Tribune Staff Reporter
FOUR Bahamas Power and Light employees have been suspended and one person has been terminated pending an investigation into the theft of nearly $1m at the power company, The Tribune understands.
According to a source close to the matter, the employees were accused of “orchestrating an elaborate scheme” over the course of one year, that allegedly involved fake companies and forged cheques. The Tribune also understands that at least one bank employee was also allegedly involved in the plot and is being investigated.
According to the source, BPL conducted an internal audit but forensic accountants are also being brought in to “ensure” transparency.
“BPL uses external vendors frequently,” the source told The Tribune. “What we understand is that the employees are accused of sending in invoices from fake companies, getting a cheque for the amount and then using someone in the bank to cash the cheques.
“This is an elaborate scheme that has been going on for almost a year, that we know of,” the source said.
Attorney Wayne Munroe, who is representing one of the employees, said he feels the government is under pressure to live up to promises of accountability and prosecution of those found stealing public funds. He warned that “public pressure can ruin people’s lives that money cannot compensate for.”
“My client is on paid leave and as far as I know she has not been terminated,” Mr Munroe told The Tribune.
“I have been hearing so many different stories. They are saying payments went out to vendors and no work was done, but they are also saying the funds were missing. Well that isn’t missing funds, you know where the money is, that is fraud. We need to be careful, the last time the government changed they charged a woman at Bahamas Electricity Corporation, put her through court and she was acquitted and they had to pay her.
“It is all about optics. You have public pressure and something has to be done. We have to be careful that when there is public pressure, we do not do things to ruin people’s lives that money cannot compensate for.”
Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Stephen Dean confirmed that several persons have been questioned in relation to missing funds but said on Sunday that no one was in police custody and no one has been charged. He said the investigation is till “open and active”.
Last week police arrested several employees of the Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation, including Executive Chairman Dion Smith in connection with an alleged theft by employment investigation.
Those questioned have all been released and no one has been charged in that matter. Mr Munroe also represents Mr Smith, former Nassau Village MP.
proudloudandfnm 7 years, 10 months ago
So is that Wayne's only strategy now. Its the new government on a witch hunt? I thought Wayne was a competent attorney? Because lately he sounds like a moron...
banker 7 years, 10 months ago
There have been numerous occasions of shall we say ethical or judgments lapses in the past -- especially as head of the bar association.
ohdrap4 7 years, 10 months ago
there's something strange in the neighbourhood. who you gonna call?
sheeprunner12 7 years, 10 months ago
Innocent until proven guilty ....... When found guilty ...... Recover the money for the people
But if this money is sent overseas, then it may be lost to BPL & the country
So much for privatizing BPL under the PLP .......... smt
realfreethinker 7 years, 10 months ago
So wayne Munroe is the designated lawyer for the plp criminal elements? He seems to be representing all of them
BahamasForBahamians 7 years, 10 months ago
That would make sense if the suspects at BPL were PLP affiliated.
The ones in question are all FNM supporters. A simple question of why the situation was handled differently (no gestapo styled arrests) would reveal the same.
Lets do a comparison:
An Excess of a million dollars go missing at BPL (fnm supporters involved) no police or gun drawn.
Suspicion of a Television and printer going missing at BAIC and the rapid strike arm of the RBPF apprehends suspect from the job.
Lol. You FNM Koolaid drinkers will do well to ask your 'Papa' who he assigned as executives to BEC (they haven't changed) and also a simple background check of the current chairman would reveal they are all FNM supporters.
From the Chairman (Nat Beneby), Cecile Greene, Peter Rutherford. The entire executive make up of BPL are FNM supporters.
After prosecuting the small FNM fries for stealing, Hubert is then required, out of transparency to prosecute the financial controller (a card carrying FNM Cecile Greene) for allowing this pillage to take place. It is her job to protect the public's interest in BPL's finances.
OMG 7 years, 10 months ago
So now we are in for a "its a witchhunt" every time (and there will be many) theft by employment and other dishonest activities are being investigated. Grow up Wayne and realize that you make money often defending the indefensible and really don't care about the bigger picture.
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 10 months ago
"Well that isn’t missing funds, you know where the money is, that is fraud. We need to be careful, the last time the government changed they charged a woman at Bahamas Electricity Corporation, put her through court and she was acquitted and they had to pay her."
Fraud is definitely better than a theft charge :-| #ethicsandintegrity. But Munroe is right, a lot of the thieves get away with it because the evidence can't prove conclusively that they stole the money. But everyone know who did it. Have a first hand account of one employee who left job after job under murky circumstances, everywhere she show up money gone but no one could prove who take it. Only after she gone the story come out, yeah she was at....
alfalfa 7 years, 10 months ago
Bahamas for Bahamas, it appears that you know who the suspects are and what their political affiliation is. Enlighten us please. Also, I believe Nat Beneby was recently appointed by the PLP, and I believe that Cecil Greene was a PLP appointee, as well. Regardless of that, you also know for a fact that the entire executive of BPL is FNM. Wow, I thought the Ballot was a secret, and the boxes sealed. The simple fact that you believe that an FNM or PLP criminal will be treated and prosecuted in a different manner, belies the fact that you think all parties are run by the standards of the now deposed PLP. The evidence and courts will decide the innocence and guilt of accused individuals, not their political affiliation. If not, according to your logic, Dion Smith would be locked up, not questioned and set free. He was PLP, was he not? Better get used to crooked people being made accountable, because that is what should, and will, happen. Just because Wayne Munroe represents you, does not mean you are innocent. In fact, it is an indicator of just the opposite. A high profile defender, for someone who is afraid of the consequences of their actions. Cheques written to fictitious companies, based on fictitious invoices, are hard evidence. Their paper trail will direct auditors, and the police. to their origin and those who created them.
BahamasForBahamians 7 years, 10 months ago
When there is suspicion of theft at an organization, especially of company's finances/funds, the investigation starts at the financial controller. As we've seen at BAIC, the top must always be made to respond to allegations of impropriety whether or not they were directly involved! Where is Nat Beneby's arrest? Where is Cecile Greene's arrest?
Considering she can not explain where the drainage is, it should be assumed that she is complicit in the activity and removed. She is handsomely paid to ensure BEC/BPL's finances are controlled. There is no excuse.
Her contract dates back to 2008 Ingraham administration. Her FNM status should not protect her from an arrest nor prosecution! Where are the guns and ammunition used in the arrests at BAIC? Why were they not used at BEC/BPL considering precedent has already been set (at BAIC) with how these sort of arrests are going to be handled? Why is she and her other executives not held accountable?
birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago
The man with the bullets is FNM. and the man involved in the BEC sales theft was also FNM they know a real good lawyer so they hire the best who is PLP ,,
Alex_Charles 7 years, 10 months ago
I wouldn't call wayne monroe a PLP. He's an opportunist... and a former DNA.
but he has good staff that works with him on these cases. If I were in a situation facing jail time, I'd want Monroe on my side!
Clamshell 7 years, 10 months ago
"Those questioned have all been released and no one has been charged in that matter."
And nobody will be charged, or tried, or convicted. Nobody ever is, and nobody ever will be. That's the problem in the Bahamas. There is no reason to fear prosecution for white collar crime, so it will never end.
alfalfa 7 years, 10 months ago
Birdie, both those men went before the courts, and were convicted. The courts decided their fate. This is what should happen to all who break the law, regardless of their. affiliation. Now, we can argue as to why the courts apparently treat those with the high powered attorneys, differently than the average person. Note, that Mr. Gibson, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Wilchcombe, Mr. Miller, Mrs. Maynard-Gibson, and many others have not been officially questioned regarding their alleged indiscretions. They will be. As will ALL who have been charged with misappropriation of public funds, or abusing their elected positions to unfairly generate illicit income. The courts will decide the penalty for all convicted.
BahamasForBahamians 7 years, 10 months ago
Nat Beneby is an avid FNM supporter.
Cecile Green is a meritorious member of the FNM, with a card.
If you are uncertain of their political affiliations contact them. They are all public figures with contacts available to you over the internet from BPL's public website.
Cecile Green was NOT appointed by the PLP. Her appointment dates back to a 2008 Ingraham Government.
Her Papa, Hubert Ingraham Sr. Gave her that job. Lets see if Hubert Ingraham Jr. has enough balls to rescind it.
Now as i said earlier, due to political affiliation, she has not been made to answer to her obvious derelict of her responsibilities. How is it then, you've been paid 6 figures per annum handsomely for over ten years to financially control BEC/BPL but could not detect an excess of $1million walking out of the door on fake invoices. Over a period of a year +.
The investigation starts with the financial controller. Her FNM status should not exempt her from the 'law taking its course and the chips falling where the may" the words of Hubert Ingraham JR. at his swearing in.
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago
Comrades! Check this one off your red Bucket List of tings policeman's investigate!
BPL’s missing $1 million . It's whereabouts is unknown, it's a disappeared. It wasn't stolen, it is just not there. It is just disappeared on ts own. Why the need policeman's and lawyers?
alfalfa 7 years, 10 months ago
So they have not been arrested because, according to you, they are FNM supporters. You have characterized Mrs. Green as being "obvious derelict of her duties". You seem to have more facts than the police department and the Auditors(who are still investigating). You may wish to help them out by providing them with some of your evidence (which is nothing more than bitterness toward the current government). If the investigations reveal any person as being complicit in this matter, regardless of political affiliation, they should, and will be made to account for their actions. Watch out Mr. Beneby and Ms. Green, there is a blogger who has damning information about you. Ha Ha.
BahamasForBahamians 7 years, 10 months ago
Please explain to me what's so damning about what I posted? It is public knowledge that Nat Beneby chairs BPL with CG tapped as the financial controller.
If $1million dollars has walked out of the door on fake invoices from staff below her in the heirarchy, does that not amount to negligence and derelict of her responsibilities? Especially given it is her job to control/protect the companies financiers from such activities ?
Were there not reconciled balances of BPLs accounts during the period these funds were being stolen? Before external auditors, how did the financial controller and chief internal Auditor not notice anything missing ?
concernedcitizen 7 years, 10 months ago
Really I,m not married to either party and have voted for both ,I really vote for the leader b/c that where the buck stops .But come on @Bahamas your running on w gibberish there is really no defense of the PLP,S last five years in power and the vote showed it loudly .You can go on about if the crooks were FNM or PLP ,as if you know who the actual people involved are ,,The people have already spoken loud and clear about the PLP and corruption ,, your just talking to hear your head rattle at this point ,now in a year if the FNM is as bad feel free to opine .
alfalfa 7 years, 10 months ago
Your posts speak for themselves. You now are saying "IF $1 million has walked out". Prior post said "How is it then, you've been paid 6 figures per annum handsomely for over ten years to financially control BEC/BPL but could not detect an excess of $1 million walking out the door on fake invoices. Over a period of a year +". Now it is IF; before it was conclusive. As I said before, let the audit determine what has transpired. Let those responsible face the consequences. But don't push this story about "because they are FNM" nothing will happen to them, when you are not certain that they have done anything deserving of retribution. Be fair.
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