There's an elite water list too

Long Island MP and WSC chairman Adrian Gibson.

Long Island MP and WSC chairman Adrian Gibson.


Tribune Chief Reporter


WATER and Sewerage Corporation Chairman Adrian Gibson yesterday confirmed the existence of a “do not disconnect” list populated by scores of elites at the government owned utility provider as he pledged to initiate a crackdown on delinquent accounts.

Mr Gibson told The Tribune the “confidential list” held 221accounts, with a combined total of $175,000 for the period ending June 2017.

He said that he plans to direct the corporation to notify all persons owing excessive arrears to resolve debts or face disconnection.

“There is a list confidential list,” the Long Island MP said.

“In fact, I would think that all the corporations over the last year or two, and more particularly in May of this year, there has been close attention paid to that list by the management with a view to changing the way those lists usually operate.

“As it stands, this confidential list has a number of persons on it, and really and truly it’s being used to notify persons by courtesy call or letters. I can say too that as the chairman of the corporation I am going to direct that all persons owing excessive arrears who are on that list be notified of said arrears and they be told to put their house in order or risk being disconnected.”

Mr Gibson was contacted by The Tribune after this newspaper’s reporting into a special “do not disconnect” list at Bahamas Power and Light revealed that similar lists existed at several government entities.

He explained that inclusion on the “confidential list” did not mean the persons in question owed a substantial amount, as several accounts maintained a zero balance.

Mr Gibson said: “In June the total balance was $175,000, that included 221 accounts of various entities or persons, some of which are inactive. I understand the reason for having a confidential list, because not everyone should have access to that, so that these major entities and persons who have attained status in society are not embarrassed and to serve as a courtesy.”

“I also appreciate the concern of the general public,” Mr Gibson said. “Having been appointed in recent times and having this brought to my attention this is certainly something I will look into, and once accounts are in unacceptable arrears, bills must be paid. The corporation must have revenue to operate.”

With respect to delinquent accounts, Mr Gibson said the corporation has 16,000 inactive accounts that have been delinquent for more than a year. He noted that those accounts should have been disconnected, specifically with meters taken out and service lines removed.

He said there were less than 10,000 active delinquent accounts.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 3 months ago

Mr Gibson said: “In June the total balance was $175,000, that included 221 accounts of various entities or persons, some of which are inactive. I understand the reason for having a confidential list, because not everyone should have access to that, so that these major entities and persons who have attained status in society are not embarrassed and to serve as a courtesy.”

“I also appreciate the concern of the general public,” Mr Gibson said. “Having been appointed in recent times and having this brought to my attention this is certainly something I will look into, and once accounts are in unacceptable arrears, bills must be paid. The corporation must have revenue to operate.”

Mr. Gibson's remarks are an utterly repugnant endorsement of the insane 'elitist' rationale behind the keeping of the confidential "do not disconnect" list. It is abundantly clear that he now considers himself to be a full fledged member of the political elite and expects to receive financial privileges and courtesies of one kind or another, like not having to pay his utility bills and taxes on time. Mr. Gibson is in urgent need of being reminded that he was elected to serve the interests of the Bahamian people and not his own interests, financial or otherwise. This guy needs to be carefully watched as he seems to have a few too many loose screws resulting in his inability to discern right from wrong even in the most basic of situations!

tell_it_like_it_is 7 years, 3 months ago

Yeah this stupid practice for the "ELITES" needs to be discontinued immediately. Look, elected officials are called to a higher standard. Not a LOWER one! No, they are not perfect, but they are there to set an example. NOT the example of what NOT to do! I work hard so that I can pay my bills ON TIME. Pay your bills! Have you no shame? It's the amounts that disturb me the most. How do you let your bill accumulate so high? It shows a total disregard for what is right and what should be done. It also sets a HORRIBLE example to the rest of the general public.

birdiestrachan 7 years, 3 months ago

They read you folks like a book. so that you will take your eyes off the more important issues that are important to the Bahamas and its people. The amounts were not written off so they will have to pay their bills. keep your eyes on the big things not these small things.

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 3 months ago

WRONG! When it comes to the corrupt elitist politicians and their cronies, untold millions and millions of dollars of unpaid utility bills, taxes and advances and overdrafts received from Bank of The Bahamas have been written off over the past two decades.

Reality_Check 7 years, 3 months ago

And that does not even include the many more millions of dollars of credit losses private sector businesses have incurred as a result of corrupt politicians and their cronies very deliberately intimidating business owners in all sorts of subtle ways. And then add to that the bribes that had to be paid to just stay in business as a result of all the corruption surrounding the issuance of permits, licenses, certifications, etc. that a business had to obtain from various government departments and agencies.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 3 months ago

These records are probably what was not shredded or deleted ....... tip of the iceberg

birdiestrachan 7 years, 3 months ago

They come out with these things because they do not know what to do. lots of smoke but no actions. mean while the Country is not moving forward. It is best for persons to pay their bills each and every month if they allow it to build up to much it will be more difficult for poor people to keep abreast. so pay your bills and do not worry about who pays. their bills. It is not helpful to you. just folks being mean spirited.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 3 months ago

Lord please help us.

"He said that he plans to..."

Does anyone know how long it takes to write a letter or make a phone call? FNM supporters wake up, this is not what "planning " and "proactive" looks like. As long as you keep patting them on the back they will do what they've been doing for the past six months. "PR"

ohdrap4 7 years, 3 months ago

the problem with water and sewage is unique.

they do not disconnect people's sewage. so people run up the bills and do not care.

also when people sell a house, they keep sending the sewage bill to the original owner, so they do not pay because they do not live there anymore.

what water and sewage needs is an audit of illegal connections to sewage.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 3 months ago

Is this a joke????? ....... Where is a public sewer line located in Nassau????

ohdrap4 7 years, 3 months ago

many of the new subdivisions have public sewer lines. this is not a joke.

BONEFISH 7 years, 3 months ago

Sometimes i become despondent when I think about how we are living in this country. My mother who is not part of the elite, got her water turned off for owing over two hundred dollars. She did not get her bills in the mail. She was told that was no excuse. She paid the bill and reconnection fee. Enough is enough, this foolish has to stop . The small people are being squeezed daily.

ohdrap4 7 years, 3 months ago

she is not going to get her bill in the mail. they have gone paperless and stopped sending bills.

if you want a printed bill you have to pay them 5.38 at their office.

no, i am not making this up.

Greentea 7 years, 3 months ago

what???? That is ridiculous.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 3 months ago

The only part of it that doesn't make sense is asking people to pay for a printed copy. Paperless is fine. They will save time and money that way. The people that really want paper will ask for it.

truetruebahamian 7 years, 3 months ago

Bills must be sent by mail so that they can be distributed to tenants - this means ALL utility companies. This paperless rubbish has to stop!

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 3 months ago

Lol, @ "paperless rubbish". ROTFKMFU. I came up with that just for this, "rolling on the floor kicking my feet up". Depends...some people prefer a hard copy and some like digital, deliver the info the way the customer is most likely to encounter it. "Communications Planning"

Alex_Charles 7 years, 3 months ago

expose all from all sides. Let the roaches crawl out from under the rug!

DWW 6 years, 9 months ago

so, the lists never were made public. FNM protecting their PLP buddies...

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