Postal crisis is crippling business


Edison Sumner


Tribune Staff Reporter


REDUCED operations at the General Post Office are negatively affecting businesses, Bahamas Chamber of Commerce CEO Edison Sumner said yesterday, adding the chamber sees “no end in sight” to the problem.

For months now workers at the General Post Office have been working shortened shifts at their office on East Hill Street. Bahamas Public Services Union President John Pinder has described the facility as “hazardous” for the employes. A recent flood as well as air conditioning and mould infestation problems are the reasons the workers have been working just a few hours a day. 

“This has become a pretty vexing issue for a number of businesses, especially ones mailing invoices for payments, getting communication from their customers and those dropping cheques in the mail,” Mr Sumner said.

“I’ve been approached by a number of businesses and we know the operations at the General Post Office have been reduced. These diminished working hours, the fact that the post office has been in a state of disrepair are having an adverse impact on the mail service.”

He added: “We intend to continue dialogue with the minister to determine what could happen to improve. We don’t see that there’s any end in sight. We know moves about constructing a new building have been planned. I believe that has been stalled and we don’t know what the government’s plan is.

“Certainly the issue has become a big concern to the business community not only for local business but those that are expecting international mail coming in as well. We need to make a determination on what steps will be taken but the government has to correct the problem.”

The Christie Administration, through a public private partnership, gave the green light to a project to relocate the General Post Office to the Independence Drive Shopping Centre off Tonique Williams Darling Highway. However, the Minnis Administration has halted that project, expressing concerns that it was approved without due diligence. 

The Minnis Administration has appeared open to relocating the post office to the Town Centre Mall.

Of the Christie-approved relocation project, Works Minister Desmond Bannister said in June the previous administration approved the project despite the absence of approved plans or a building permit for construction.

Although “technical officers at the Ministry of Public Works had advised the former administration a traffic impact study was required,” one was not conducted, Mr Bannister said. In addition, no assessment was done to ensure there would be no ground contamination from the nearby gas station. 

“Environmental and social assessments were required together with the submission of design details to the relevant governmental agencies for review,” Mr Bannister said, adding that none was done.


watcher 7 years, 5 months ago

I have all but given up using my post office box. Yesterday I received the APRIL electricity bill....thank goodness for online statements, where I can browse for phone, internet, cable, electric etc, or I would be one of the thousands of people who get cut off for non-payment. Oh, and anecdotally, a friend abroad knows about our useless post office and assures me she sent my July birthday card back in May (plenty of time, she foolishly thought) and of course, it still hasn't arrived.

How companies are coping, I have no idea. Yet another black eye for our "ease of doing business" index score. God forbid anyone should have anything of value sent to them by post.........

John 7 years, 5 months ago

Anyone who relies on the post office to run a business is automatically severely handicapped. When you get your bills they are obsolete and if you don't have foresight to go pay them without receiving the bill, your services will be interrupted. Persons who have to file monthly VAT returns or even quarterly ones are facing an uphill battle as the government wants to get its VAT money on time and has devised severe penalties for those who are late. Then, of course, one must recognize the psychology of having staff work on shortened days for a long period of time then return to a normal (longer) work day and be more productive. Then, of course, there is the economics of paying workers for shorter work days and less productivity, especially when the government is already financially challenged.

TalRussell 7 years, 5 months ago

Comrades! No more Numbers issued bank machine cards, or cash payouts!
The best way 'Number Winnings' could be paid out to help slow down players for weeks from impulsively gambling away their slim winnings on more numbers.... would be for the crown's red shirts attorney general to mandate that ya 'Numbers Winnings' has to come to you -by Bahamaland's Postal Service.
Amen to slowing down gambling away ya slim winnings!

Sickened 7 years, 5 months ago

Ha! That is a good idea!

sheeprunner12 7 years, 5 months ago

Why is this building still standing???????? ......... This should be the new site of the Parliament and PM officials residence.

TalRussell 7 years, 5 months ago

Comrade Sheeprunner12, If PM Minnis was politically astute - he would dispatch 'ACE' to evict the current tenant from atop Mount Fitzwilliam - then load up a moving van with his personal things and head up the hill to move on ups into the PM's new official residence. To delay could result in Her Excellency Dame Marguerite, moving first to fire the PM and his entire red shirts cabinet. I'd grab them facilities, whilst the PM can stills do the movin on ups grabbing.

Da Minnis's intro Mount Fitzwilliam theme song (Movin on Ups Da Hill)


stillwaters 7 years, 5 months ago

I didn't know people actually still used snail mail

stillwaters 7 years, 5 months ago

I don't own a business and get my bills online.

ohdrap4 7 years, 5 months ago

only the big guns offer online billing, and often the system is down or incompatible with my computer, i make it my business to call, check online if possible, or actually drive there to see my balance.

I also have monthly bills from 4 different companies that do not send bills online, I call and get the balance. Of these 4 , a vendor hand delivers the bill to make sure she gets paid on time.

yep, I just got my july water and sewage bill. And i dread having to receive a bank card in the mail, the bank, in fact, charges a fee if i ask to pick up my credit card from the branch..

DDK 7 years, 5 months ago

I wonder why consecutive Bahamas Governments do not bother to maintain their assets....... They simply do not understand the business of running a Government and concentrate only on all things political. If repairs and maintenance are done on a timely basis it would preclude the need to write off the asset and shed crocodile tears about the lack of funds for yet another capital expenditure.

TalRussell 7 years, 5 months ago

Comrade DDK, the reason why governments don't bother to concentrate on repairs and maintenance - is cause they isn't politically sexy enough to satisfy the thirsts crown's ministers - looking ahead to the next general election.

gkeato 7 years, 5 months ago

When I arrived in the Bahamas in 2000, I was shocked when I went looking for a letter that never arrived,,, when I saw the room with the unclaimed mail I was horrified and knew that I would never receive the letter I needed. The Post Office needed help then

The_Oracle 7 years, 5 months ago

30 years ago there were plumbing problems, brought about by too many envelopes being flushed after postal workers had pillaged the contents! Nothing has changed, 20 years ago the mail was in a HUUUGE pile in the middle of the great hall, surrounded by 12 plus Kiosks for sorting, with two occupied by very slow moving employees..... Only difference is the building has fallen apart further.

Gotoutintime 7 years, 5 months ago

We are just hanging on as a third-world Country---How low can we go?

John 7 years, 5 months ago

Then the question is how much money did government spend on the Independent Shopping Center in preparation for making it the new post office. The building has been both stripped and gutted. But work has come to a stand still. The ruminate that government has found another site. Did government purchase the property? Then what will be done with it? Remember the old City Market building on Market Street? Government purchased that property many years ago. Worked began on it and then stopped. This is the third or fourth change in government but yet the property sits idle. The people's money wasted. But yet citizens are being choked for more taxes.

Jonahbay 7 years, 5 months ago

@John you make very salient points. Unfortunately the truth of the matter will always come out if you follow the money. Who owns the Independence shopping centre? Who would benefit from a post office being placed there? Why is it more advantageous to put the post office at Town Centre Mall? Will it mean better service or mail sorting systems? If it is the same people running the show, I think not. I have toured the main post office and it is deplorable. I have sent mail to relatives from overseas that has never arrived. If we don't all agree that the system needs a complete overhaul and modernization we will get nowhere. The building is only half the problem. Might as well throw the mail into the wind and hope for the best...

watchingfromafar 7 years, 5 months ago

I mailed a small package containing Christmas cards to my father the second week of December 2015. He got it last month!!!!

OMG 7 years, 5 months ago

So very true its not only the building but some of the staff are downright lazy and some are dishonest. Waste of time ordering practical mechanics or National Geographic or any other periodical as it gets stolen and never reaches. I once had an annual subscription to an international newspaper. Got one edition then nothing. Newspaper company traced every issue arriving in Nassau. So where did it go. Absolute bloody disgrace.

John 7 years, 5 months ago

To be honest many a young person do not know about a post office. They have never received anything in the mail or never have they posted a letter. Even a fax machine is obsolete to them..not to mention a typewriter. They know hoe to send and receive emails or to go to XpressIt to receive goods purchased online. The point? The post office is becoming an obsolete entity, but there is ways for it to reinvent itself and become a relevant place again. But it has to modernize, it has to offer more essential services and it must be easily and conveniently accessible. Putting a post office in the mall may not contribute to this goal. And the situation is not one that should be politically driven or besmirched with greed.

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