MP acts to dispel shelter stigma

Member of Parliament for Centreville Reece Chipman. Photo: Terrel W. Carey/Tribune Staff

Member of Parliament for Centreville Reece Chipman. Photo: Terrel W. Carey/Tribune Staff

CENTREVILLE MP Reece Chipman and his family will weather Hurricane Irma in a designated shelter in his constituency, a press release from the politician announced.

Mr Chipman said he wants to show area residents the seriousness of this storm and also to get rid of the stigma of shelters only being used by the less fortunate.

Mr Chipman and his family will check into the hurricane shelter at Church of God of Prophecy on East Street at 5pm Friday.

“This is important to show residents the seriousness of category five Hurricane Irma,” Mr Chipman said in a press release. “Without constituents, there will be no Centreville so please heed all warnings and get to a storm shelter.”

“This storm has been described as one of the worst ever and many people are depending on me, therefore we are not taking any chances. Not only will I have first hand information with regards to the impact of Irma on Centreville, but my experience will be that of the people of the Centreville community.

“During this time, we can speak to concerned citizens and hopefully there is an opportunity to read and play with the children. I am about representing the community I am from and about helping where I can. (Ministry of) Social Services and National Security (officials) will be present for signing in and management purposes. Residents should take this opportunity for Bible study, praise and worship and simply to thank God for all his goodness and mercies. 

“What an opportunity to change mindsets. Shelters are not about being less fortunate, they are about safety and community. Thanks to Pastor Hanna and his wife for accommodating our community,” Mr Chipman said.

He added that his constituency office has made contact with Bahamas Waste to do emergency garbage collection around the community. The Centreville office has also been in contact with the Ministry of Works and Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) to aid in the trimming of low lying tree limbs throughout the community, he said.

He said Centreville constituency workers have canvassed the area to ensure debris was removed.


TalRussell 7 years, 6 months ago

Comrades! Move over former PM Christie Shuffle Dance.... Cause whilst the movement da hurricane is unpredictable - the same can't be said for yet another red shirt MP doing da 'We Is With Da People Hurricane Shuffle Steps.' { Sweet Jesus, how is it you can't be angry ya self... is this the best you could have replaced the PLP with..... cause with the PLP was only PM Christie 'showcasing' he Shuffle Dance? }

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 6 months ago

Makes no sense if Chipman and his family will cause others (who are truly in need) to be turned away from the shelter because of capacity limitations. Typical short sighted politician pandering to his constituents.

DDK 7 years, 6 months ago

Give the man a break, Mudda! I think this was a good thing to do. It seems to be the damned if you do and damned if you don't mantra.

SP 7 years, 6 months ago

CENTREVILLE MP Reece Chipman and his family are setting a fine example not just for his Centerville constituents but by and large for the entire electorate.

This is reminiscent of Fidel Castro, who during hurricanes always made it his concern to hunker down in shelters along with evacuees!

Dancing clown Perry Christie and his band of high and mighty pirates were ALL TOO GOOD to be caught dead even thinking of such an innovative way to stay on the peoples level and lead by example.

Only 4 months in and MP Reece Chipman has already shown more common sense and care for his Centerville constituents than Perry Dancing Clown Christie did in 40 years!

realfreethinker 7 years, 6 months ago

So I agree with you. Lead by example. Tal is just another salty plp and well -mudda is DNA troll

rawbahamian 7 years, 6 months ago

By all of the negative comments posted about what a politician does, I am certain that Jesus Christ wouldn't last 5 mins on the streets of Nassau before he is lynched by negative people accusing him of making Satan look bad ! After 5yrs of P.L.P. rule, do you'll seriously think the F.N.M. can fix everything in 4months?

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 6 months ago

Jesus Christ would not last five minutes, agreed!!! because he would be able to tell everyone what their real motives were. The politicians would hate him, the priests and the bishops would hate him, husbands, wives, girlfriends and boyfriends would hate him.

Who knows what his real motives were, but if this were a real shelter required situation, he should go to his family and leave the shelter for the persons in the community who have no one to go to. The spokesperson had already made an announcement that there were only 25 shelters for all of Nassau and it was not enough. They also made an appeal for persons who could to go to family and friends.

So while no one can say what was in his heart, you can question the head.

General statement: there has been far too much politicking and 2022 campaigning since May 10th. This hurricane should be a wake up call. Getting dramatic pics in the paper is not sufficient. There's work to do and strategic planning to complete.

Where is Romi btw? The only time I saw him was when he took a pic giving a back to school book to some child. He's missed the Tall Pines, Yamacraw and Pinder's Point Environmental impact meetings.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 6 months ago

And who called the media?

TalRussell 7 years, 6 months ago

Comrades! Who are we to judge the sincerity of another individual's private deeds or actions. But publicly displayed deeds or actions - are we not allowed to weigh by the scale of own reality? People in the public arena should expect to have their public persona closely examined. That my Comrades, is a reality that no public official should ever expect to escape from. Isn't the public's perception what each of us think it is?
Stay safe. Amen!!

ashley14 7 years, 6 months ago

Who does? You do! All The Time!

berryj 7 years, 3 months ago

This is important to show residents the seriousness of category five Hurricane Irma,” Mr Chipman said in a press release. “Without constituents, there will be no Centreville so please heed all warnings and get to a storm shelter. http://www.localmedstore.com/fosamax.as…">Buy fosamax online

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