Bonefish Pond provides 1,100 visitor day boost

NEW Providence's Bonefish Pond National Park generates around $1 million in tourist spending, and 1,100 annual visitor days, for the Bahamian economy.

The south-west New Providence parks' economic impact was detailed in the 'Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Bahamian Marine Protected Areas' study, commissioned by 'Bahamas Protected', a three-year collaboration between The Nature Conservancy, the Bahamas National Trust and the Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF).

The effort aims to underpin the management and expansion of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Bahamas in an effort to safeguard the economic value of marine ecosystems.

Anna Fitzek, from Germany, who recently toured The Bonefish Pond National Park, said: "I was totally surprised by this park. It's pretty cool."

She experienced the mangroves and wildlife on a kayak with the afternoon sun setting. The tour guide taught her and the other kayakers about the importance of mangroves to the Bahamian environment.

"I am surprised that I never heard about this place," she said before hitting the tour in her kayak. Ms Fitzek is just part of the 383,000 annual visitor days to marine protected areas, and the $67.8 million spent by tourists according to the study.

The report also highlighted that investment in protecting and managing coral reef and fish communities can foster a world-renowned location for tourism in the area of the Bonefish Pond National Park and the Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park.

"These areas attract more tourists to our shores and, in turn, increase the amount of money tourists spend in our country," said Lakeshia Anderson, BNT director of parks. "This illustrates how important investment in the infrastructure and access to these areas will help support the country's touristic product. This investment can open the proverbial floodgates for tourists looking for a nature-based experience that can be found only in the Bahamas."

The Bonefish Pond National Park also helps to protect 30,416 New Providence residents from erosion and flooding, according to the report. This protection is attributed to the mangroves, coral reefs and seagrass, which decrease the intensity of waves and surges from storm, protecting about $718 million in household income in that area.

"Given the fact that all Bahamian islands are low-lying and particularly vulnerable to storm surges, mangrove wetlands such as Bonefish Pond provide a critical role in protecting people and infrastructure from storm damage and sea level rise," said BREEF executive directo, Casuarina McKinney-Lambert.

The Bonefish Pond National Park also provides economic opportunities for Bahamians. Frenderick Tucker, from Ultimate Tours Bahamas, leads tours with tourists a few times a week.

"We have a lot of tourists and locals who come here to kayak," he said. "Most people are wowed by the tour because they know very little about the importance of the mangroves in The Bahamas."

He is also counting on the Bahamas getting to the goal of protecting 20 per cent of marine resources, because a loss of these areas would mean fewer tourists and less tours. "If something happens to these areas it would destroy me," Mr Tucker added.

Jay Forbes has visited the park a few dozen times, and taken the guided kayak tour on at least 10 occasions. "It's relaxing and fun," he said after wading in crystal clear water at the park. "I get to go out there and enjoy nature."

Messrs Forbes and Tucker both support the increased protection of marine areas in the Bahamas.

"Every day we are tearing down natural habitats. It's good to know that we have this park for future generations," said Mr Forbes. "We need to continue the push towards getting more areas protected."

Bahamas Protected is a joint effort between The Nature Conservancy, the Bahamas National Trust, and BREEF in collaboration with other national stakeholders, with major funding support from Oceans 5. The study also had support from the Disney Conservation Fund and the Perry Institute for Marine Science.

With about 10 per cent of the Bahamas marine environment being declared a protected area, there is still much to do to reach the 20 per cent protection goal by 2020.


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