stage don't let a battle flare up and make it appear there is infighting going on in the FNM. Loretta made her bed hard and now she must lie in it. Hubert Ingram took a long time off and many of his MP's and former cabinet ministers went with him. While the FNM welcomes "papa" back on the campaign trail, they must be careful not him over shadow the rest of the party. There is no need at this point to make unsubstantiated accusations or to open old wounds. Stay focus. Remember it was some of the mean and nasty comments this same Hubert Ingraham made in days just before the last election that help lead to the FNM's defeat.

TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrades, who could've guessed that there ls bitterness in Papa's heart - cause Long Island's Reheasa is spoken like a real PLP. Could it be she so badly bungled making Minnis totake his Georgie bundle exit?
Now, a funny thing happen just 4 days away from Voting Day - the real cost of this alleged duplicitous behavior - has resulted in a complete loss of trust in and for each other?
This is public chastising of your former boss man's - can't be more ugly.. Can it?

banker 7 years, 1 month ago

She was ugly to begin with. In every way. Her sense of entitlement was overwhelming long before the night of the long knives. The stiff-stuffer was full of herself and full in herself. She een got nothing to offer Bahamians other than an obstructed view.

John 7 years, 1 month ago

@Tal It still sounds like Greek to me!!!

TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrade John, if you thinks I writes poorly - I does verbalize my words worse than Minnis and Papa. A conversation me is like taking a silver bullet experience.

John 7 years, 1 month ago

Why do the same people who tell you there is no God also paint a picture that Jesus is white?

banker 7 years, 1 month ago

Cuz in the bible it tells the slaves to obey their master, and the masters were always white.

Ephesians 6:5-9 New International Version (NIV) 5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.

John 7 years, 1 month ago

That still does not answer the question. Why do people try to white wash the bible? And for the record there are more peoples of other races in slavery now than there are blacks. We done did our 450 years of slavery now we going to rise back up to our original positions of kings and queens, and still children of the True God!

banker 7 years, 1 month ago

Actually scientists say that if Jesus actually existed (no real historic records, but lots of anecdotal evidence), then he would actually have looked like the attached pic. It is a scientific recreation of what he probably would have looked like. Also he would have been quite short, in keeping with the size of Levantine or Middle Eastern human beings back then.


licks2 7 years, 1 month ago

You do not know of which you speak! That profile is the picture of a skull found in Philistine (date unknown) and was rebuilt by a forensic scientist who who thought that was how Jesus did look! No scientist worth his/her salt would lay claim to saying that is how Jesus looked. . .based on a skull found in that area!! It is like finding a skull in Bain Town and say that's how the famous Tucker of Augustus Street looked because a scientist said so! The linage of Jesus' ancestors is Paleo-Assyrian/Mesopotamian (Shamanic) not Paleo-Hamanic (Paleo-Canaanite) as the picture above suggests! Google Assyrian Jews and get a look at what Jesus ancestors looked like! And please develop the practice of "checking" before you say things such as little science and plenty anecdotal evidence for the historicity of Jesus. . .we who studied history would think that you are not a "learned" or wide read person!!!

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago

This is an example of a waste of time argument. if I believe in Jesus and that he is who he says he is, the last thing I care about is his skin colour. man looketh at the outward appearance.... It een necessary to fight over his physical

ashley14 7 years, 1 month ago

Exactly! God's chosen people are the Jews and they are people of color. Also the area in which Jesus walked the earth, most of the people were of color. I have all my life asked people why they think Jesus is white. Unfortunately those people are the small minded people of the world that started racial divide anyway. I just don't keep those kind of people in my life.

ashley14 7 years, 1 month ago

Although I do have a good life in the States, I am a little jealous that I can't worship with you this morning, break bread with you this afternoon, and spend the evening with love ones. Unfortunately I can't work in the Bahamas, so I'm limited to visits which I do as often as I can. I left my heart in the Bahamas 30 years ago, and I pray for reunion of that love one day.

John 7 years, 1 month ago

People who blame the devil for everything satan's response is, "I had no authority over you. I just called you and you obeyed. ". You made the decision to follow satan's instructions.

banker 7 years, 1 month ago

As soon as I get to hell, I'm going to ask Satan for a drink and the WiFi password.

John 7 years, 1 month ago

So Satan gave you his work to do. The devil always finds work for idle hands and idle minds.

banker 7 years, 1 month ago

I'm not saying that I did terrible things last night, but when I woke up, Satan's sister was on my couch, her clothes were on my bedroom floor, and she wouldn't make eye contact with me.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago

Not a good way to win people to UR cause

Baha10 7 years, 1 month ago

Just Shut Up already, you are a bitter, power hungry Woman, who is destructive, fortunately irrelevant and are about to lose Long Island Big Time, hopefully never to be heard of again!!!

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 1 month ago

But she's still 100 times better than Minnis could ever hope to be and let's just all pray we don't have to experience that fact for ourselves the hard way.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago

Don't think so. She's been out maneuvered at every turn. She takes the bait and launches into an angry tirade every time. If there's one thing I like about Minnis it's his ability to remain calm in the height of the storm. I'm hoping he's just awful at public presentation. His first test will be the quality of his cabinet, will he pick space fillers like Laneisha or will he get people of substance.

I've listened to two FNM candidates on radio on Friday, they are both great at presence, their voice and their physical is on point, but substance wise? Complete fail. I hope these two are nowhere in cabinet.

bahamiangoddedd 7 years, 1 month ago

Minnis is going to surprise plenty people. Plenty FNM's were ostracised by Minnis in the past 4yrs some have left or just went silent. One minute the Ingraham era is over and Hubert is gone with not even a retirement party from the FNM. The next minute Hubert is on stage singing the praises of Minnis after he could not stage a comeback while Minnis was leader. All of them have games and we are the pieces to that game. Minnis is just like the rest of them, while still collecting money for STAT CARE building!

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago

The only way he'll surprise people is if he's absolutely great at the job. Most people are depending on the strength of the team.

The PLP have been in power for five years and they've shown that they're fully capable of canceling contracts and giving them to their supporters. If they had an alternative to the stat care building it would have been exercised.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

All Long Islanders could say when this woman said this was ........... Bulla!!! .... Pot calling Kettle black .......... Hubbiggity gave us LBT as a forced ripe dilly in 2012 ........ Now the dilly burst wide open on the ground ........... Adrian Gibson will be the new FNM MP on May 10th 2017 ..... Bye, Bye LBT ......... Go bury the dead

realfreethinker 7 years, 1 month ago

And while she's at it she just as well bury her politcal career.

TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrades! Long islanders are about to bring to a close to the gibberish of their 2012-2017 House MP.
Long Island's Reheasa has never that is except beyond the fake news propaganda rooms of the Tribune, and Nassau Guardian's newspaper and talk radio station - ever been taken seriously as a strong contender for the leadership of the Red Party.....And those that funded her Coup - can never hope to realize a return on their misguided for PM political investment.
Not that she's actually ever demonstrated through her public actions - of having any concerns above her political self-interests.
May the Sweet Jesus have pity on her fast deteriorating political Soul - the morning after May 10, 2017.
What a joke!!

sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

Whose side are you on??????? ........ You switch allegiances daily ...... BOL

TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrade SheepRunner12, whilst you and so many other bloggers were coming to these hereto Tribune blog pages to sing Reheasa's praises - I stood firmly that it was a waste of peoples time to be supporting and encouraging her garbage moves over the past 4 years. And, oh yes - during those same 4 years when she put Minnis through living hell - Papa Hubert and the UBP money bags, were right there by her side from the get go!

sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

LBT was the duly elected FNM MP for Long Island in 2012 ...... 60% of the voters supported her then (with their vote) ....... She messed up and went astray ......... Long Island is still FNM in 2017 ........ Which candidate are you supporting Tal?????? ....... and why?????? ....... Have you switched since 2012?????? ........... and why??????? ........... watsayu?????????

TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrade SheepRunner12, the final choice of who walks away with the House seat on May 10, 2017, is best left in the hands of the good and intelligent people of Long Island.

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 1 month ago

LBT and Hubiggity are really nothing more than an annoying distraction as we prepare to soon cast our votes. And when all hell breaks loose on election day Charles Albury (the new Acting Parliamentary Commissioner) will point his finger at his predecessor Sherlyn Hall and Sherlyn Hall will continue pointing his finger at his underlings, meanwhile Christie and Maynard-Gibson will point their fingers at both Hall and Albury, and the end result will be a stolen general election with no accountability. Christie and Maynard-Gibson came to the realization that they can simply ignore or 'fix' the outcome of elections when they were able to successfully defy the wishes of the Bahamian people as expressed in the very costly national referendum that was held on the 'legalization' of the gaming web shops. The fact that the corrupt Christie-led government got away with ignoring the majority vote of voters in that national referendum was the decisive moment when Christie and Maynard-Gibson realized that elections don't really matter anymore because they are now able to get away with just about anything...including flipping their middle finger at the Bahamian people! It was the weakness and incompetence of none other than the dimwitted Minnis as opposition leader that emboldened the PLP to soar to new heights of blatant corruption. The greedy corrupt power hungry Minnis now eagerly awaits his turn to drink from the trough known as the people's public purse, a trough which Minnis has every intention of refilling with a new round of hefty back-breaking government taxes, fees and borrowings that he and his select few cronies like Symonette and D'Aguilar can then pillage and plunder! Truly a sad state of affairs for all of us but the select very few as we soon head to the polls. I for one will not be rewarding Minnis with a vote for having failed so miserably as opposition leader...after all, why should he be rewarded for his failings, not to mention his many other very serious and obvious character flaws!!! It's really as simple as that in my mind.

SP 7 years, 1 month ago

BLT obviously stupidly thinks that what the majority of elected members did was not wrong because they had every right within the parameters of the law.

She fail to grasp just because something is "within the parameters of the law" it is the right thing to do!

She proved beyond any shadow of doubt untrustworthy and a downright dangerous individual that would stoop to new lows even beyond the currant PLP blatantly corrupt group for control and power.

BLT has TOTALLY destroyed herself politically. No one with sense will ever trust her again with a donut and diet coke which means trusting her with the country and "cookie jar" is totally OFF THE TABLE.

Good riddance BLT....Please stay G-O-N-E!!!

TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrades! It's as if 34.5 percent of the registered voters can be hypnotized to some extent into believing - if only they vote for the PLP candidates - they can really vote away their problems and improve their lots in their daily lives....While another 34.5 percent - feel the same way about the Red Shirts candidates. Candidates they would never vote for - if they ran as Independents.
I guess - each the two main political parties - don't have to do much to trick thousands upon thousands person to cooperate with them come May 10, 2017.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago

Some of these candidates are awful. Didn't know how bad till I listened to an interview on Friday. Unprepared, don't listen, lacks comprehension, combative, no plan.

TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrade, you talking about talk too damn much "Romi?"

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago

LOL yes, OMG he was awful. Clearly unprepared for the interview couldn't even say what his plan was for the next five years, just rambled about wanting to lift people up. Thought he was gonna get into a fist fight with the host. Lol.

Heard him once before, he came to talk about the Spy bill, he was asked about the differences between the current law and the new bill And he couldn't answer the question!!!! I couldn't believe it. That was the foundational point for the interview. I've been told that he's lazy, Minnis needs to take note, he should not receive a cabinet posting. His one saving grace is he's running against Oil Dont Mix With Water Fitzgerald

Greentea 7 years, 1 month ago

Have you read their profiles online? As my grammy used to say- Take me to Jesus! These candidates couldn't guide us to Andros. The quality of political leaders in this country is non existent.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago

It's too bad. Life is not fair. Some people can do the most awful things to you but responding in kind only makes you look bad. I'm not sure why that is, but the Bible has a good principle on it.."never let your good be spoken evil of". (Guilty me). I'm sure Loretta was wronged, and as a female has been overlooked and sidelined for various positions, but she needs to find grace to get through without damaging her own image any further.

TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrade ThisIsOurs, I thinks you got the Butler's mixed-up? Grandpa Milo was the one that tooks a long and hard journey to make his way to the top Mount Fitzwilliam. It was his tough growing up that that didn't have too many options to decide - if it was going to be a hard or easy one. The member for Long Island Reheasa, is no Milio.

banker 7 years, 1 month ago

Tal you are up on older Bahamian folks .. who is Rom O'Shea? I remember passing a burnt out house on East Bay Street and the sign said House of Rom O'Shea. I used to pass that house when I worked for the Canadian bank near Harbour Bay and wonder who the heck is Rom O'Shea.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago

No Tal:) I mean Reheasa. I'm not saying she deserves to be leader, in fact I'm totally surprised anyone supported her. I'm just saying I'm sure there were things done behind the scenes that were unfair to her. But her tirade only makes her look bad

DDK 7 years, 1 month ago

Nicely said. I do feel that if some if the fellow/fella bloggers slammed many of the seriously thieving, corrupt pols as badly as they do LBT, the criticism and nasty remarks might be more richly deserved.

Godson 7 years, 1 month ago


Long Island is poised to reset the political landscape of the entire Bahamas. The end of 'party politics' as we knew it has come to an end. All politicians and political figures from 1967, or to be more exact, 'the Pindling era' will not participate in another election beyond May 10th. THE END IS NOW!!!

There is no reason our generation should be shackled with those old ideologies. Note: a growing debt of $7.5 billion, erosion of law and order - crime etc. We are in need of a new vision that inspires love, respect, dignity, HARD WORK and honesty.

Out of the 39 seats contested in this election, Long Island is the only constituency offering an independent candidate with momentum to influence the political landscape of our Country. Loretta Butler-Turner offers Long Island an opportunity to move ahead of the pack and go beyond the status quo of restricted 'party politics'. The life cycle of the 'party politics' as we knew it, is at its end. That leaves a vacuum in our Beloved Bahamas which must be filled. We are left to decide what to fill it with. Party politics offers a restrained party agenda controlled by a few elites. This does not necessarily hold the good of Long Island as it priority.

All elected persons within a party, as Mr. Ingraham iterated, line-up with the party's agenda. Hence, it filter out what is necessarily for the good of Long Island. Long Island is better positioned if the voters of that faithful Island re-elect Loretta Butler-Turner.

Why send a personality to the table with little wit and no guts to sit at the FNM (or PLP's) table to wait for crums that fall from the table???

Instead, Long Island, BE THE ONE TO SET THE TABLE - you should not be classed with the other Family Islands as the FNM seeks to do. You have been faithful to your ideals and to our Country. You deserve more than a novice to replace your senior status of representation. LONG ISLAND DESERVES AND SHOULD GET BETTER. Don't let the FNM address you like this. This is an insult which you will never live down.

Go Together For the Better with Loretta!!! Adrian Gibson represents a regression in your political status - Not progression. You are meant to be going forward - Not Backward!!! Vote for Loretta Butler Turner.

None of these commentators to this column is commenting on what is good for Long Island. What is good for Long Island is that it keeps and hold its reputation as a self-determined people. Not a people by colors. You could put red lipstick on a pig but that will not make it a lady. Long Island must show that it is not blinded by the color red.

LORETTA BUTLER-TURNER HAS RAISED THE STANDARD FOR PARLIAMENTARY REPRESENTATION. Let's keep it to that higher standard. God Bless Long Island... God Bless The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

Is this your speech for LBT mass rally at her Headquarters on Monday night????? .......... If it is, it cannot help her ........ We want to know where the Constituency Allowance & Constituency HQ money gone ......... smdh

Baha10 7 years, 1 month ago

Forget it, LBT, or perhaps more apt "BLT", recognizes she is truly DONE and IRRELEVANT and is at the 11th Hour merely trying to disrupt the Political Process even more than She has "already" done, which is not only sad, but a sign of selfish desperation, as clearly nothing she says or does has anything to do with Country First, much like her appetite, uncontrollable self satisfaction!

banker 7 years, 1 month ago

LOL BLT! I take my hat of to you. (I wish that I had thought of that.)


TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrades! Long Island's Reheasa used to be just a shit disturber within the red party..Now she's just a joke. And a pretty damn bad (sic) one at that.
Why she would think her going all public to knock her Papa Hubert, could possibly help her already shipwrecked 2017 campaign to retain the Long Island House seat - simply baffles the mind of many.
Surprisingly, both the red and yellow shirts politicians have decided to go easy on her and not talk about about her secret fund raising campaign with Izmirlian conducted during the red party's leadership convention - could it be neither party is eager to shake the campaign funding rattle snakes sack otr fear of what might jump out and bite them in their own political asses.
The polling numbers I keep seeing coming out Long Island, is not looking good winning a majority government for either the PLP or Red Shirts.

Godson 7 years, 1 month ago

That's exactly why I am encouraging the Long Islanders to vote for their Independent Candidate, Loretta Butler-Turner. After the Bahamas' 1967 election, there was only two (2) relevant personalities in Bahamian politics. Neither one at the time belonged to the PLP, nor the UBP... They were the independent candidates: Fawkes & Brennen.

The other contested seats are restrained because they are being contested by two political agendas that has already been decided by either parties' constitution or the political elites in the two.

Only Long Island is now poised and in the unique position to lead the front line to shape and reform the landscape as to what ought to become representation in Bahamian politics going into the future.
Neither party wants to bring this to the attention of the Long Island electorate. They want to keep Long Islanders in the dark and sneak onto these good people uncertainty. Long Islanders have a real and divine destiny.

Say No to their insults Long Islanders! Not because someone, or a party, addresses you as a horse of a different color ( a donkey), it don't mean you have to respond to them as if what they perceive you as is true.

Say NO!!! WRONG ADDRESS!!!! Tell them 'No Thank you but they got the wrong address.



Reality_Check 7 years, 1 month ago

While opposition leader in the HOA, Minnis could not even handle LBT and his other fellow FNM MPs, eventually resulting in his replacement as leader of the opposition and much embarrassment for the FNM. Truth be told, Minnis is responsible for the FNM party becoming much more like the PLP party than it has ever been before. Most of us familiar with the history of the FNM party never for a moment thought we would ever see the the day when the FNM party have a Senator like Rodney Moncur or a party leader like Sidney Collie. There's just no way in hell someone like Minnis could lead the government of a country even under the best of times and conditions, so there is certainly no way he could run our Bahamas as PM in the condition it is in today. And in any event, Symonette and D'Aguilar who control the purse strings would soon turn on the incompetent feckless and weak Minnis and this would surely give rise to civil disorder of the kind we have never seen before as part of a cataclysmic break down of our government and democracy. Minnis for PM, hell "No!"...not by my vote!

sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

Sooooooo, who was responsible for the re-consolidation and rise of the FNM after the December coup????? ....... Pray tell, if you know

Reality_Check 7 years, 1 month ago

And just look at how so many of the FNM candidates have checkered pasts as common day thieves and tax dodgers, and that's just those who have have come to light so far. No, Minnis was definitely nowhere to be found when the good Lord was handing out honesty, good judgement and common sense!

sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

Reality .......... If you are basing your argument on Bradley Roberts assertions (that's fine with me) .......... But look at the indiscretions that Perry's Cabinet have committed just in the past term of office?????? ........ watsayu?????

Reality_Check 7 years, 1 month ago

Just vote for who you believe is the best candidate running in your constituency. What more should anyone say! The good people of Killarney have a chance to vote for either of a couple of newcomers in politics, neither of whom has had the horrific dismal record that the greedy power hungry dimwitted Minnis has had as a sitting MP.

DDK 7 years, 1 month ago

The FNM PARTY neither did nor would place the likes of RM in the senate or run him as a candidate for the HOA. Doc is going to surprise a lot of you who are so determined not to give him a chance. I keep wondering why all the complainers and detractors don't just get together and form a perfect people's party.

TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrades! The Red Party can only pray that their supporters can ignore the many negatives and confusing unity signals taking place internally about and within their own party - sufficiently so to demonstrate a strong sense of party obligation to participate on Voting Day - come May 10, 2017. On that point Minnis, has lots unfinished work to still do - before the polls open.
PLP's and their sister DNA party supporters are expected to turn out in big numbers - but will the red party's supporters show up at the polling stations in sufficient numbers to tilt the election in their favour? We shall soon see which way the rd tide runs?
Not all are convinced there is a lasting unity within the red party - seems be more of an election facelift - that Papa Hubert is not the cosmetic surgeon the party needs at this time?

sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

This point-of-view sounds so much like SLOPs assessment of the FNM in 1992 .......... We all know how that ended for the Pingdomites

TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrade SheepRunner12, I am a realist which means I see politics as they look - not how I wished they looked - which forces me to ask, if it's Minnis's master plan just before the polls open - that he never meant to say that the red party - had come to the end of the Ingraham factor?
Look around at the 2017' rake n scrap' Red Candidates, and you tell me - if they does really reflect the fresh start of the new after Papa Hubert red politics - that Minnis had promised the nation? Just because you got millions, or you're a professionl - doesn't stop people from seeing you as 'rake n srcape' types.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

I will take the Rake & Scrape gang over the Carnival gang any day .... BOL

cmiller 7 years, 1 month ago

Rake and scrape for me too!!!

TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrades! All four man's - starting with Premier Pop Symonette, Prime Ministers Pindling, Christie and Papa Hubert - suffered from reminiscences voter rejection.

Godson 7 years, 1 month ago

This article was meant to be about the remarks from the Independent candidate for Long Island towards our former Prime Minister 'A RETIRED POLITICIAN'; consequently, we ought to be pointing out the meaningful, or otherwise, outcome that such a choice proposed to have on Long Island. It can only be to the strengthening of Long Island. No one can contradict this... WHY? BECAUSE IT IS TRUTHFUL FACTS.

Hence, that is exactly why I am encouraging the Long Islanders to vote for their Independent Candidate, Loretta Butler-Turner.

After the Bahamas' 1967 election, there was only two (2) important and relevant personalities in Bahamian politics. And, neither one of them, at the time, belonged to the PLP nor the UBP... That's right... they were independent candidates: Fawkes & Brennen. The other contested seats were restrained because they are being contested by the two parties' political agendas that was already been decided by either the parties' constitution, rather, the political elite.


Only Long Island has political leverage now on both major political parties because it has the only Independent Candidate with political fervor. And, it is only Long Island which is now poised in this unique position to lead the front line in reshaping and reforming the political landscape as to what ought to become representation in Bahamian politics going into the future.

Neither party wants to bring this to the attention of the Long Island electorate. They want to keep Long Islanders in the dark and sneak onto these good people uncertainty. Long Islanders have a real and divine destiny.

Say No to their insults Long Islanders! Not because someone, or a party, addresses you as a horse of a different color ( a donkey), it don't mean you have to respond to them as if what they perceive you as is true.

Say NO to the FNM... Say No to the PLP (this one should not be too hard). Tell them, "WRONG ADDRESS"!!! Tell them, "No Thank but you got the wrong address".



TalRussell 7 years, 1 month ago

Comrade "Reheasa" Godson, if the polling is correct it would take a significant shift in the low opinion held by Long Islanders of their MP - for the projected May 10, 2017 outcome to be anything but Reheasa last kick at a MP's House seat can. I think it's safe bet to say she will have by the close of voting day have shown to have burned the very last of her political credibility bridges. No other Leader of The Official Opposition anywhere in the Caribbean - will have gone down in greater and and more embarrassing defeat at hands of the electorate - than Long Island's Reheasa!

sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

Long Island will retire the Fat Lady ....... This one over!!!! ......... LBT can sing on the stage tonight!!!!! ............ I will be in the audience to hear her sing (cuz this one is over for her!!!!!)

Adrian or nuttin ............ FNM!!!!!!!!!!

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