How can we let new clinic open?

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE $300,000 clinic under development in San Salvador will remain closed indefinitely after construction has been completed, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said Saturday.

During a town hall meeting in San Salvador, Dr Minnis addressed areas of “great concern” on the island. These included the clinic, airport, and subdivision development.

In terms of the clinic, Dr Minnis questioned whether this second facility would be “necessary”, explaining the lack of staff for the existing clinic makes it difficult to justify the opening of another.

Furthermore, the current clinic’s machinery requires upgrades.

The prime minister told those present: “Let’s look at the reality: you have an excellent clinic available now, with all the necessary infrastructure in place but not functioning properly.

“You have an X-ray machine that has not been utilised for the past seven years. That’s analogue. We are now digital.

“That clinic is an outstanding clinic. But you do not have adequate staff. You have one doctor that’s working 24/7… You’re short on other personnel within that clinic.

“You don’t have personnel to handle the X-ray machine. All the cardiac monitors, etc.

“So imagine, if you have a state of the art clinic today, similar to those in Nassau…why in God’s name would I want to build another one, if I don’t have staff for the first one?

“I don’t know how that clinic is going to open up. I don’t even know whether it’s necessary or not. We do not have staff for one.

“We have a choice… We can open that right away and take the three staff that we have and divide them— one and a half here and one and a half there. Is that what you want?”

The audience shouted “No.”

Dr Minnis continued: “So it would stand to reason that your clinic may possibly be closed for a while. And let’s concentrate on doing and improving what we have.”

The prime minister noted that he hadn’t consulted with Minister of Health Dr Duane Sands on these remarks, but added that he was sure Dr Sands was listening to his speech.

However, Dr Minnis reiterated that the people of San Salvador “voted unanimously” that they wanted “quality care” over the government attempting to “stretch [itself] thin.”

During his budget debate in June 2017, Dr Sands criticised the Christie administration for awarding contracts totalling $14m for three clinics in Cat Island, one in Rum Cay and one in San Salvador. The San Salvador clinic contract was worth about $300,000, Dr Sands had said previously.

In July, Dr Sands indicated that these commitments were threatening to divert much-needed, scarce funds away from badly needed upgrades in Nassau where the government will get a bigger bang for its buck by benefitting more Bahamians.”

Oppositioin leader Philip “Brave” Davis, who represents the three islands, defended the clinic contracts in June. He said at the time: “Nothing is too good for any Bahamian. Nothing is too good for Cat Island, nothing is too good for San Salvador, nothing is too good for Rum Cay.”

During his speech on Saturday, the prime minister also addressed San Salvador’s airport, saying at this time, the only upgrade he can promise is a new terminal.

Dr Minnis said with the $30 million - $33 million allotted for the 28 airports throughout the country, it would be more beneficial to focus on airports with bigger markets such as Exuma and North Eleuthera.

Dr Minnis described the experience he had during his last visit to the Exuma airport.

He said guests had to be lined up, outside, “exposed to the elements.” Additionally, the bathroom was out of order. Upon looking inside, the prime minister discovered that the bathroom had no floor.

“Exuma continues to grow…. and therefore Exuma needs a new international airport to accommodate its guests.

“So quite a number of the funds will go there. And we’ll change the design (of) the airports so that we can expand rather than abandoning and building a new one.”

The audience agreed with Dr Minnis’ logic of focusing on a few specific airports as opposed to splitting the budget across all 28 airports— leaving “$1m per airport.”

However, the prime minister promised that the new terminal in San Salvador will be a priority.

Dr Minnis also discussed the government subdivision on the island that has been in development for “15 years,” according to an audience member.

The Minnis administration’s housing policy will be to assess the land, determine how many lots there are, and “ensure the infrastructure is in place – light, water, road, cable, etc.”

The land will then be sold at “rock bottom prices” so the people of San Salvador can build homes, residents were told. San Salvador has about 930 residents.


Socrates 6 years, 11 months ago

you have to wonder who these planners are that advise on new airport construction. this is the 3rd airport for Exuma while in Nassau we still operate from the same airport since Windsor Field opened.. ok they upgraded the buildings in Nassau but i mean an airport is a long term.project. how the hell can we keep building new airports every 20 years with most becoming nothing more than white elephants?

TalRussell 6 years, 11 months ago

Prime Minister "Flying High Skies" Hubert, if it turns be that you did in fact mislead the Peoples Honourable House of Assembly - how can you let on about Oban? In da meantime stop with being called da Right Honourable PM cause the Queen has not yet titled your with Right Honourable. Ask who owns all planes we "High Flying" PM Hubert does keep takin da skies?


DWW 6 years, 11 months ago

does Tal ever have anything original to say? sounds like a parrot

avidreader 6 years, 11 months ago

Interesting that "Socrates" should refer to airports in the above comment. A classic example that I have seen is the Ciudad Real airport south of Madrid, Spain, which has never been used since construction was completed several years ago. You can get a good view of the airport as you ride the high speed AVE train from Madrid south toward Seville or vice versa.

ConcernedBahamian 6 years, 11 months ago

How is Cat Island being skipped for a new airport?

-August 7, 2012 - Phillip Davis said, “Will be building very soon a new terminal at the New Bight airport and its anticipated add another 500 to 1,000 feet onto runway at airport.”

-September 4, 2013 - Phillip Davis said, “I was advised yesterday [Monday] that the Department of Physical Planning has approved plans for the terminal. I think the next step is for an airport planner to go down to Cat Island with those plans, to identify a proper location and site for the building itself. One cannot underestimate the value of these airport investments. They attract airline and investor confidence and should generate increase arrivals”

-February 20, 2015 - Phillip Davis said, ““We (MOW) are going to build the (New Bight) airport... We have hired all the Architects, all engineers; Structural, Civil and the plans should be complete in the next 2-3 weeks. To remove all the nay-Sayers by Monday you can go down to admin office and you can see ground floor plans for the airport and the details of all that, you can identify the arch and engineers working on it and it will be done.”

-March 1, 2015 - Phillip Davis said, “…then we said when are we gonna start with the airport… So, I hope to start very soon. Ground breaking, I'm certain will take place within 2 months. It will take place within 2 months the ground breaking, but we expect to do some other works within that time so far as the airside works are concerned.”

-May 2, 2017 - Phillip Davis said, “We have also engaged consultant architects and engineers for the international airport terminal building at New Bight... the government has a plan for a new airport in Cat Island and has approved expenditure of up to $11.5m for the new terminal and runway rehabilitation.”

-Budget Communication 2014/15 - Phillip Davis said, “Over the next year work will progress on… the airport terminal and runway at the Bight, Cat Island. These works will provide an increasing number of new construction and permanent jobs and stimulate meaningful economic growth in Cat Island.”

-Debate on Annual Budget 2015/2016 - Phillip Davis said, “We have in hand a preliminary plan for the new airport. Cabinet has already approved expenditure in the sum of up to $11.5 million for the new terminal and runway... Construction will begin within the first half of this fiscal period and be complete within 18 months thereafter.”

-Debate on Annual Budget 2016/2017 - Phillip Davis said, “…Government has agreed to issue a contract to Woslee Construction for the new airport terminal and runway rehabilitation at New Bight.”

Greentea 6 years, 11 months ago

Impressive documentation! Wish I could hear Brave defend this kaka.

DWW 6 years, 11 months ago

there is much to the story why... I"m sure politics is in there somewhere. Maybe the constituency should stop voting for Phillip. then they might see something happen. Is it coincidence that South Abaco has the strongest economy in the bahamas and has always supported the FNM? Coincidence no, by design yes. Amazing that inner city Nassau realized the folly but MiCAL was unable to. might be because the average in MiCAL is 62 and they all stuck in time.

John 6 years, 11 months ago

Still trying to figure out how those people in Bain and Grants Town and the surrounding areas are going to get back and forth to the post office when it moves all the way to Gladstone Road. Many of the patrons are also small business owners who use the services of the parcel post. So when they could have dashed and picked up their parcels on their lunch break they must now travel half way across the island to do the same business. And even finding a ride.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

The Gladstone Road facility will house the General Post Office ...... But there must be a new Nassau PO in the making for downtown????? ..... N-box holders will be highly upset if they have to drive to Gladstone Road to get mail.

Greentea 6 years, 11 months ago

Gladstone road for a central post office is lunacy. terrible idea and terrible planning. Obviously zero consideration given as to who uses the post office and how its used. More dumb ass so called leadership.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

They said the same thing when the new airport and seaport opened ....... smh The General Post Office distribution complex will be better served on Gladstone Road, but a downtown PO should remain there.

ConcernedBahamian 6 years, 11 months ago

More promises for Cat Island from Mr. Phillip Davis:


For Cat Island, Mr. Speaker

By this time next year, when liberalization is well underway and in reliance on the IT platforms that will be created, I see radiology being performed in the a Mini Hospital in The Bahamas, read and diagnosed by physicians in The Bahamas and at the University of Miami, decisions being made in Miami and The Bahamas about what treatment and where. So it will be possible for a patient in Cat Island to be diagnosed in Nassau or Miami and then decisions be made about treatment.


For Cat Island, Mr. Speaker

At Orange Creek, the entire building, which now houses the clinic and nurse’s residence will be converted into clinic space. All of the interior walls of the section, which now houses the nurse, will be demolished to accommodate the addition of trauma, dental, examination, pharmacy/dispensary, treatment rooms, a doctor’s office, public waiting area, a staff lounge, restrooms, and small kitchen. A contract for demolition works is being negotiated, floor plans are nearing completion, the scope of works is being costed, and work will begin during this fiscal period. At Smith’s Bay, minor renovations are planned for the temporary health clinic on top of the hill so as to allow more storage space for records and supplies and facilitate electrical and air conditioning upgrades. The original health clinic is in poor physical condition. Work on this clinic will be complete 8 – 14 months from commencement. Contracts for demolition and construction are now being negotiated.

At Bain’s Town in South Cat Island, site elements and sketches for the clinic were obtained with a view to carrying out major internal and external repairs. The building spaces require redesigning. My Ministry continues to work with the Ministry of Health to finalise the plans. In the meanwhile a demolition contract is being negotiated to advance the project.


For Cat Island, Mr. Speaker

Comprehensive infrastructural developments are afoot. We have constructed over 4,500 feet of seawall and carried out sand seal repair works to the roadway throughout the island and works are ongoing.

We are cooperating with the Ministry of Health to complete assessments of the health infrastructure for the island. Government has already approved the issuance of a contract to demolish the Clinic at Orange Creek and construct a new one and also for a new clinic at Old Bight.

The other clinic at Smith’s Bay has been targeted for upgrading and a contract will issue shortly. These upgrades also assist the process of Health System Strengthening in preparation for NHI.

realitycheck242 6 years, 11 months ago

@ConcernedBahamian ......The simple answer is "Its the people time" ..everything the former MP for Cat Island had to say is now irrelevant.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

How is Dumbass Davis still a MP for these equally dumbass Cat Island etc. people??????

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

Doc Hubert Minnis may be making decisions on who will get clinics or airports ....... But Long Island has NO modern clinic or airport ........ So, Long Island should definitely be on the July 2018 Budget List for a clinic and an airport upgrade ............. And we will hold the PM and DPM to that.

TheMadHatter 6 years, 11 months ago

ConcernedBahamian. The long list of promises you listed were simply not remembered by Cat Island people at election time - so they voted PLP again.

In similar fashion, the long history of degradation to Freeport which started immediately in 1992 was not remembered by Grand Bahama people - so they voted FNM again.

The truly sad part, however, was the refusal by Branville to step down until after election thereby giving the people in those 7 constituencies along with the other 32 no other choice but to vote for the same old, same old.

We could have had Prime Minister Mortimer today. But, without options, we remain on course to transfer our capitol to Port au Prince.

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 11 months ago

"#The prime minister noted that he hadn’t consulted with Minister of Health Dr Duane Sands on these remarks, but added that he was sure Dr Sands was listening to his speech."

Case in point. Remember Dominica? Remember Chipman? Remember Oban? Remember Loretta and the Magnificent 7's letter?

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

A pattern of not listening or consulting with peers ....... sure sign of either impulsive, dismissive, or dictatorial tendencies in leadership ...... Trumpian

jamesg30 6 years, 11 months ago

The Prime Minister makes sense on both topics. What good does an empty clinic building do for those in need of medical care? Also Exuma and North Eleuthera airports, with their significant volumes of tourists are an embarrassment. In North Eleuthera, passengers departing have to line up in the road in the flow of automobile and truck traffic often. They herd departing passengers out on a 10 foot concrete strip to cook in the baking sun, because there is no where to queue inside the airport. All the other rambling incoherent comments related to this news story does not change the reasonable and factual conclusions Mr. Minnis is coming to.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

Who made you God and decided that only Exuma and Eleuthera need to eat??????? .......... Why should five islands eat (from the Treasury) and the others starve???????? .......... There is something wrong with "national development" in this country.

John 6 years, 11 months ago

In the main time a hill has been cut down in Central Eleuthera for what was to be a clinic/mini hospital on the site. Thousands of Dollars in fill has been carted away and sold and no consideration given to the effect of the cutting during Sea surges. And the property was purchased from s former MP while the government owns acres of land in the very same area. The cost to cut the hill? A cool $900,000 and change!

jamesg30 6 years, 11 months ago

And John, your point with illuminating us with this wasteful spending, that was decided upon years ago, related to what PM Minnis is saying regarding the challenges today? And Sheeprunner, no one made me God, but you can't do it all.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

There has been far too much wasteful spending in Andros and Eleuthera under the PLP 3.0 ........ so they should sit small and let others eat now. Like the $86 million of road contracts that went to five PLP contractors mostly in Andros, the $100 million at BAMSI, and the infamous Eleuthera hill excavation etc.

When the pork was been shared, very little went south of Exuma ....... these islands need to be developed as well .......... That's all am saying.

jamesg30 6 years, 11 months ago

Sheeprunner, and all I am saying it is unfortunate that $900,000 was wasted on the ridiculous "Mini Hospital" in Eleuthera, and if you have anything more to add to the list of things that have benefited North Eleuthera in the past 10 years, please do share. wasteful spending does nothing for solving problems that are important to keep the economic viability for North Eleuthera and Exuma workers to continue, and hopefully grow. Too bad on the $900,000 waste. It is atrocious, because that would have gone a long way to repair/replace airports in both North Eleuthera and George Town. That is all I am saying.....

John 6 years, 11 months ago

Jamesg30 the decision to put the clinic on the site where the hill was escalated, was made just over two years ago. When the motion to purchase the land was brought to the house. the opposition, now government made the point that there was no need to purchase land as government already owned land in the very area. And land than needed deep cutting on a narrow island like Eleuthera. But they went ahead anyway and obviously someone in government benefited handsomely from the purchase of the land, the contract to cut the hill and the sale of the fill. Not unlike Hubert Minnis is being warned today about OBan. The agreement in its present form brings no real benefit to the Bahamas and definitively no benefits in proportion to what the refoitself will realize. But is the government listening to the people?Are they hearing what is being said? NO! The refinery will take 12 years to be fully completed. In less than six years more than half the vehicles in service will be electric. At least half the gas stations now in service will be closed or offering alternative forms of power (exchange of batteries maybe). So where is the demand/market for the products this plant will be producing.

jamesg30 6 years, 11 months ago

John, you make perfect sense. I was just commenting on the this article related to leaving clinics, that cannot be staffed closed, and the terrible condition of the airports in our critical out islands that need improvement. If we can't get tourists to our islands, they will die.
I understand that this is the basic issue of supply and demand. The demand far out strips the supply of resources and I was just coming to the PM's defense on these two issues. I do not know enough to comment on the OBan situation. Have a good day.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

Perry Christie, Damien Gomez and Philip Bethel should be sued to repay the Public Treasury every frigging dime for that land in Palmetto Point and that excavation....... and to think that these were honourable men who even have connections to the Church ........ scumbags

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