Rebuilding walls of hope


Advent is the time to consider the impossible. How do we get out of the mess that we are in as a world? How do we find our way out of darkness into God’s marvelous light? We allow the star of the magi to lead us, and the song of the angels to inspire us. We prepare our hearts to receive our King at Christmas, and we let God do the rest.

Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.” I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me. They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So they began this good work.

In what way would you say that the Bahamas lies in ruins? Which walls need rebuilding? Where do we begin to prepare the heart of this nation to receive its King?

The family

The first place to begin is with the family. We have to rebuild the walls around our homes so that our children may know stability and peace, love and joy for themselves, and have hope for a brighter future.

Ministries like Social Services have the onerous task of trying to rebuild the economic and social lives of our people. They pick up the slack and try to rescue the perishing with extremely limited resources and personnel. How many families have been saved from near starvation? How many have had shelter provided and children protected from ongoing abuse? There are some statistics, I am sure, but what cannot be measured is the hope that has been offered to the almost hopeless.

Let us do more to rebuild the crumbling walls of relationships, teaching conflict resolution and anger management, teaching communication, parenting and mentoring skills. Let us talk about the value of meals together at a table, or sitting together on the porch or piling up in one bed with little ones to read stories. Let us promote the healing power of real compliments and the elimination of sarcasm. This is how we build up rather than tear down.

The school

Next, let us move to the schools and support our teachers in their efforts to attend to academic, athletic, artistic, emotional and spiritual needs of our children. All day long, they are like surrogate parents trying to instill moral principles and establish boundaries for our children. Not all parents provide a quiet study environment, supervise homework, attend teacher-parent conferences, PTA meetings, or even collect report cards. How do we rebuild the walls of educational advancement and striving for excellence? How do we motivate children and parents to want to aim higher and do better in academic, technical and vocational arenas?


A parallel priority is the rebuilding of the walls of health and wellness. We are classified as a significantly obese nation with too many of us overweight and suffering from preventable diseases. How can we restore our physical stamina? How do we get exercising, and resist the sedentary lifestyle that technology can introduce? What will help us reduce out sugar intake and increase our water consumption? How do we wean ourselves from fast foods and meals that are high in fat, salt and starch?


We have to rebuild the walls of mature leadership and cooperative citizenship. Every child has leadership potential to some degree, and needs to be encouraged to find and operate in areas of giftedness. This rebuilds self-confidence and self-esteem.


Let us pray to rebuild the spiritual walls of prayer and worship which are the foundation of godly living. We all need the Lord, and what we do for God will not be done in vain:

  1. Let us love one another with the love of the Lord.

  2. Let us seek the peace of Christ and pursue it.

  3. Let us find joy in simple pleasures.

  4. Let us work together to bring healing and wholeness.

  5. Let us dream bigger dreams of national development based on integrity and right living.

It is time to come to the cross with our broken hearts, wounded spirits, confused minds, lost dreams, frustrated efforts, and failed attempts.

Let us daily thank God, the Master Builder, who will help us rebuild the walls of hope. As we confess, repent, and embrace transformation we will be amazed who we become as a nation. Use Advent to prepare for the best future ever.

• Rev Angela Palacious, a motivational speaker and author of several devotional books, is an Anglican priest. She may be contacted at 393-9000 or by e-mail at angelapalacious@gmail.com.


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