Minnis backs Sands’ surgery

Health Minister Dr Duane Sands.

Health Minister Dr Duane Sands.


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis praised Health Minister Dr Duane Sands as an “exemplary public servant” yesterday, in response to criticism levelled at him for voluntarily performing surgeries while working in government.

However, last night, Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts insisted the Health Minister could not be a regulator and a practioner at the same time.

Mr Roberts questioned who was paying Dr Sands’ professional indemnity insurance for pro bona surgeries at the Rand Hospital Grand Bahama, and what would happen if there were any irregularities.

“Was it Dr. Sands who proclaim ‘nothing is free’ but now wishes Bahamians to believe that some things are free?” Mr Roberts said.

In a statement released by Press Secretary Anthony Newbold, Dr Minnis dismissed Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts’ recent attacks as “political grandstanding and cheap shots” from a “belligerent and out of touch Chairman.”

On Sunday, Mr Roberts accused Dr Minnis of looking “the other way” as Dr Sands performed surgical procedures, an act he claimed was in direct violation of established and longstanding cabinet code of ethics and procedures for its ministers.

In response yesterday, Dr Minnis openly commended Dr Sands for his devotion to the Ministry of Health and for his continuing commitment to the health of Bahamians and residents. 

“He is an exemplary public servant,” the Killarney MP stated. “His willingness to freely donate his time and skills to ensure Bahamians receive the care that they need is a testament to his compassion and ethic care.”

Dr Minnis said following his appointment as Minister of Health, he and Dr Sands spoke at length about the need for him to continue to perform urgent and difficult surgeries on a voluntary basis should the need arise.

He added Dr Sands then applied for and received permission from the Cabinet to perform life-saving procedures free of charge.

“It comes as no surprise to anyone who knows Dr Sands that he would volunteer to perform critical surgery for those in need. This is in addition to work he is doing as Minister of Health to make improvements in health care throughout the country,” Dr Minnis said.

“I want personally to thank my colleague for his stellar commitment to the Bahamian people.”

Dr Minnis continued: “It is shameful and disgraceful, though no longer surprising, that the PLP and its belligerent and out of touch Chairman would place political grandstanding and cheap shots ahead of saving lives.”

“The PLP is more concerned with playing games and taking care of their own self-interests than it is with the needs of the Bahamian people. This is why they were overwhelmingly rejected at the polls, and why most Bahamians continue to hold the PLP in such regard.”

Dr Minnis said instead of attacking Dr Sands, a man who “selflessly dedicated himself to saving and improving thousands of lives of individuals from every political persuasion,” the leadership of the PLP should donate more of their time and talents to volunteerism.

He concluded: “Rather than seeking power in order to enrich themselves at the expense of the Bahamian people, whom they woefully neglected in their last disastrous, unproductive and scandal-ridden term in office.”

Dr Sands, when contacted Sunday for comment on Mr Roberts’ claims, said in addition to receiving Cabinet permission, he also received written authorization from the PHA to do the work as well.

The Tribune saw a letter yesterday from the PHA confirming he has been authorized to maintain “unpaid admitting privileges to assist in the care of patients requiring cardiovascular care,” as stated in his resignation letter.

During his contribution to the budget debate in June, Dr Sands disclosed he would provide medical help where voids exist in the public health system.


Socrates 7 years, 5 months ago

doesn't gov't own bahamasair and is the aviation industry regulator at the same time? i dont recall Roberts saying anything about that when Butler raised the issue. Besides, Sands is not the ministry of health, he is just the minister and unless we have been taken over by elected dictators, Sands can make/set no policy on his own. i doubt Sands is cutting any other doctor out of a few dollars either since they say he one of or the only specialist of his kind locally.. so whats the beef really?

TalRussell 7 years, 5 months ago

Is this going be turned into a song and dance about 'Will that Be Free Booze, or Fixing Ya Sick Ticker?
Comrade PLP's "No Longer Big Bad Brad" Chairman, I has asks, how many lives have you healed and saved since the year 1994?
Most would be shocked to learn that as a liquor merchant of great mention, that you never once during your time in cabinet - donated a bottle or case of liquor to a Bride and Groom's wedding reception, or to a friend, colleague or constituent?

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 5 months ago

Both Minnis and Sands are totally wrong on this one.....there is a very direct conflict of interest in Sands serving as Minister of Health while continuing to practice as a surgeon within either his private practice or our public healthcare system. Whether he performs the surgeries on a fee paying or pro bono basis is irrelevant. If the medical and surgical skill sets of Duane Sands are indeed so rare and scarce, and are in such great demand in our country today, then one must ask why on earth did Sands ever decide to enter the very time consuming occupation of active politics in the first place?! Also, why on earth would Minnis, a fellow doctor in our rather closely knit medical community, ever have encouraged and endorsed Sands' appointment as Minister of Health, presumably with full knowledge of the great demand for his very rare and important life saving powers?!

This is one of the very few times I find myself in complete agreement with Bradley Roberts. Sands cannot be both regulator and practitioner for obvious reasons. For Minnis to suggest otherwise exposes a serious character flaw on the part of Minnis himself!

licks2 7 years, 5 months ago

Now you see why I told you that you DNAs are lost. . .he is not "practicing his craft" (i.e, medical services for money). . .but volunteering his skills pro bono. . . in his ministry. . .he has no contract. . .the constitutional "litmus test"! And further more. . .he was given permission from HP and his boss! Now if you or BBB can prove his complication in a secret contract or services for money. . .STOP WASTING OUR DANG TIME PLEASE!! Hump!!

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 5 months ago

And turning to the subject of Minnis's December 31 deadline given to the illegal migrants in our country, we have this from Brent Symonette:

"I do a swearing in like I did last week," he {Symonette} said. "These people have been waiting 20, 33, some cases 40 years to be regularized. They have an entitlement as far as they are concerned to be regularized as a citizen of the commonwealth of the Bahamas. They feel frustrated, angry, whatever word you want to use. So if we're going to do a mass regularization of them, I see nothing wrong with that. If you been waiting in a country 20 years, you feel like you belong."


Brent Symonette is about as useless a Minister of Immigration as they come, just looking for any excuse possible not to do his vital job. The same was the case the last time he served as Minister of Immigration. His simple solution to our illegal migrant problem can be summed up as follows: "LET'S JUST REGULARIZE ALL OF THEM BECAUSE NOT DOING SO IS TOO DIFFICULT TO DO." Minnis should immediately remove Symonette from his cabinet post but I suspect it would be easier for Symonette (with the help of Carl Bethel) to remove the PM from his post...if you know what I mean.

It sure seems Minnis cannot get any respect whenever he imposes any kind of deadline. First we have the Chairman of the Public Disclosure Commission (Myles Laroda) claiming he could do nothing about verifying and enforcing Minnis's announced deadline for the filing of delinquent personal financial statement disclosures by current and former members of parliament because of some poppycock about a mould outbreak. And now we have Symonette saying he probably would not be able to do anything about Minnis's December 31 deadline for illegal migrants to leave our country because he, as Minister of Immigration, is just too overwhelmed by the problem to do his job. What a joke - Minnis just can't get any respect! That of course begs the question: "Just how in the hell does Minnis as PM expect to lead our government if he can't get any respect wherever he turns or whatever he says or does?!"

realfreethinker 7 years, 5 months ago

Well_mudda you are really losing it. I always thought you were Bran now you starting to sound like brave or Perry. The jig is up. You are slowly exposing your true color

birdiestrachan 7 years, 5 months ago

Big deal no surprise here roc wit doc will bow or he will break. he will do as he is told Dr Sands has no reason to be the Minister of health except to make himself ":The Big Guy" I will believe his bleeding heart when he donates his salary to charity. It is all about the money there is something in it for him. again who owns the dialysis machines.?

themessenger 7 years, 5 months ago

Well we ain gatty worry bout Sands operating on neither you or Bradley heart Birdie cause ain neither one a yinna gat one. All the two a y'all good for is stirrin, talkin an spreadin shit.

TalRussell 7 years, 5 months ago

Comrades! Curious if the hospitals might be charging surgical patients of Dr. Duane, backdoor expenses, and if so, what expenses might we be talking about? Were any insurance companies billed? Were any of other contributing surgeons paid for their services by insurance, etc?

CatIslandBoy 7 years, 5 months ago

While waxing eloquent, Well_Mudda sometimes applies a twisted sense of logic to his reasoning in order to arrive at his predisposed position. It would appear that he is hell-bent on opposing almost anything coming from this Government, while offering up few half-baked alternatives. The truth is Dr. Sands is saving lives, while he and Bradley Roberts are talking foolishness. The operative word in this story is "Volunteer". This one, while a no-brainer, certainly exposes your true colors; and they're not black, gold, or aquamarine.

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 5 months ago

Although some medical doctors are well known to suffer from 'the God-like complex', they are all nevertheless fallible to the possibility of committing an act of gross negligence. Even a medical facility itself and others assisting a medical doctor at the facility are vulnerable to an act of gross negligence. It is hard to fathom what recourse or redress the loved ones (i.e. the family members) of a victim of a serious incident of medical malpractice would have where the medical doctor concerned holds the pinnacle post of the regulatory apparatus for not only himself as a practicing physician, but also the medical facility in which he practices. There are many good reasons why healthcare professionals and the facilities they work in are so highly regulated worldwide, and the avoidance of serious conflicts of interest is one of them. Yes, making an exception can save lives, but at what cost in terms of other MDs and healthcare professionals who might now feel less compelled to avoid serious conflict of interest situations. And of course there will always be the lingering question of the lives lost when the Minister of Health is unable to 'volunteer' his services because he is too busy politicking or discharging his cabinet duties. The corruptness of the Christie administration was built on making exceptions to the rules and the rule of law....and just look where that got us!

proudloudandfnm 7 years, 5 months ago

Rule 5 of parlimentary procedures says clearly the PM can approve it if it is in the best interest of the people. Rule 5 also clearly states the PM's decision is conclusive.

Sands is good to go.

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 5 months ago

I'm eerily reminded by you of what Christie said time and time again while he was PM. Christie would say, obviously in many more words:

"As PM I have the power to do pretty much what I think must be done.... for it is I who have this awesome responsibility as leader of the government to decide what's in the best interest of the people....because...after all.....that's what the people expect of me and why they made it possible for me to lead this great nation of ours during these most trying of times."

Christie of course would then feel perfectly justified in marching to his own tune, all the while taking our nation to the precipice.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 5 months ago

These Lodge Boys are just doing their good deeds to GAOTU .......... Leave them be .......... smt

Truism 7 years, 5 months ago

What's the problem. Big Bad Brad can't seem to understand that in this dispensation the regulator can be a practitioner. It's allowed when it's the people's time and you're tried and trusted.

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