Tributes paid to veteran of World War II

The last post is performed at the funeral service of Private Sargent Leonard Jervis at St Joseph’s Catholic Church. Photos: RBDF

The last post is performed at the funeral service of Private Sargent Leonard Jervis at St Joseph’s Catholic Church. Photos: RBDF

A ROYAL Bahamas Defence Force bugler and drummer performed the last post and revelry at the funeral service of a member of the British Legion - Bahamas Branch on Friday, October 20.

Private Sargent Leonard Jervis' funeral was held at St Joseph's Catholic Church on Boyd Road. He joined Her Majesty's Royal Army during World War II, and also the Home Guard Service in The Bahamas.

RBDF commander, Commodore Tellis Bethel and the officers and marines of the RBDF extended sincere condolences to Jervis' family.


ThisIsOurs 6 years, 11 months ago

Wow, should have sent more officers to the service to honor him...but I don't know what the protocols are.

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