Former AG regrets only communications over Baha Mar

Former Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson.

Former Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson.


Deputy Chief Reporter


FORMER Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said if she were to have any regrets over the previous Government’s handling of Baha Mar, it is that there was not “stronger” or “more regular” communication regarding the process.

The former Cabinet minister, who was a crucial figure in negotiations to get the resort open after a severe delay, suggested that because of this lack of communication, “social media” and “other alternative facts” distorted the goals the Christie administration had attempted to achieve.

However, despite this, Mrs Maynard-Gibson maintained that the multi-billion dollar West Bay Street resort will go down as a development that was “landmark for the excellent and transparent” way it was handled.

Phase one of the hotel was opened two and a half weeks before the May 10 general election and was heralded as the most significant economic development event ever to occur in the country and the Caribbean region by former Prime Minister Perry Christie.

However many observers thought the former government had hoped to use the opening to be seen in a more favourable light heading into the election.

Asked whether she had any regrets on how the Baha Mar deal was handled, the former senator responded: “No.”

She continued: “(Well) let me put it this way. If I were to have a regret, it’s that there was not clearer communication, stronger communication and more regular communication - and may I use the word fairer communication as well.

“The record will show that at all times three goals were being pursued. One was to get the property completed, second opened and the third operating successfully and the record would show that those three goals were accomplished.

“At all times it was enunciated and social media and other alternative facts distorted those goals and at all times those were the goals. And the persons who are now employed at the property that is opened, that is paying good salary, good jobs and also excellent benefits, fully appreciate that.

“Baha Mar, I think, will go down in our history as something that was landmark for the excellent and transparent way in which it was handled.”

Regarding the unsealing of Baha Mar’s documents, Mrs Maynard-Gibson maintained that there was good reason to have the deal sealed by the courts.

“The government gave all of the information in relation to the transaction to enable the property to be completed and also indicated the heads of agreement with CTFE (Chow Tai Fook Enterprises) to get it opened and operated ... all (of this was) made public.

“I would like our people to read the judgement of Justice Ian Winder. I said it many times. Justice Neville Adderley said that Dame Joan Sawyer was wrong when she said the judgement was sealed. The judgement is not sealed and the judgment sets out very clearly why Justice Winder in an independent judiciary, our judiciary, felt that it was important that the documents that are sealed remain sealed. It’s all in the judgement. (There is) nothing hidden at all about the reasoning of an independent judge in an independent judiciary,” Mrs Maynard-Gibson said.

The Christie administration has said the court documents relating to Baha Mar’s sale to CTFE were sealed at the request of the Export Import Bank of China, the resort’s main investor. 


jackbnimble 7 years, 9 months ago

I guess that's why she's "former". 😂

themessenger 7 years, 9 months ago

Minnis dem gwine Noli your Chow Tai Fook shop agreements soon, hope you don't have no regrets bout dat.

licks2 7 years, 9 months ago

Go away until we get over our hate for yinna. . .

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

They sealed the frigging documents and wouldn't tell us what was in them, and this pompous corrupt Adolf Titler has the temerity to say that they wish that they had communicated better? This sewer-sucker belongs in jail.

TalRussell 7 years, 9 months ago

Comrades! You reds have too much evil vendetta in your hearts - considering the people ousted the PLP administration on May 10, 2017.
This is not the time to be asking yourself - what can be done to punish members of the former PLP governing party - but what will it take promote our Bahamaland as.... It's Truly Better In The Bahamaland ......and mean it!
Comrades, do we really want to start having politicians going on some witch hunt, deciding on which other politicians need prosecuting......we are not living in some Banana Republic.

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

It's not a vendetta -- it is punishing treason. Traitors to the Bahamaland who violate their sacred oaths as servants of the people and double-deal violating fiduciary trust should be hung by the neck until dead. But first I would like to see this meat wallet carry SLOP buckets in Fox Hill until her appeals are expired.

TalRussell 7 years, 9 months ago

Comrade Banker, there's an old Jewish prayer. "Lord, teach me when to let go." That's what you have to do - May 10, 2017 is over....okay Comrade Banker!

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

So they rape and pillage, steal and plunder, and just walk away with their loot. Sorry. Nope. They stole from you and I. Frigging crocus sack Christmas decorations for $300,000. We want our money back.

Are you afraid that they will come for you? There een much Crown Royal in Fox Hill.

Tarzan 7 years, 9 months ago

To the contrary absent the careful, professional, legal conviction and imprisonment of these former cabinet members, corruption at the mid level bureaucracy will remain entrenched in this country. The only way the mid management government functionaries will mend their was is if they see the top dogs being convicted and doing real time. Ingraham was unwilling to take these steps with his former friends from the early days and we got the last five years.

Sickened 7 years, 9 months ago

Try to say this same thing after robbers break into YOUR house and beat your family in front of you - God forbid! Evil should be punished and this witch and the PLP are satan's spawn.

licks2 7 years, 9 months ago


proudloudandfnm 7 years, 9 months ago

This chick is clueless. Perfect PLP. Don't know anything. Can't do anything. But lord they could talk nanniration....

Porcupine 7 years, 9 months ago

She is an embarrassment to The Bahamas.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 9 months ago

AMG is not out of the woods yet .......... the Bahamar deal and ownership situation will soon be revealed and her family's "sweet deals" will all be exposed ............... Can't wait!!!!!

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

This was all over the news today:

Moody's downgrades China, warns of fading financial strength as debt mounts


We is in deep shiite if we thinks that Baha Mar can save us.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

The fact is that Perry Christie and you, MaynardGibson Wong, poisoned the communications on Bah Mar to the point that nothing that you two Chinese attaired clowns said was believable or believed by the Bahamian people. You Maynard -Gibson and Perry "clown" Christie.became the laughing stock of the nation. Nothing you said about Bah Mar was believable. Even if you said 'good morning'. So your silence was more credible than anything you said. So its too late to try to make amends.. Shut Up and be gone! You are the wench of Bah Mar past!

SP 7 years, 9 months ago

Did they really stop the burning of witches at the stake?....They missed this one!

Perry Christie the dancing clown, Bradley Gargoyle Roberts tales from da crypt, and Allison Da Witch Maynard.

Did this crew of jokers REALLY think we would be stupid enough to vote for them?...Seriously!

Honestman 7 years, 9 months ago

Maynard Gibson personifies the arrogance of the PLP. May they never be returned to power.

sp1nks 7 years, 9 months ago

They're still in shock. Maynard-Gibson: you're irrelevant now. No one cares what you have to say anymore.

Sickened 7 years, 9 months ago

Look at my middle finger Allyson!

Alex_Charles 7 years, 9 months ago

I have some serious hate in my heart for that woman. She needs to fade away into obscurity until there is either something to prosecute her over OR someone is doing a documentary on the worst administration in Bahamian history.

1LifeToLive 7 years, 9 months ago

As an American and I speak for many... as well as a business professional, we are appalled at how atrociously the previous government handled Sarkis Izmirlian and his Baha Mar project. The previous government was unequivocally CRIMINAL.

When your Prime Minister asked the Kerzner's to get involved (purchase) ...the response resoundly trumpeted was, "NO... hell NO~!" What does that tel ya? Filthy that last government.

It is profound the referendum the people of Bahamas gave the last government by extending them only 3 spots in new Congress. With the massive majority of seats held by the new government there has to be the integrity shift.

Hope the new government in Bahamas can gain the trust of the people by being fair and honest. In addition, someone MUST be able to get that 'out-of-control' non-stop crime (murders) checkmate. It is destroying the moral fabric of its people. It's HORRIFIC!

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

The Evil Wicked Witch is still spitting in the eye of all of us posting comments here and also the eye of each and every Bahamian who recently voted for the new FNM government. Under cover of a partnership with the owners of John Bull Ltd. (i.e. the Hazelwood family) Allyson Maynard-Gibson and her daughters will get to keep and reap the benefits of many thousands of square feet of prime retail floor space that she obtained at the Baha Mar development through a blatant conflict of interest involving the abuse of her public office while serving as Attorney General in the corrupt Christie-led PLP government. And for all the grand standing Minnis did during the FNM campaign about his unequivicol intent to hold all those responsible and accountable for abusing the public trust during the last five years, he now seems quite content as PM to grant the Evil Wicked Witch a free pass. This can't be right and certainly sends the wrong message to every official prone to engaging in corrupt activities within the new FNM government!

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