MP slams 'drastic' move to close outreach centres


Englerston MP Glenys Hanna Martin.


Tribune Staff Reporter


ENGLERSTON MP Glenys Hanna Martin has taken issue with the government's decision to close Department of Social Services outreach centres Wednesday, claiming the "drastic" move placed "vulnerable" Bahamians in crisis.

Mrs Hanna Martin, shadow minister for social services, in a press release on Thursday defined the Department of Social Services as "essential" to persons bracing themselves for the impact of Hurricane Irma this weekend.

"It is noted with great concern that all (Department of) Social Services outreach centres have been shut down as of 5pm (Wednesday). I am aware that government offices have been closed except for all essential services. The Department of Social Services provides an essential service," she wrote.

Mrs Hanna Martin added: "I am advised that over the years the practice has been to keep the doors open to assist as much as possible in these circumstances.

"As a result of this drastic policy decision untold numbers of Bahamians who are in vulnerable circumstances are unable to seek food and other assistance in the approach of a powerful tropical cyclone."

Mrs Hanna Martin ended her release with request for the government to "immediately reopen " those centres Thursday.


ashley14 7 years, 3 months ago

This is unbelievable actions for the people. Sounds like to me they just want to go home. Everyone for theirselves. The Bahamas has no chance for change without a total change in leadership.

theplpsucks 7 years, 3 months ago

Oh give me a break. Social services people have family too and people who needed assistance had enough time before the hurricane to get assistance. She is poking at everything and in doing so looking like a scorned angry ass. Stop it please.

John 7 years, 3 months ago

The biggest problem so far after the hurricane passes is looting. Most of the hurricane supplies wethat were not used were lost in the hurricane. So you will need fresh people to work the centers after the hurricane

Apostle 7 years, 3 months ago

Please Glenys Please go and sit down. When did you become so concerned for anybody? Oh yes, you wanted internet for your constituents. Nobody interested in your posturing. Where the hell are you right now and how long have you been there? show some common sense. We have been talking about this storm for over a week now. Those who rely on the Department of Social Services are acknowledged. They were advised to collect their supplies and they may go to the shelter.

You are trying to posture for your leadership bid of the PLP. Please don't do it here. You may express yourself, but I am really not interested in what you are trying to do here.

Shucks man, go and secure you home and allow the workers to do the same. These are not essential services.

TalRussell 7 years, 3 months ago

Comrades! This 4th Set Red Shirts Regime are eager close down all social services and lockup people - excepting those thugs associated murdering citizens, residents and visitors.

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