Bannister slams ‘stupid’ and ‘nasty’ social media rumours


Desmond Bannister


Tribune Staff Reporter


NEWLY appointed Minister of Works Desmond Bannister said yesterday that recent social media rumours about his health were “stupid,” “immature” and “nasty” as he expressed eagerness to begin the work of beautifying The Bahamas through his new role.

Mr Bannister was sworn in as a Cabinet minister yesterday, a week after his other Cabinet colleagues received their instruments of appointment.

As unverified social media rumours about his health circulated last week, Free National Movement Chairman Sidney Collie said Mr Bannister did not attend last Monday’s swearing in ceremony because he had a pre-arranged commitment out of the country.

Asked about his well-being yesterday, Mr Bannister said: “It is stupid for people to be doing the kind of silly, immature things that they have been doing, put a lot of nonsense on the blogs. Bahamians know better. But what happens when you do that is you impact people’s family. I have a son and I have a daughter. My son is in California. You make people’s family panic, you make them call unnecessarily. It’s very nasty, it’s very unfair. I hope you get out of that kind of nastiness and I hope people in the media call it for what it is because you are the real media and don’t need to engage in fake news and you could do your investigative work, if you do that you’ll keep all politicians honest.”

With his appointment yesterday, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ team of Cabinet ministers, parliamentary secretaries and senators are now intact.

Mr Bannister said “God willing,” both he and the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Works will be in office 7am today to get started on the work that must be done.

“Anyone who lives on this island can see the poor state of our island,” he said. “This is a beautiful island and country but we can’t leave it the way it is. Just driving along the road, we have too many lampposts that are leaning. Last night I drove out to the airport and half of the lights seemed to be off; I drove out this morning and two traffic signals were down; coming up Carmichael Road the light still wasn’t functioning properly. We’ve got to make sure that this island, this country operates properly for Bahamians. My function is to make sure that everything Bahamians expect to work are working and we will have an orderly society as much as possible.”

Mr Bannister served as minister of state in the Office of the Attorney General and later minister of education in the last Ingraham administration.


TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago

Comrade newly appointed Minister of Works Desmond Bannister - congratulations on your appointment, and all Comrades welcome you home back to the Colony.
Personally, I think you are one of the good guys appointments - but let old sleeping dogs sleep when it comes to your perceived social media critics.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 10 months ago

Agree, focus, blinders, get the job done. When people comment about the job, you might want to pay attention.

tell_it_like_it_is 7 years, 10 months ago

Bannister has a point. Social Media is out of hand in this country. I'm very embarrassed to be a part of a society that so easily believes that because someone sends something on What’s App or Facebook, etc. then it’s Automatically True. I will never forget the so called “9 people” who died hurricane Joaquin in Long Island or no more gasoline being available in Nassau. It’s like that commercial on TV – “It’s on the internet, so you know it must be true”. The people who initially make up these stories to send are bad enough, but we are also to blame if we needlessly pass information on without checking the veracity of the source. I’m probably the only Bahamian left no longer on What’s App.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 10 months ago

Bannister has the greatest single challenge in the new Cabinet ........ to find out what Obeah Man Davis did with the $2 Billion that passed through that Ministry in the past five years

birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago

Get over it Banister social media can not be bad when it concerns you and good when it concerns Mr: Christie and the PLP, The nasty social Media got you where you are today. and it will take you down also just wait.

banker 7 years, 10 months ago

I am so thankful for your presence birdie. You have shown me exactly what I don't want to be.

And reading your stuff is like a carnival ride. Once you are done, you feel like you have to puke.

Social media (and a certain lying person here with at least 3 personalities) said that Bannister had stage 4 colon cancer. Stage 4 cancer is almost a death sentence. That is where social media is reprehensible.

So I will be circumspect by not letting the world know that you yourself have stage 4 colon cancer --- in your brain.

Get ready now.

On your mark,

Get set,

Go f*%! yourself.

Reality_Check 7 years, 10 months ago

And we still don't know whether his "pre-arranged commitment out of the country" related to his own health. His refusal to say that his absence was not connected to his own health says it all. It certainly seems Mr. Bannister does not feel the least bit compelled to allay the public's very natural concerns about his health and fitness to serve the Bahamian people as a cabinet minister with responsibility for the very significant Works portfolio. Where is all of that transparency Minnis keeps talking about?

banker 7 years, 10 months ago

On your mark ....

Get set ....


CatIslandBoy 7 years, 10 months ago

Congratulations to Mr. Bannister. I support his decision not to respond to negative rumours and sick innuendoes. If he starts off by answering every silly question put to him, he will going down that road for the remainder of his term in office. He has always been a man of integrity. I am sure that if his health becomes a concern and impacts his ability to serve, he will do the right thing. Let's end the silly season and get to work Bahamas!

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