Davis: Meltdown shows lack of plan

Leader of the Opposition Philip ‘Brave’ Davis. Photo: Terrel W. Carey/Tribune Staff

Leader of the Opposition Philip ‘Brave’ Davis. Photo: Terrel W. Carey/Tribune Staff


Deputy Chief Reporter 


PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis said he was surprised by the dissolution of the entire board of Bahamas Power and Light on Tuesday.

This breakdown, he said, was proof the government had failed to firmly implement a plan for BPL or tackle its power generation challenges.

Meanwhile, former BPL executive chairman Leslie Miller questioned whether the ex-board was technically savvy enough to handle the day-to-day issues at the company.

“The board of any government agency is there to ensure that the political directorate’s policy, initiatives and plans are carried out,” Mr Davis said yesterday.

“If you are going to just appoint a board without giving them a mandate and without them understanding the coherent plan for delivery of whatever they deem to be necessary for the Bahamian public, you are just, as it were, laundering your board. No more than that.”

He suggested BPL’s board would be no different from the last because it appeared the government would continue to act in the same way, which would only yield the same result.

“I continue to remind this government not knowing is not synonymous to dumbness. Not knowing and not knowing that you don’t know…that’s dumb. There are persons amongst us they don’t have to be PLPs, they have them amongst their own supporters who could lend their expertise and help their governance, but, low and behold,  it appears that advice is nothing that this government seeks.”

Mr Davis maintained the former Christie administration’s plan for BPL was superior to this government’s intentions for the company.

“We set up a structure that was going to deliver in the shortest possible time new generation, reliable and affordable services to the Bahamian people. In fact if you were to check your bill in May of 2017 you would note that your bill was in the neighbourhood of 30 cents per kilowatt hour.

“I think if you look at it today it is back to pre-2012 rates and so it tells you within a very short period of time this government and through its board was not at least appreciating that there was a system in place, a structure in place to address what I call the legacy issues that impacted BEC and it was a complete answer to it.

“They scrapped it. Having scrapped it they had no alternative plan in place. So at the very least if they were going to employ their own policy of stop, review and cancel perhaps they ought to reverse it and just review first before stopping, but they are just stopping and moving on without their own plan.”

He continued: “This is of concern because we are hearing about the number of consultants that are being brought in, the kind of salaries that’s being expended on these consultants and what they are being brought for.”

He also suggested BPL’s staff reduction exercise has hindered the company’s efficiency.

“We note with dismay that BPL spent $73m or there about for an exercise that was not properly thought out or planned because what you have done is separated over 300 employees and now you are saying you don’t have enough employees.

“It’s costing the Bahamian people and at the end of day this further exacerbates the cost of electricity.”


realfreethinker 6 years, 7 months ago

I was hoping to see some comments here so I can see what shit brain said. I didn't and won't read the story.

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 7 months ago

"continue to remind this government not knowing is not synonymous to dumbness. Not knowing and not knowing that you don’t know…that’s dumb. There are persons amongst us they don’t have to be PLPs, they have them amongst their own supporters who could lend their expertise and help their governance, but, low and behold, it appears that advice is nothing that this government seeks."

He's right. This administration is scary. Playing with Oban, playing with the hotel, playing with BEC...and lost. I don't know who's worse, the last or this one.

SP 6 years, 7 months ago

I unequivocally refuse to read anything from this muppet. Without question, Bannister removing the entire board is beyond conscionable, and would never have happened under a PLP government regardless of the degree of meltdown.

If something isn't working, by all means, get rid of it asap and move on!

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 7 months ago

"#Meanwhile, former BPL executive chairman Leslie Miller questioned whether the ex-board was technically savvy enough to handle the day-to-day issues at the company."

And that is exactly why all of our govt organizations are failing. Politicians who can't seem to get it through their grubby fingers that the board should NOT be meddling in the day to day running of the company. They cause chaos, undermining the executive team, pulling the power play, confusing the employees as to who they should be taking orders from. It's even worse when the board member doesn't know the domain. Look at WSC, the executive chairman git an extremely qualified general manager removed for nothing. In fact maybe the point was to remove him so they could do what they want no question. Politicians meddling with the board/being appointed to the board can only result in one outcome. How can you carry out your fiduciary duty to the company with the politician always threatening everyone with I in charge do what I say. Only one outcome, the politician gets rid of you and puts in his lackey.

Will they create a board of lackeys and ask them for a loyalty pledge like Trump requested of Comey?

bogart 6 years, 7 months ago

Dis one is worese than conch poisoning ....the Pore Bahamian people are now forced to weep uncontrolably .... story says.... " The board of any government agency is there to ensure that the political directorate's policy, initiatives and plans are carried out."....Mr. Brave Davis. Das da problem ....these BOARD MEMBERS MUST HAVE THE ABILITY TO STAND UP AND TELL THE BOSS OR OTHER MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS.. WHERE TO GET OFF ....WHEN DEY SEES WRONG......WRONG IS WRONG.....MAN UP AN SAY SO....THERE ARE THERE TO ....ALSO.... LOOK OUT FOR THE.... INTERESTs..... OF DA SHAREHOLDERS......THE PORE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE......TO ENSURE DESE AGENCIES ARE RUN IN ACCORDANCE WID INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISRD RULES...AN MUST STAND UPS.....CLOSE THE MONEY LOSING BUSINESS....FIRE PEOPLE....REGARDLESS WHAT SOME POLITICIAN... ..HAVING AS A POLITICAL DIRECTORATE POLICY..INIATIAVES...OR .PLANS......now come to find out why pore Bahamians have been hurting for decades because of shouldering these agencies plans..initiatives plans causing losing money...

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