Disclosure files will go to AG

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has instructed the chairman of the Public Disclosure Commission to give the Office of the Attorney General information on the officials who have failed to make their annual disclosure of assets and liabilities in accordance with the Public Disclosure Act, Press Secretary Anthony Newbold said yesterday.

Anyone who fails to make their disclosures are liable to a $10,000 fine and/or two years in prison. Only the Attorney General can initiate proceedings against such people, and only the prime minister or the leader of the opposition can prompt his involvement.

PDC chairman Myles Laroda said yesterday two senators have not yet filed their annual disclosures.

“There are two outstanding as of 10.15am today (Tuesday),” he said.

Asked how many people missed the March 31 deadline, he said: “There were a few people who had missed the March 31 deadline. The communication I shared with the prime minister and the leader of the opposition (Tuesday) morning was that there were two outstanding (senators) who had not submitted their declaration of which he instructed me with regards to dealing with those two.”

Asked if he will also give the Attorney General information about those who missed the March 31 deadline but have since filed their disclosures, he said he did not yet know.

“My instructions were particular,” Mr Laroda said. “I can’t give specifics on that because we won’t meet as a commission until the first week in September so we’re going to have to go through probably some other communications with regards to the whole picture which includes some of the questions you’re asking me now. I can’t give a specific response because I don’t have the answer for that yet.”

For his part, Official Opposition Leader Philip “Brave” Davis said the PDC should provide information to the Attorney General’s Office about all officials who missed the deadline for disclosures, not just those with outstanding disclosures as of yesterday.

“I think in keeping with the promises made during the campaign by the prime minister the information given to the Attorney General should include persons who did not meet the deadline,” Mr Davis said.

In opposition, Dr Minnis often criticised then-Prime Minister Perry Christie for not holding officials who failed to make disclosures accountable.

In 2014, he called for such people to be arrested.


Sickened 6 years, 7 months ago

This is like 10% of 'full public disclosure'. I think the PLP said nearly the exact same words while they were in power. "We have put the names forward but it is now up to the Public Disclosure Commission to review and proceed". And the PDC says "We haven't yet received anything in writing but once we do we will meet and then advise the AG accordingly". Then the AG says "I have not yet received anything official but once I do I will review the circumstances and then inform the police commissioner accordingly". And then, if any reporter still follows the story, the police commissioner says "I haven't yet received anything official and in writing but once I do I will discuss the matter with the Prime Minister to see how he would like me to proceed and depending on those discussions I will convene with our top investigators and take the process further."

All the while our country is under water because it is now 2050.

screwedbahamian 6 years, 7 months ago

This process is very similar to the NFL children's PUNT, PASS and KICK contest. If it is the law that you must in order to present, debate and enact laws in the Bahamas House of Parliament or the Senate you must file a financial disclosure statement every year by March 31 and you fail to do so, on April 1 or at the next meeting, The Chairman of the Public Disclosure Commission should have you escorted out of those chambers by the police commissioner and 6 ranking defense force members. You should not be allowed to attend any further sittings until the filing has been completed,publicized and a public apology given. If the offense is repeated again during the members life time service then the member is publicly expelled and escorted of the premises.

screwedbahamian 6 years, 7 months ago

If our Law makers do not respect the laws, how then can we expect the citizens to respect the laws.

DDK 6 years, 7 months ago

Too true. Lack of integrity starts at the top and works its way down through society. It doesn't happen overnight. Look at our poor country now.

Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 7 months ago

Nothing but more ducking and dodging by Minnis. Truly pathetic!

DDK 6 years, 7 months ago

We can add football to the list of qualifications.

CaptainCoon 6 years, 7 months ago

Christie said the same thing and went through the same motions during his administration. The orangutans, baboons and knuckle dragging gorillas are at it again! As Trump says, these politicians are all talk. SAD!

BahamasForBahamians 6 years, 7 months ago

Christie's gone. FNMs cant pass blame on the PLP anymore

TheMadHatter 6 years, 7 months ago

Laws don't apply to lawmakers. It's really that simple.

All we can do is ink up our fingah...and it look bad...and it look stupid..and prove we stupid.

Sickened 6 years, 7 months ago

I think my days of voting are coming to an end.

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