We need to stand with our sisters and brothers in Dominica

by Allison Miller

It has been a while since I have spoken on this platform and that's for many reasons. However, I address you with an observation and advocacy.

On Sunday past the Prime Minister announced that we will be helping the people of Dominica. I think it is a wonderful idea and demonstrates humanity and Godly love. We should be our brother's keeper. Also to Dominica's credit they were one of the first countries to give us assistance after the devastation of Hurricane Matthew, so they understand brotherly love.

What I find so amazing is the fact that now everyone remembers that The Bahamas is a, "Christian Nation". We have always been a Christian Nation whether we acted that way or not. In past times conversations were actually entertained that we should take the word "Christian" out of the constitution and replace it with the word "Religious". We have to be careful how we want to use the bible, God and the Church when it suits us. When that is done the message come across as disingenuous. A talk show host said it best when he gave his contribution to the conversation. The government has to be authentic at all times and not when it suits them because you come off as fake (I'm paraphrasing). However, at the end of the day, we need to be with our brothers and sisters in Dominica.

This article is not about if we should help or not. I support the Prime Minister's decision; it is the Godly thing to do. However, that help should be defined and monitored as to what it will be and the details should be made public. What I am amazed at is how everyone remembers we are a Born Again Nation. We need to remember that God should always be in all that we do, not just a moment when we want to make a point or accomplish something. I think that is more offensive than the opposition you get from trying to do a thing.

Yes, we should help Dominica and the Bahamas will always be a Christian Nation regardless of who is just realizing it.


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