Policeman in uniform filmed as he buys beer


The police officer in the video buying beer.


Tribune Staff Reporter


A ROYAL Bahamas Police Force officer is under investigation after he was caught on video purchasing alcohol while in uniform, Assistant Commissioner of Police Stephen Dean confirmed yesterday.

In the 31 second video, which went viral over the weekend, the officer, who appears to be attached to the Traffic Division of the RBPF, can be heard ordering beers, ice and cigarettes from a local store.

The officer ordered “two Bud Lights and two Heineken’s” and 50 cents worth of bidis. A bidi is a hand rolled cigarette. The video, recorded on cell phone, cuts out as the officer is counting some money, seemingly to pay for the items. It is unclear if he was on duty at the time.

“I am sure you are aware of a recent video of a police officer at a local store being circulated on social media,” ACP Dean said in a statement.

“I wish to confirm that an internal investigation has been launched into this matter in accordance with the Police Disciplinary Regulations and the Police Act that governs the Royal Bahamas Police Force. Please be reminded that each person deserves the process of natural justice.”

Last month, two RBPF officers caught drinking on video while riding in a police squad car were demoted, according to an order obtained by The Tribune.

One officer, a corporal, was demoted to the rank of constable while the other officer who held the rank of constable was also reduced in seniority. The demotions were confirmed by police.

The video in question went viral in July.

In the video, one officer is seen holding a bottle of Kalik while they appeared to ignore a call from the Police Control Room. The officers also appeared to ride without seatbelts on and they ignored a call from the control room because as one said, they were “(expletive) getting drunk.”

The video appeared to be recorded by the driver on his cellphone who said in the expletive laden recording: “Don’t send this video out you know.”

It was viewed and shared thousands of times on Facebook, prompting widespread condemnation and calls for the men to be fired.

Shortly after the video surfaced in July, Minister of National Security Marvin Dames described it as “disgusting,” and not what anyone should expect from police officers.

Investigations continue.


TalRussell 7 years, 5 months ago

Comrades! If the uniform rule is to apply then enforce it across the board - no exceptions.

Regardless 7 years, 5 months ago

...wouldn't be great if the average IQ of the police force matched their level of arrogance.

John 7 years, 5 months ago

It was said that when a police is off duty he should remove the hat and tunic. In this instance the cop is on a motorcycle so even if he is off duty he has to keep on his helmet one proper attire on the motorcycle. So you have to hear his side of the story. Maybe he was off and on his way home. A similar situation arose a few years ago when another police was videotaped racing his motorbike at the 'tracks.' Even though he was off duty and on his own bike, he was still wearing his police uniform pants. Many felt this was in poor taste especially since it was the days when the police would come out in full force and shut the tracks down. Now police officers must get the message that 'you are always a police even when you are off duty and so you should conduct yourselves accordingly. The public is watching.' Even though the officer may not have done anything wrong it does matter what the public perception is.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 5 months ago

Why is there a need for an "internal investigation"? This issue came up before and as far as I can remember, it was stated that officers are allowed to have drinks in uniform if they are off duty. All they had to do was check the time of day, the officers schedule, and determine if he was on or off, no long story.

Next thing, make a statement on whether or not they are reviewing the policy. No long talks. Crucifying the officer for their bad and unclear policy. Pretending like officers are somehow divorced from Bahamian culture. We have a NATIONAL drinking problem. Ask the minister of lawns and verges.

Future 7 years, 5 months ago

If you knew the trash that these officers have to deal with every day, you would buy them a beer. Lord knows they worked hard for that cold one.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 5 months ago

BOL ......... but every profession has rules of conduct (even the police) ...... He cannot drink and drive or DUI and turn around and lock up the civilian for the same.

rawbahamian 7 years, 5 months ago

Regardless of wheather he was on or off duty, he clearly disrespects the uniform, his department and the force therefore he should be removed from the position he was entrusted to perform with all of the REQUIRED RESPECT it carries. There is an oath they are to adhere to and NO EXCUSES are to be accepted !!!

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 5 months ago

The force has a policy that they are allowed to have drinks if they are off duty. Whether he was "on" or "off" does matter. As a society we have a really skewed view of exactly how holy we are. "Dishonouring the uniform" ..... for huying a beer...lol.

This man may be out at night making sure your family safe but we feel quite comfortable to crucify him, without knowing "anything", for a beer.

Jetflt 7 years, 5 months ago

BS!!!! Rules are rules.......on duty or off duty.......you can't drink or purchase alcohol when in uniform. I don't care if you're off duty......can't by alcohol in uniform.....period!!! And if you can't handle that simple rule, then you have a bigger problem. Start by handing in your resignation or face the consequences.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 5 months ago

I think the "off duty" rule is specifically for while they're still in uniform, or why have a rule. If you're in plain clothes, no one cares, you don't have a sign on your back saying I'm a police officer but I'm off duty.

Future 7 years, 5 months ago

If any of you was to have a gun in your face, your view would be different and you would not care how many beers an officer bought off duty. You would be praying for him to appear. Too many people in this country try to take the splinter out of another person's eye before removing the log from their own eye

SP 7 years, 5 months ago

@ Future...Well said! These high and righteous perfect people are quick to throw stones. The cop had a beer in uniform SO FLIPPIN WHAT?

Cops are out there putting their LIVES IN JEOPARDY, literally running around in the sun all day protecting these A/C loving, couch potato, knuckleheads, and they all see is the guy having a beer! How many people are impaired after a beer?

And please, nobody, tell me he should "respect the uniform" cause, not dam any of you smart asses will refuse this cops assistance or give a damn about him being in or out of "uniform" if he shows up to save your butts in a crisis situation!

These people really need to get a life!

Groidal 7 years, 5 months ago

Maybe he was thirsty for a Kalik gold?

John 7 years, 5 months ago

I guess they gonna say police should not be in web shops in uniform either. Should they?

Sickened 7 years, 5 months ago

Once a cop steps outside of his house in uniform he is on duty. Until he removes his uniform he is on duty. That's my take and I will tell you why. A cop in uniform and on a police bike is driving home after a fifteen hour shift and see someone get gunned down in the street. What would the public think if the cop didn't give chase or call it in and says 'i'm off duty!". Well blow me down!

licks2 7 years, 5 months ago

This is much to do about nothing. . .the rule is that he/she cannot "drink" in public in their uniform not can't buy one. . . just like in Florida. . .you can drive in a car with an "unopened" bottle of beer. . .not have one i the car with you! Open is the key word. . .hence the offence. . .even if you did not drink any from the bottle. . .the offence is having one opened!! I had an incident in Tampa like that. . .unopened can be in the car. . .lets grow up if we want to be a first world nation. . .let us use our logical thinking not "back-er-da-bush" mentality!!

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