'Brave' defends Sir Baltron Bethel contract

Opposition Leader Philip ‘Brave’ Davis’ in the House of Assembly.

Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff

Opposition Leader Philip ‘Brave’ Davis’ in the House of Assembly. Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff


Deputy Chief Reporter


OPPOSITION Leader Philip “Brave” Davis on Friday defended the former Christie administration’s extension and increase of Sir Baltron Bethel’s contract from $140,000 to $200,000 ahead of the general election, saying he believed Bahamians got value for money as the former advisor is a man of great knowledge and expertise.

Mr Davis further castigated Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis for making information about the increase public, insisting it was “disgraceful”.

Asked why Sir Baltron’s contract was increased despite there being no change in his job description, Mr Davis said: “Maybe those who were engaged recognised that the initial sum was inadequate.” Despite this defence, Mr Davis pointed out that this issue would have not been in his purview to decide on under the former government where he was the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works.

“Its disgraceful to be exposing what technocrats and experts are making,” Mr Davis told The Tribune on Friday when he was contacted. “It’s not apples and apples, but apples and oranges, and it's rather unbecoming and disgraceful to continue along this line," he said.

“They are doing the same thing (they accuse the former government of doing), entering into similar contracts, but they are not exposing those.”

On Thursday in the House of Assembly, the Prime Minister revealed that days before the 2017 general election, the former government renewed Sir Baltron’s contract as a senior policy advisor in the Office of the Prime Minister and consultant to the Ministry of Tourism.

His contract was also renewed nearly a year before it was set to expire and increased with an agreement to pay him $800,000 over a four-year period. This, according to documents tabled in Parliament by Dr Minnis.

When this contract is compared with an earlier three-year contract dated May 19, 2015 and effective May 14, 2015, no justification for a salary increase was apparent. The 2015 agreement showed the former advisor was initially to be paid $140,000 for the same duties outlined in the new 2017 contract.

Dr Minnis also tabled the contractual agreements of Theresa Burrows and Cecile Williams-Bethel, two National Insurance Board executives, each with salaries of $125,000 per annum and a yearly duty allowance of $9,000.

Mrs Burrows, a consultant/senior deputy director of business support services, signed her contract on May 4 of this year, to take effect from May 21, 2018.

Mrs Williams-Bethel was engaged as consultant/senior deputy director of operations with effect from June 5, 2012 to June 4, 2017 and extended from June 5, 2017 to August 20, 2021.

In each of these three instances, Dr Minnis said none of the contracts would be honoured, adding they could “take me to court” over the agreements.

According to Dr Minnis, on April 24, 2017, Sir Baltron signed a contract from Permanent Secretary Charles Albury “agreeing to extend” the current contract which was to expire May 14, 2018.

Mr Albury wrote that this contract would go on for a further period of two years, effective, May 14, 2018.

The agreement read: “Additionally, having regard to the expanded services you are providing, it has further been agreed to increase your fixed salary to $200,000 per annum with effect from January 1, 2016. In addition, you will receive paid medical insurance for you and your spouse and have provision of an automobile. A gratuity of 15 per cent of your salary is payable on successful completion of your contract.”

In addition, all expenses relating to approved travel, inclusive of air fare, hotel accommodation and per diem necessary to the successful execution of Sir Baltron’s duties were to be governed by the extant policy of the Ministry of Tourism.


proudloudandfnm 7 years, 1 month ago

The "new" PLP. Just as dirty as ever .

SP 7 years, 1 month ago

I seriously doubt Philip “Brave” Davis has any moral compass left after decades of unbridled corruption, smoke and mirror governance and under the table shenanigans.

He is a product of his life experiences. Where would have seen or learned about honesty and fair play?

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 1 month ago

Any contract with Baltron "Bag Man" Bethel is immediately voidable for good cause and there is plenty of good cause when it comes to this corrupt SOB! All of his activities under the last Christie-led administration should be thoroughly investigated. This is one man who most assuredly belongs behind bars!

sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

This is the PLP 3.0 .......... Now if we compare what damage the PLP 1.0 and the PLP 2.0 caused ..... just imagine what is to come with the latest PLP spawn.

stillwaters 7 years, 1 month ago

All I can do is sit here sadly shaking my head. Why doesn't Brave just go away. You vote these suckers out, and they still in your face with the usual justification of their tiefin.

BONEFISH 7 years, 1 month ago

Defending a poor use of the people's tax dollars. What special skills did that man possess? in my opinion, none. But I don't expect much from Phillip Davis. He was an inept DPM and Minister

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 1 month ago

Surely you meant "fraudulent use" as opposed to "poor use".

John 7 years, 1 month ago

If Baltron Bethel is that age and still needs a contract to survive then piss on the PLP!!! Imagine us his age and made a quarter of what he made and still have to retire. piss on Baltron Bethel and piss on the PLP!!

SP 7 years, 1 month ago

PM Sheriff Minnis anti-corruption stance is infectious! Saudi Arabia follows suit with dozens of princes and former ministers having been arrested. Saudi AG saying 'corruption' sweep will be fair.


Several Bahamian billionaire families and former high ranking politicians should be under investigation for corruptly manipulating the countries natural resources, and charged with treason if found guilty.

Likened to the Saudi AG, PM Minnis stated regardless of their last name, position or party affiliation, those found guilty WILL BE PROSECUTED....and it's about time!!

SP 7 years, 1 month ago

Enough useless talk! Philip “Brave” Davis must be made to table the accomplishments of Sir Balltron Berthell as an advisor to justify this massive increase or sit down and shut up!

The people have a right to know where and how their money is invested and did they get value for dollar.

As Pillage Loot Plunder where total abject failures, I find it hard to believe Davis can produce one shred of evidence that Sir Baltron Bethel was of any benefit to the country.

realfreethinker 7 years, 1 month ago

Brave seems to not know much about what happened under his watch as a senior cabinet minister. Maybe perry knew how incompetent and corrupt he is,and this who wants to run our country?

Maynergy 7 years, 1 month ago

P. Carl Gibson - Home | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BehindGreyCurt… P. Carl Gibson. 35 likes · 1 talking about this. Behind Grey Curtains" by P. Carl Gibson, could very well as of the May 10th, 2017, show how generations...

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago

"THEY ARE DOING THE VERY SAME THING (they accuse the former government of doing), entering into similar contracts, but they are not exposing those.”

Brave is correct, I'm hearing on good authority that the FNM has entered into some extremely high salary arrangements, of the 200,000 plus variety, I find it incredible that they're pointing fingers at the PLP and doing the exact same thing.

Socrates 7 years, 1 month ago

i have to agree with Davis on this.. no benefit to be gained by piblicizing such info.. indeed, u will never get universal agreement on suitable salaries for almost any job.. remember the 6 figure salaries BEC staffers working power lines on the street earn? if they want to impress me, reveal the generous pensions former politicians and GGs receive til death.. remember, no particular skill, knowledge or experience required for those jobs...

OMG 7 years, 1 month ago

Yes Mr Davies, that that huge salary increase to a nurse often working 8 -20 hours a day for a 10th of Baltrons salary. Tell us Mr Davies what exactly Baltron did in the way of using his skills to benefit the country and why and old fart like him, way over retirement age needed such lavish perks ? . I sure as hell know who actually contributes more and it is not Baltron.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

It is unconscionable that our scarce Treasury resources would be frittered away on "consultants" that are merely glorified political savants

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