Bus pilot project depends on agreement with bank


Transport and Local Government Minister Frankie Campbell. Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff


Tribune Chief Reporter


THE launch of the pilot project for unification of the public bus system hinges on the government honouring its agreement to jointly fund the project with the Inter­-American Development Bank, Transport and Local Government Minister Frankie Campbell said yesterday.

Mr Campbell said the pilot project was almost ready to go but there was a "slight funding issue" despite the project having received its portion from the bank as part of the New Providence Road Improvement Project.

"The pilot project for the unification programme is just about set to go," he said. "There is a slight funding issue, the IDB provided its portion of the funds, the government of the Bahamas is supposed to provide its portion of the funds. So we're just tightening those small housekeeping matters but they are ready to go."

Mr Campbell continued: "The pilot project is supposed to be about six months so we're hoping to have it finished by the end of this year. Which means we have to do it on or before June. I'm hoping we can keep within that timeline."

The proposed unification of the public bus system is part of the NPRIP, funded by the IDB, which also involved the upgrading of New Providence's road network.

The project, which is being financed by $500,000 from the IDB, and an additional $230,000 from the Ministry of Finance, is an attempt to encourage jitney operators and franchise holders to take the next step towards reform, and overcome what appears to be entrenched stakeholder resistance.

An IDB paper, obtained by Tribune Business in 2016, revealed that little progress towards practical jitney/bus industry reform has been made despite numerous reports and studies being presented to the government, some of which date back to 1992.

According to the IDB, around 280 buses serve the Bahamian people on 23 different routes.

Yesterday, Mr Campbell said: "I think that the committee itself has been working in the background for some time. I think they're basically ready to go, housing has been provided for them.

"There are one or two issues that await but once the funds are in place, they too will be addressed."


TalRussell 6 years, 8 months ago

Likes anyone other Comrade Frankie weren't expecting red shirts not Fuc#up da pilot project for unification of the public bus system?

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