PLP prediction: A win by a small margin


George Smith


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORMER Cabinet minister George Smith says that despite the “many mistakes and errors in judgment” by certain members in the governing party, the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) will win today’s general election by a “small margin”.

However, Mr Smith said the PLP will “have to deal” with those individuals who have “created embarrassment” or performed poorly in order to gain the confidence of the people. He said the PLP is the only choice for the country because it is the only “stable party in The Bahamas”.

“It is important for the PLP to win for the country’s sake,” Mr Smith told The Tribune yesterday.

“The PLP has demonstrated without question to be the most stable of the choices available to the Bahamian people and more than anything else, we need to keep our country stable.

“The conduct of the Free National Movement in the last four years demonstrated that its leader seems to be incapable of organisation and incapable of keeping his party together. If you perform dismally in opposition there is no way you can expect to be better in government. They have been the worst opposition this country has ever seen. The PLP will win the election but they will be demanded by the people to deal with the individuals who have created embarrassment. The PLP will win by a narrow lead and much will be demanded of them, the public will not give them a pass on their mistakes, but the people cannot punish the entire party for the mistakes of a few.”

Mr Smith said the government has not done a good job letting the public know all of its “accomplishments” over the past few years.

“Baha Mar is now open, there are projects that are being done and jobs are being created for Grand Bahama. Exuma is doing well and so are some other islands,” Mr Smith said.

“There is a light at the end of the tunnel in terms of National Health Insurance (NHI), there is evidence of improvement in the (Royal Bahamas) Defence Force. The government has made progress in education with the University of the Bahamas so, despite mistakes, the PLP has done well.”

Mr Smith said the election will be the closet poll since the vote in 1967, which ended in a tie with the PLP and the United Bahamian Party, the governing side, each winning 18 seats.

The remaining two seats went to Randol Fawkes, of the Labour Party, and Alvin Braynen, an Independent, who both later put their support behind the PLP, leading to Majority Rule.

Mr Smith, a former Exuma MP, served in the Pindling Cabinet.


birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago

Why is Racist Fox news in Bahamian politics

Cobalt 7 years, 10 months ago

Win by a small margin????? Well we now know...... THAT was a lie!!!

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