Tribune Freeport Reporter
FAMILIES for Justice (FFJ), a local civic group in Grand Bahama, is calling for the cancellation of the recent promotions to all senior police officers given the high crime rate in the Bahamas.
Two days before the advanced polll in the general elections, 851 officers with the Royal Bahamas Police Force were promoted under the former Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) administration: two to the rank of chief superintendent, 76 to superintendent, 90 to assistant superintendent, 107 to inspector, and 323 to the rank of corporal. The promotions are to take effect January 1.
Over the past five years, more than 620 murders were recorded in the Bahamas during the PLP’s tenure in office.
Rev Glenroy Bethel, president of FFJ, said the organisation does not support or endorse the promotions of senior officers at this time.
“The Families For Justice organisation is calling for an investigation immediately after the country’s general elections of all senior police officers who were promoted and into the allegations of corruption in the Royal Bahamas Police Force.
“Our mission is to stop, review and cancel all senior police officers’ promotions until we can put a handle on the unprecedented crime crisis in the Bahamas,” he said in a statement on Friday.
“While we support our Police Department for promotions, salaries and benefits, it is our view as members of the public that our Police Department be accountable to the Bahamian people as to why there should be promotions for the senior branches of the Royal Bahamas Police Force at this crucial time in Bahamian history.”
Rev Bethel claims that the country is experiencing a “high level of crime” and said that the Royal Bahamas Police Force and its commanders have a responsible under the Constitution to protect citizens and reduce crime to levels where Bahamians and visitors can feel safe.
He expressed concerns about the involvement of high ranking senior officers in business interests, the unsolved murders and police involved fatal shootings in the country.
Rev Bethel also claims that there is corruption in the high ranks of the Force that his organisation intends to address. “Crime has affected the capital tremendously, and it has now affected Grand Bahama greatly, and has spread throughout the Bahamas,” he said.
Rev Bethel said that the politicians alone cannot address the crime situation. “If the Police Force cannot give us a plan of action to deal with crime, then we as taxes payers should not and will not endorse what we call self-recommendations and promotions for the Royal Bahamas Police Force.”
John 7 years, 8 months ago
Can you imagine what this would do to the morale of the police force if all the promotions were cancelled wholesale? Yes there may need to be a review of the promotions and those who were not promoted on merit 'corrected' but you cannot promote someone then demote them and expect that person to be a dedicated and loyal servant. One must also be mindful that it was the government that changed and not the administration of the police force or the defense force of the administration of The prison. So if the investigation reveals that these people abused the system and promoted officers who were undeserving of that promotion they they should be dealt with. Then each promotion will have to be dealt with on a case by case basis and to some conditions may have to apply. Then if those conditions are not met, then and only then should the officer lose his promotion.
ohdrap4 7 years, 8 months ago
they waited for the promotions and their overtime pay for a long time.
the courts ordered the govt to pay overtime and the govt ignored the order. a few days before election they promised to grant them what they are due, nothing more. Then the police is expected to vote for them as good slaves that they are. People ain't stupid. The populace showed them that the race of the slave master matters not.
MassExodus 7 years, 8 months ago
Review the promotions for sure. Any unwarranted promotions should be canceled.
There needs to be a law in place that government funds over a certain amount cannot be committed to public servants say 6 months before a general election, because this ish is ridiculous.
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 8 months ago
It was kinda ridiculous. Then they tout it as some accomplishment "largest promotion exercise ever!!"
Baha10 7 years, 8 months ago
Our whole Police Force needs to be revamped, as no Crimes are actually being investigated and solved, as Officers are merely jumping from fire to fire whilst at the same time attempting to fill our Reports along the way, for what reason, I have no idea, as not only are they illiterate, but no one reads in any event, resulting in the only Criminals actually caught being those that crash into a Police Car or rob a House whilst an Officer happens to be checking on his Sweetheart. Sad, sad reality for far too long.
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