Tribune Chief Reporter
A HAITIAN mother is considering placing her 11-year-old special needs son in the care of the state after he was allegedly denied access to school for three consecutive years because of the country’s immigration policy.
Activists are calling on the government to implement temporary measures to address the “glaring gaps” created by the November 2014 policy that affected access to public services, and effectively marginalised vulnerable communities.
Jan Pierre, 36, told The Tribune that the grim prospect for her son Watson was one of only two options at her disposal, having exhausted attempts to obtain the required documentation for her child because of her own status.
The second would be to send him to Haiti to live with his father, a place he’s never been and a setback that would drastically inhibit his ability to apply for Bahamian citizenship.
The Tribune met with Ms Pierre, and activists Louby Georges and Stephanie St Fleur, in a shantytown off Carmichael Road.
Mr Georges said: “We can say to you that this is not just Nassau, we’ve received calls from Freeport, Abaco. We’re not talking about kids that are coming from somewhere else. These are kids that were already in the school system.
“We’ve been at this for three years now, but now that there is a new government we’re wondering if there will be any change. It’s the same problem, they all know about the problem because while in opposition they said they would work to address it.
“It’s a multi-ministry problem, (Ministries of) Immigration and Education, but it’s still happening so at least put in place some temporary measures to help these kids while you discuss it at the Cabinet level. There are a lot of kids caught in this gray area and are being denied an education.”
Meanwhile, Ms Pierre explained that she has had irregular status since 2004, and at present was waiting for the renewal of her passport. Since the November 2014 immigration policy, Ms Pierre has had difficulty getting an employer to assist her with obtaining a work permit.
Her work permit first expired in 2004.
“For her, her main concern would be her son’s development because he can’t go to school,” said Mr Georges, an executive member of Rights Bahamas, formerly the Grand Bahama Human Rights Association.
“She’s contemplating sending him to Haiti even though he’s not from Haiti, he was born here, or giving him up to the (Department of) Social Services because however hard it may seem or sound as a parent she’s really concerned about him having the best life.”
Rights Bahamas has repeatedly raised concerns over the harmful, dehumanising conditions created by the 2014 immigration policy, which they saw as an attempt to legitimise inhumane state practices against unregularised or undocumented persons.
The policy mandates that every person living in the Bahamas has a passport of their nationality with proof to legally reside in this country, among other restrictions, like the requirement for every foreign person enrolled in schools, including children born in The Bahamas to immigrants, to have a student permit.
Although the policy was introduced in November 2014, the restrictions did not come into effect until the Fall 2015 school semester.
Then Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell explained that the school permit rule would help the government keep track of who works and lives in The Bahamas and who attends schools here.
The annual school permit costs $25 with a $100 processing fee.
Mr Georges said: “Watson was already registered at school, had been going to school. The policy kicked in and affected education after the summer break of 2015.
“So Jan didn’t know, she got him dressed for school and took him and then he was not accepted when they got there. When she got there, the principal spoke to her and asked her if the child had a permit. The principal told her without a permit they won’t be able to accept the child.”
In 2015, while out of office, Brent Symonette warned that making it harder for children of immigrants to get an education could create a slippery slope that results in a myriad of long-term social problems for Bahamians. He was appointed minister of immigration after the 2017 general election, a post he held from 2007-2012.
However, since taking office, activists lament the new government has been silent on this issue.
“You go to NIB and they send you to Immigration,” Mr Georges said, “when you get to Immigration, they say ‘oh no you need the NIB card.’ When you go back they say no you need something from Immigration so you can’t go to either place without something from the other one. So we want to know if they’re even meeting to try to fix this thing.”
Ms St Fleur said: “Since the new policy came in, there are kids born after independence right now there is a problem with them getting that identity card or Haitian passport. And if they do get the Haitian passport and go to national insurance, they don’t want to issue the NIB card so it’s like everywhere is putting a block.
“At the end of the day,” she continued, “myself and Louby, we were in the same situation these children are in today. My parents at one time had work permit, my parents at one time had to wait when their documents were up.
“I’m straight, Louby is straight, every single person in my immediate family is straight but I have to think that these kids could be me.”
Ms St Fleur added: “If I was denied an education during a time when my parents didn’t have their work permits, how could I contribute to this place? The only country I know as home? These young children are put in this same situation here, lack of education.
“How, in the next few years when they turn 18 and they apply for their citizenship, tell me how can they contribute to the only place they know as home?”
jackbnimble 7 years, 6 months ago
This is what happens when you enter a country ILLEGALLY and then expect to reap the benefits through an ANCHOR BABY. The only slippery slope this situation creates is a burden on the Ministries of Immigration and Education to fix a problem created by the ILLEGAL parent.
When are we going to stop entertaining nonsense? These people have it figured out. Even if they are not straight, they expect - no demand - that benefits be given to their children through free health care and education (which by the way is used to learn English) and then want to act all bitter and hurt when it is denied because they don't have the proper papers.
I say we keep the policy in place. If you don't have the proper papers and can account for your presence in our country, then you should not be in our country - point blank!
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 6 months ago
"her work permit first expired in 2004"
There is nowhere in the world where you can stay in a country for years, with no status, waiting for a work permit renewal. Stop encouraging people in foolishness. Tell them if their work permit is up they need to go back home. Tell them the difficulties they will face with children without status. Do not give them the impression that this is ok. And now the lady is saying she will leave her child with social services?? Louby needs to do better.
My2cents 7 years, 6 months ago
Why doesn't Louby Georges, the Haitian embassy and all concerned parties create scholarship opportunities to private schools for these children? The entitled attitude that he's promoting to Haitian nationals for Bahamian resources, and the emotional blackmail, is disgusting. The MOE needs to stand it's ground and let people take responsibility for putting their children in this limbo. Maybe when the freebies dry up, illegal immigrants will as well.
If she gives up custody of her son she's making yet another selfish decision where his wellbeing is concerned. That is 100% on her.
sheeprunner12 7 years, 6 months ago
The Haitian underground community offers every other service imaginable (from dope to guns to prostitution to cockfighting etc.) under the sun ........ just open a school for yinner chirren
SP 7 years, 6 months ago
They can open their fooking school in Haiti!
SP 7 years, 6 months ago
WTF? These dam Haitians come here illegally or overstay their time illegally, breed anchor babies like rabbits, then expect to DEMAND Bahamians foot the bill for their education, healthcare etc, while Bahamians are suffering and unable to make ends meet?
Her work permit first expired in 2004. She has no legal right to be here and should have LEFT THE COUNTRY in 2004. Bahamians ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for her bad decisions. Her son is HAITIAN according to the Haitian constitution and he should be sent to the country of his heritage where he can celebrate Haitian flag day, proudly practice Haitian culture and freely speak Creole.
This lady, her children, and every dam Haitian, Jamaican, Filipino, American or anyone else here without legal status should be locked up, charged and deported immediately AND they take useless, good for nothing, Brent Symonett with them too!
Louby Georges and Stephanie St Fleur are all over the airwaves encouraging and facilitating these parasitic illegal Haitians to break the law and ride on the backs of taxpaying Bahamians like jackasses.
We do not want or need whatever imaginary "contributions" from Haitians Louby Georges and Stephanie St Fleur are referring to. Whoever heard of Haitians "contributing" ANYTHING TO ANY COUNTRY ANYWHERE? Anyone ever heard of a Haitian helping law enforcement against criminal Haitian elements anywhere?
Louby Georges and Stephanie St Fleur know all the BIG players in the illegal Haitian smuggling rings and drug and arms dealing. Have they offered to assist the police, Immigration or government on Haitian criminal gangs or helped to crack down on illegal Haitian human smuggling or ANY other Haitian criminal activity?
WHAT FOOKING CONTRIBUTIONS are these Haitian parasites talking about?
The Dominican Republic, USA and now Canada are doing all possible to rid their country of these human smuggling, drug and arms dealing, tax dodging parasites, and the Bahamas had better get the message before they start demanding more!
Haitians are an expensive anchor around the necks of our people and country rapidly dragging our country down to Haiti's ceespool level.
Emac 7 years, 6 months ago
Emac 7 years, 6 months ago
The sad thing about this situation is that NO government to date has addressed this problem! These leaders continue to give lip service. We shouldn't expect much from Brent Symonette with his soft approach.
What many Bahamians fail to understand is that the unrest that is taking place in many foreign countries are instigated or being carried out by people who have migrated to these countries from various nationalities of failed states. We as a nation fail to see the writing on the wall. Look at the Haitian descendant who threatened Bahamians with the "Colombian Necktie" foolishness, or the Haitian descendants who dragged the Bahamian flag on the streets. These are just a few incidents that were publicized These actions are the start of war of two cultures. Juan McCartney once had a show where it was stated that 9 out 10 child births at the Princess Margaret are of Haitian mothers! If that piece of information is not staggering I don't know what is. It ain't ;long before our culture is taken over or "Creolized". The Bahamas' language suppose to be English, but Btc doesn't think so. When doing any transaction with this company, you have to now chose between English or Creole. Most of you might think that I am over reacting. Trust me, I'm not. It is just that most Bahamian are in their comfort zone, because they do not feel the effects of this pressing situation. But I would say in the next 10 years, Bahamians will be shocked at the outcome of allowing this illegal migrant thing to get out of hand!
DDK 7 years, 6 months ago
Too true, successive governments have ignored the consequences of inaction. Now the vehicles screech up and down sporting Haitian flags, if that is not a big 'in your face' I don't know what is. You are also right about businesses encouraging illegal immigration by putting their lust for money over nationalism with the Creole thing. The Bahamian Public majority shareholder of BTC should not be allowed set this example.
TalRussell 7 years, 6 months ago
Comrades! The future Bahamaland - works better when we walk softly to guarantee that our public schools doors are to remain open to EVERY CHILD that wishes to enter through them.
My2cents 7 years, 6 months ago
We're already seeing the effects of our future with the open door and it looks bleak. I doubt educating more entitled, resentful, bi-national individuals will change that outlook.
SP 7 years, 6 months ago
If you're truly ignorant enough to believe the hogwash you write, send YOUR child to Haiti, USA, Canada, UK, Mexico, Cuba, Barbados, Jamaica, Bermuda or anywhere in the EU and have them simply "enter through a public school door" and see how fast they land in a deportation center!
TalRussell 7 years, 6 months ago
Comrade SP, should anyone in the country without pending legal status be swiftly deported, Yes.
Do I believe being that being in a breach of the immigration act should be a jail-able offense. NO.
Do I believe that children should be punished for the actions of their parent(s) or guardian(s).....NO.
By the way, Canada's public schools are NOT allowed to ask about the immigration status of a prospective student's parent(s) or guardian(s).
Do I believe that we too many children of non status parents and guardians enrolled in our public schools, Yes.
BahamasForBahamians 7 years, 6 months ago
It then sounds like we should make recommendations to our community of illegal immigrants to relocate to Canada. Obviously the freebies here aren't as attractive.
If there is a comprehensive cleanup of illegals, despite age, then we wont need to worry about the future effects of the education their parents are willfully depriving them of by illegally settling here.
licks2 7 years, 6 months ago
Emac 7 years, 6 months ago
For all the stupid people or those who pretend to be dumb to the facts, the MOE policy is not to deny any child access to education. All the policy demands is that each child be identified! This is paramount in keeping account of all those who are given free education. With an open policy, any child can come on a boat and enter our school system with no questions asked. (Trust me this has happen in many instances) Louby and the other lady are advocating for education for the Haitian masses with no questions asked. Their best interest is NOT for the Bahamian people! Oh, they may tell you that their intentions are good for the Bahamas, but it is not. These two are the product of illegal parents and now they are straight. To show their gratitude, they are DEMANDING that we the Bahamian people pay for their descendants! Any government that agrees to that could expect WE MARCH and WE RISE on their asses!
SP 7 years, 6 months ago
Tal...WRONG! Foreign nationals need a study permit to study in Canada. They must apply before they travel and make sure they have all the documents needed before applying.…
Simply sneaking into Canada illegally and "entering through a public school door" without a pre-approved study permit and all other required documents WILL NOT WORK! And at the end of the approved "study permit" period, the individual MUST LEAVE CANADA!
If the child is in Canada without status, then no study permit is required. To enroll in school, they will need:
Minor children must either:
A custodian is a responsible adult (Canadian citizen or a legal permanent resident) who takes care of and supports the child.…
Again, sneaking into Canada illegally without documentation or parent or guardian legal status WILL NOT WORK.
Only the Bahamas stupidly allows illegals to arrive today and immediately demand education, health, and social services benefits without ever paying into the system.
This is insane, asinine, and totally unsustainable!
TalRussell 7 years, 6 months ago
Comrade SP, I agree that our public schooling system is broken but no, it's not the children of non status immigrants that have broken our public schools. The current minister of education is looking to do more harm than any Haitian or Jamaican child could, as he plans to borrow a cool Billion dollars to expand, service, maintain and grow what is fast becoming outdated teaching methods and structures that will become obsolete over the next 10 to 15 years. We need to invest into the very best for our Bahamalander, Jamaican and Haitian students. You see, my Comrade, its more about a new mindset thanit is about beating up on the old horses- them bad Haitians and Jamaicans.
SP 7 years, 6 months ago
WRONG AGAIN..... How much is borrowed and what curriculum is incorporated is irrelevant.
The most important fact here is whatever is borrowed or invested is in the foreseeable or conceived best interest of taxpaying, intitled BAHAMAINS NOT ILLEGALS!
The Bahamas simply CANNOT AFFORD to educate, provide healthcare, social services, lose jobs and hard currency flight to Illegals regardless where they are from!
Our country is suffocating, the economy is rapidly contracting, OUR people are suffering and crime is unmanageable under the weight of illegals abusing and circumventing every system imaginable.
We must stop pussyfooting with what is really the greatest major threat to national security.
Trinidad and Tobago with a population of 1.3M have deemed 40,000 Venezuelans a national security threat compared to the Bahamas with a Haitian population that equals our citizenry turn a blind eye with stupid ass Brent Symonette lamenting he will ignore the regulation process and wantonly issue work permits, citizenship, residency permits etc'.
This is absolutely unsustainable asinine stupidity! Brent himself is well known to prefer to hire Mexicans, Haitians, and Filipinos over Bahamians any day of the week. How PM Sheriff Minnis concluded this jackass with his history should be in control of Immigration is beyond comprehension!
BahamasForBahamians 7 years, 6 months ago
Yeah Tal you are way off and out of touch on this topic. You should not respond anymore.
Are you a descendant of an illegal immigrant Tal?
licks2 7 years, 6 months ago
Tal are you stupid or just playing the thing with them big ears? How do you expect us the peoples dem to respect you PLPs when all we hear from yinna is dumb crap?
killemwitdakno 7 years, 6 months ago
This article hasn't said at all what's needed for school. This is an isolated case considering only one is mentioned. Neither does she know it's illegal to have a child out of school. Why is she just speaking now? Are you really ok with waiting 3 yrs before mentioning anything?
killemwitdakno 7 years, 6 months ago
I doubt NIB is what immigration needs.
killemwitdakno 7 years, 6 months ago
He's still young enough to go back with her, how does that hinder his application later?
This would be the same as a temp permit worker in the states taking their child without a visa and enrolling them but now their permit is up.
killemwitdakno 7 years, 6 months ago
The special needs school in Abaco is very open by the way.
killemwitdakno 7 years, 6 months ago
The only reason he wouldn't be able to get a Haitian passport is if he was 3rd generation but he's not.
licks2 7 years, 6 months ago
That law has been changed a well in 2008 in accordance with UN Accords signed by Haiti on human rights. . .any person of Haitian parents born outside of Haiti. . .3rd generation included, can return to Haiti for 5 years duration then apply for full citizenship to be return to them (as in case of those of 3rd generation). . .that's why the UNHRC nor AI see Haitians in the Bahamas as stateless. . .
Hathor 7 years, 6 months ago
I agree with every statement made by SP, The Bahamas is the only country around the world that does not respect their Immigration Act and it's amendments. Countries worldwide have strict laws, being a ex immigration official and learning immigration pertaining to various countries, if you enter a country illegal you are an immigrant, if have no status in that country and you have a child you and your child are illegal immigrants. One party wrote that it is against the law to have children out of school. If you are an illegal immigrant in that country whether you are a child, you must have status to enter the school system. The USA Canada UK France Singapore Europe Australia just to name a few countries with policies with regard to being documented for entering their school system So pls you tell them it is against their law for not allowing illegal immigrants in school When would Bahamians ever learn, People we have to wake up and see this is a huge problem in our country, not just for haitians but many other nationals. Bahamians you would never be able to go to any place in the world illegally have children, work with an expired permit from 2004 and stay until now. But wait you probably entered that country from 1992! We have in the bahamas right now as we speak , possibly around 100, 000 undocumented haitian nationals with children and more are coming. Please stop arguing about what the government is doing and thank them for actually doing what they amended in our books pls. Some countries around the globe have stiff penalties on illegals entering, you try it out and see if you come back we the priviledges that are given here. Louby Georges and Stephanie St. Fleur not to be try an assist with their greay plans in Haiti, their new President needs the help. Haitians in the bahamas are very vocal, ask them to try that in Haiti.
My2cents 7 years, 6 months ago
Illegal Haitians have been coddled, and in this case manipulated, into believing they are above the law. She provides her name, admits illegal status and gives her general address to a major news outlet because she does not fear repercussions. This speaks volumes about her (their) regard for Bahamian law and how much they have been emboldened by the passive approach to immigration. She needs to be deported asap; but I'm sure five years from now she'll be here, playing victim to Bahamian policies.
BahamasForBahamians 7 years, 6 months ago
My2Cents is 1000% correct.
jackbnimble 7 years, 6 months ago
I agree. And did you notice she's bold enough to show her ILLEGAL face but gat the child hiding his.
ashley14 7 years, 6 months ago
I don't know the laws, but the child isn't guilty of anything. Somebody needs to step up in his behalf. We educate them in the States, and let the mom stay usually. If they let the parents stay at least they support the child.
sheeprunner12 7 years, 6 months ago
We are not Canada or USA ....... that is the whole problem with this argument!!!!!!! ....... The Bahamas has its education policy ...... enforce it!!!!!
licks2 7 years, 6 months ago
The UN rights of the child requires that the child and parents must go together. . .if the mother is sent home. . .clearly she will be. . .then the UN demanded that the child must be sent also!
sealice 7 years, 6 months ago
I don't see what these PLP peeps are complaining about Louby Georges and the Haitians is the same pity me BS that Fweddy Mitch and the PLP dance in Fox Hill every 4 or 5 years. Trust me if Bahamians didn't have their own version of this the PLP wouldn't have lasted so long AND wHere do you think theSE Heyshuns learnt it from??? Why they learnt it in their new home ... Nassau the crown land of apathy!!!
Cas0072 7 years, 6 months ago
@Ashley In the states they do not let the mom stay simply because the child was born in the US. In fact, part of the argument against deportING illegals from the states is that it splits up families. In The Bahamas they argue that the Haitian children born to illegal immigrants in The Bahamas should be allowed to stay even if the parents are deported. Just goes to show that you can't win with these illegal immigrants and their enablers. These parents place their children in this predicament. It is their job to fix it and it is the job of the government to enforce laws even in the face of drummed up sob stories.
Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 6 months ago
Both mother and son, and all others in their same situation, should be deported. If Haiti refuses to accept the deportees than we should cease all diplomatic relations with Haiti and request that their embassy personnel immediately leave the Bahamas. At the same time, our Ministry of Immigration should give 6 months notice to Haiti that the Bahamas will be revoking all work permits held by Haitian nationals and will begin rounding up for detention all Haitians who will then have no right to reside in our country, if they themselves or the Haitian government have not made arrangements for their repatriation back to Haiti. As for preventing future illegal immigrants from Haiti, The Central Bank of The Bahamas, in concert with our Ministry of Finance, should order all banks and other financial institutions operating in the Bahamas (as well as the gaming web shops) to immediately cease all currency transactions and international money transfers to financial institutions in Haiti and South Florida involving Haitian nationals unless prior written consent is received directly from The Central Bank of The Bahamas. Bahamas Immigration officials at all ports of departure (land and sea) for travel to Haiti and South Florida destinations should be instructed to undertake a rigorous search of all Haitian passengers and suspected non-Haitian currency mules for cold cash in currencies other than the Bahamian dollar being illegally carried out of the Bahamas for the benefit of illegal Haitian immigrants and their family members back in Haiti. Introducing these harsh but necessary measures would put an end to our Haitian illegal immigrant problem and help build our foreign currency reserves. It is high time we get truly serious about protecting our sovereignty, cultural identity and economy from the ravaging effects of unchecked Haitian illegal immigrants. If we are to survive as a nation, we must do whatever we can to fight the scourge of illegal immigration that has for decades now been eating us alive from within like a deadly cancer. As heartless as it may sound, we must turn a deaf ear to the many sob stories pushed to us time and time again by those who do not have the interest of lower income Bahamians at heart, and this includes the Haitian government itself.
DDK 7 years, 6 months ago
It's all very sad, and hard on the children and their parents, who are only human beings looking for a better life than in their home country. HOWEVER, this country cannot even look after its own people. It is way past time to stop encouraging illegal immigration by providing education, employment, health and land for all and sundry who cross into our country.
birdiestrachan 7 years, 6 months ago
Human righst ? what is means for them is the right for some to break the laws of the Bahamas and get away with it build shanty towns and what ever . When her permit was not renewed in 2004 she should have gone back to Haiti. the immigration laws are very slack. She was here illegally for 13 years, her child takes her nationally until he reaches the age of 18 when he can apply. for Bahamian Citizen ship.
It is strange that they persons know nothing about Haiti. What did they who came here illegally know about the Bahamas when they came.?? Is this the same Georges who curses the Police?? . He himself has no respect for the law.
The woman is embarrassing her child as she uses him. he is hiding his face.
Emac 7 years, 6 months ago
I nominate Well_mudda_take_sic for Minister of Immigration. As hard as this blogger's stance may seem, this is exactly what needs to happen for us to put a dent in this problem that has plagued us for decades!
TalRussell 7 years, 6 months ago
Comrades! Consult with the book of Job, for instructions on how deal with these governing red shirts? In fact, didn't the late Dr.Myles, not deliver a whole sermon on what Job, would've done?
Cas0072 7 years, 6 months ago
In spite of their differences, Dr. Myles Munroe took the time out to commend the then Minister of Immigration for trying to get our house in order. Like you, I believe he also cited some Bible verses. Please look it up for your own edification. No matter your motivation, once a crime is committed, a crime has been committed, and you are then subject to the consequences. Needing a passport and/or visa as means of entry into the Bahamas is not a new law. The policy that was enacted in 2014 was an attempt to uphold this standing law. This woman took her chances. The real question is, why has she been in The Bahamas past 2004? Second question is, how is it that she and her son were not immediately scheduled for deportation when she failed to produce the needed documentation three years ago?
TalRussell 7 years, 6 months ago
Comrade Cas0072, despite the actions of immigration officials, there is NO law in the Bahamaland that requires any persons living in the county to have to carry or produce proof of citizenship or legal residence.
Nor does the law permit authorities to bust down the doors of residences and businesses looking for illegals, without a signed court order, but it happens much too frequently. There is no law that permits the operation of the immigration detention (prison) center...but it still imprisons persons.
Comrade Cas0072, we indeed have lost control over persons living in the country who should have been deported a long time ago... but let us as a nation - not punish children by keeping them out of our public schools or making them become to afraid to seek out medical care, or too afraid to seek the help of the policeman's or other government authorities - without the fear of arrest. We should not be jailing persons up at Fox Hill who are found in the country without legal status. Breaching the immigration act, is not a criminal offense.... although the courts believe and act like it is an criminal act.
Cas0072 7 years, 6 months ago
As of November 2014, the law of the land indeed required that persons show proof of citizenship, residency, or lawful presence, but as with many other laws, it was completely ignored. It is so easy to make grandiose statements like the children should not suffer for the parents, but that is precisely why these illegal immigrants push their children to center stage in this debate. It is a reality of life that the sins of the parents fall on the children, and that applies whether your parents are illegal immigrants, bank robbers, or drug addicts. It all boils down to motive. I am not proposing that life is fair; only that we need to deal with the cards that were handed to us and in accordance with the laws of the land. Marginalizing Bahamians in The Bahamas is not the answer.
SP 7 years, 6 months ago
The sins of the parents fall on the child! Nuff said.
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