Could Reece Chipman be manoeuvring to be a PLP?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I read in the newspapers that Reece Chipman was fired by the Prime Minister. Dr Hubert Minnis did not say why he fired him. Mature leaders want young people to be able to move on from failure. Dr Minnis has made the right decision to let Mr. Chipman go unharmed.

However, in my opinion, Mr Chipman has been ungracious in his exit. He has said things about public servants. I understand he is threatening to sue the Prime Minister. We, the regular citizens don’t know why he was fired, but on the one hand we see Dr Minnis acting with discipline and restraint with his words. On the other, there is Mr Chipman being emotional and as I see it lashing out irrationally. By my calculation the FNM should now consider Mr Chipman a PLP. He couldn’t get his way in the FNM so he is probably going to try to damage the party before making his way over to dress in gold.

Mr Chipman’s political loyalty is to his political ambitions. Maybe he wants to be a Cabinet minister. Maybe he wants to be Prime Minister. Things have not gone right with the FNM, so he’ll try the other side. That’s sad. But that’s politics.

What Mr Chipman should know is that you show your true nature when you turn on your own side so quickly. It’s only been 10 months in power and he’s already attacking his leader like he’s a PLP.

Loyal party members stay with their team through the good and the bad times. He’s clearly not cut of that cloth.

When Mr Chipman joins the PLP he won’t last long there too. He will be just like Dr Andre Rollins, a restless political drifter who causes problems in whatever party he is part of.

FNMs must stay focused with the mission. Bahamians sent the party to power to rescue the country from a dangerous PLP government. The PLP has not changed. If that party wins, expect to see the old crew back again to cut deals and spend all of the country’s money. This time they would take even more and even faster.

Reece “Gold Rush” Chipman is showing his true colours. He may even shuffle for us on the way out like Perry Christie in honour of his soon-to-be affiliation.



March 29, 2018.


joeblow 6 years, 5 months ago

Anyone who believes they were treated unfairly will have an emotional response as Mr Chipman did. That being said, there is no evidence, zero, nil, nada, to support this authors thesis!

sheeprunner12 6 years, 5 months ago

Will Reece stand a better chance of continuing his political career as MP of Centreville as a FNM or a PLP??????? ........... I am sure he is thinking long term already ....... or maybe he will be a one-term "flash in the pan" politician ......... He has a career, so he can survive politics.

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