ART OF GRAPHIX: Quieting our minds so creativity can flourish

Have you ever been driving down the street when, suddenly, the solution to a concept you have been mulling over for weeks pops into your head?

Why had you not thought of that sooner? Well, this is quite normal, since you would have just experienced your subconscious mind at work.

Many people will admit that their best ideas sometimes appear when they are not thinking about them. Creative thinkers generate as many alternative approaches as possible, and often probe options while still considering the least obvious and challenging all assumptions.

For instance, Albert Einstein was once asked to explain the difference between himself and the average person. He explained that if you asked the average person to find a needle in the haystack, they would stop once the needle was found. He, on the other hand, would tear through the entire haystack looking for all other types of needles.

We have been taught to think logically and in straight, linear lines. If we continue to see only that which we have been conditioned to with stereotyped notions, then we will no doubt be likened to a "penny with a hole in it".

We should always strive to think "outside of the box" to ensure that our creativity is always fresh, unique and meaningful.… and not neglecting how to quiet the soul so that creativity can speak.

Observe how the farmer sows his seed and then he waits. He never expects the crop to spring forth at once as it takes a few weeks, or even a few months, to germinate.

Therefore, every effort should be made to “quiet our minds” so that our soul can speak. Our creative capacity is far-reaching, and it is easy to conclude that the quality of our lives should be determined by the quality of our creative minds, growth and design. Until we meet again, fill your life with memories rather than regrets. Enjoy life and stay on top of your game.

NB: Columnist welcomes feedback at deedee21bastian@gmail.com.

ABOUT THE COLUMNIST: Ms Bastian is a professionally-trained graphic designer/ marketing co-ordinator with qualifications of MSc, BSc, ASc. She has trained at institutions such as: Miami Lakes Technical Centre, Success Training College, College of The Bahamas, Nova Southeastern University, Learning Tree International, Langevine International and Synergy Bahamas.


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