Feeling fatigued? Three ways women can boost iron intake

(BPT) - If you're a woman who feels like you're constantly fighting fatigue, there could be a physical reason for that sluggishness.

In the US, one in 10 women, between 12 and 49 years old, are dealing with the results of low iron, according to the Centres for Disease Control, and that can easily lead to extra fatigue and muscle weakness. Unfortunately, iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), particularly affecting menstruating women, pregnant women, vegans and vegetarians, athletes (especially women) and recent blood donors.

"Many women have low iron levels and simply don't know it," reports Dr Tieraona Low Dog, an internationally recognised expert in the fields of integrative medicine, herbal medicine and dietary supplementation, and author of National Geographic's "Fortify Your Life: Your Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and More."

"Iron is absolutely critical to some of our most basic functions, like energy production, oxygen circulation and healthy brain function," he said.

The good news is, low iron stores can be easy to correct. Scientists at Mayo Clinic suggest the following remedies:

• Eat more foods rich in iron; these include meat, eggs, soybeans, seafood, beans, peas, peanuts, dark-green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, oatmeal and/or iron-fortified breads, cereals and pastas.

• In conjunction with high-iron foods, eat foods high in vitamin C that promote iron absorption. This group includes citrus fruits and juices, melons, strawberries, kiwi, broccoli, leafy greens, peppers and tomatoes.

• After talking to your doctor, choose an iron-boosting supplement that doesn't cause unpleasant side effects such as nausea, diarrhea or constipation. Blood Builder, made by MegaFood using nutrients with farm-fresh whole foods, is clinically proven to increase iron stores in women without upsetting your stomach and digestive tract. To support healthy red blood cell production and iron bioavailability, Blood Builder also includes food state folate, B12 and vitamin C delivered through Uncle Matt's Organic whole oranges.

In addition to fatigue, the most common symptom of low iron, symptoms can also include muscle weakness upon exertion; heart palpitations; pale skin; decreased focus; occasional sadness and/or an inability to stay warm.

Seeking more information about addressing an iron deficiency? Learn more at BloodBuilder.com.


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